It's not pandering, it's called art

Dragonflight has been an awesome expansion so far. I’m loving the quest design as well as all the LGBT+ characters and stories. I’m feeling very sad at the amount of threads I’ve been noticing over the last few days. These threads are complaining about how there is LGBT representation and diversity in this expansion.

Blizzard has been clear from the beginning that they are looking to be more inclusive and have even came out with a diversity tool to help address that. Dragonflight seems to be a direct product of that tool and it’s obvious that the developers care about culture and representation for everyone. They should continue to do this because it’s good for the game.

For anyone saying this is pandering or pushing an agenda, I just want to clarify what that means exactly. It’s not any of that and instead it’s a form of art. Blizzard developers know what they are doing and this newest expansion shows that. Please be nice and let’s accept the fact that representation matters and should exist. Please help support the LGBT community and lets make the forums more positive :smiling_face: :rainbow_flag: :transgender_flag:


If I dunk an Oreo cookie in milk and smash it onto a canvas, would that be considered art too?


It would to these people.


Why do you have to pretend to be other people?
Its really not cool


the fact that they made being LGBT a main part of the character is how you can tell it’s pandering, real people do not act like this.


I would consider that to be a waste of oreos and milk. Don’t waste food.


:white_check_mark: Classic character
:white_check_mark: Lvl 55 DK
:white_check_mark: Low post count with questionable history
:white_check_mark: Replies from other alts with low achiev points
:white_check_mark: Impersonating another poster
:white_check_mark: Typical bait terms


I’m really craving McDonalds breakfast, what should I get?


It would certainly have been nice for it to be a bit more organic in its reveals, but part of the normalization process is showing it in widespread practice as ‘just another day’ on the Isles. Which is good, I haven’t been offended by any of the content so far (aside from being forced onto a dragon, but we’ll leave that aside in this thread).

If you’re really put askance by two adults of the same gender gettin’ groovy, then that’s just not groovy friend-o.


Egg Mcmuffin and hot cakes.


No. They are not. Stop reframing a complaint in a bigot light.

The complaint is it’s approach, not the topic. How is it FFXIV can have this material in it for almost 10 years and not have the characters present it in the way as if they were educating on topics that I did not know what they meant. This is a mature video game with some level of expectation to know certain psychosocial elements of the “Real World”. This is not the woke version of Veggie Tales.

What’s more is…You mean to tell me an ancient all powerful Dragon that has existed for eons and seen the chaos, destruction, and cataclysmic things it has through all of time…is still advocating that is can “Be whatever it wants to be?”. Yea think he/she/they might have figured that out about 10,000 years ago. I also don’t think sexual preference would be an after thought to a world filled the diversity of races, humanoids and creatures that exist. As a civilization we have these problems because we’re all homosapiens trying to figure out ways to distinguish our differences.

So yea- They’re pandering for no reason other than PR after the Cosby Show that was their office.


From what I’ve seen on the forums, its only significant because people make it significant. We’re seeing characters who off-handedly mention, “Oh my husband/wife,” in the quest text, which is about the only thing to identify them as LGBTQ+. This isn’t anything new. There are dozens of quests like that involving het-couples. I can think of like, 4-5 in the Stormwind questing alone, off the top of my head.

That people pass over a male and female set of NPCs calling each other husband and wife in quest texts, but pause have to process when it’s a male/male or female/female couple mentioning it, kind of shows to go how poor the representation is.

Hopefully some day we get to the point where two female characters who mention they’re wives is as forgettable and ignored as a characteristic as it is for any straight couples in the game.


If the mods truly cared about this place, that would never be allowed to happen. Isn’t it a form of “catfishing”?

It not easy to pander to others with agendas you don’t like,but I’ll ponder about it.

We’ve had plenty of LGT in Shadowlands. The distress people are expressing will go away or return depending on what they do with those characters.

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By itself, I don’t think there’s anything wrong if people choose the same names across different servers. But with everything else put together, it makes me raise an eyebrow. But I’m not gonno say anything specifically :stuck_out_tongue:

No need to say anything, the regulars know who it is…


Of course we do, and the throwaway classic toons should make it obvious for everyone else.


so wait…you’re telling me that if I (straight male) play as a Dracthyr…I am playing as a LGBTQ+ character?

Or…wait for it…I am playing as a Dragon with no real life social political agenda tied to it.


Wendy’s is better but better than that is a BECSP on a roll. However if McDs is closer go for it.


Waffle house is more my taste except they don’t serve fried chicken with them.

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