It's not pandering, it's called art

I was with you for most of your post, until you made it about supporting a particular group of people. Why can’t we just support everyone that plays this game? Straight, white, brown, gay, black we should support everyone.

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Let me help you understand, the majority of people are straight. Thus why you see more straight couples in real life and the game.

The relationships in WoW are still majority straight, as well.


As it should be, not saying we can’t have gay couples but majority of people are straight so it would make sense in game as well.

I think it’s a little bit more than that. From what I’ve seen of people posting direct interactions with npcs there is some (and it’s probably not all) where the characters relationship is hammered into the reader.

It could just come down to very poor writing, but every interaction shouldn’t be “my [relationship] [name]” or [name], my [relationship].
After context is initially established they should go onto referring to them in a more organic manner, either their relationship (because we already know their name), or their name (because we already know the relationship).

As I said, this could certainly just be poor writing, however to some I can understand why this gives a strong impression of forceful pandering.
It just doesn’t need to hammer in the same context repeatedly.

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Like are we really dissecting a fictional game with a fictional quest. I am sorry but most quests are like this, no substance.

I’m really beginning to doubt how much content people have had actually force an agenda on them. In High School, I was forced to paint a feminist narrative over an analysis of some oldies songs. Many of us refused to do the assignment, and we received failing marks for that project. It was very forced. (That teacher was fired for inappropriate conduct with a student, if you’re curious.)

People being openly gay together that may ask you to deliver gifts, create gifts, assist in expressing their love, etc. as side quests are not forced on you. You can make an argument that the Brights are unavoidable, if you consider professions a core part of the gameplay for you, but I just really think people have not experienced an agenda being forced on them before.

The characters could stand to be fleshed out more beyond “the gay people”, but that’s a nature of a new character who has a certain quest. At best, they need time to develop. At worst, they’ll remain forgettable for many people.

from Imgflip Meme Generator

Hotcakes with sausage.

Well there is an art to pandering though. As well there’s an Art to Greed.

To those who are only interested in those areas, it’s art to them. But to the rest who aren’t benefiting, it’s not.

With that it side, (i’m talking to other then Talonel.) i don’t think any actual LGBT worth their salt want to be treated special or not normal, or be stereotyped as something unappealing or bad or have set higher then reasonable expectations for them, in the same essence of Stereotyping Asians being good at Math. (A fake positive stereotype that only being is being negative for the group assigned this stereotype) And i don’t mean how people in the olden days or edgelord’s memes, i mean stuff that is from the fake progressives as well. The ones that doesn’t actually hold a high opinion for LGBT and treats them like babies.


They don’t need to be contradict each other, and don’t let the former be seen as a negative.

Pandering by definition is negative. And is misused by both sides, both in regards to WoW and other media.

:partying_face: :sparkler: :watermelon: :dracthyr_yay_animated:

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The tool thing I think isnt really a real thing , it was very much a corporate move and even the OW devs who are really good on that type of stuff said they never ever were told to use it

Any devs that have pronouns in bio, rainbow/transgender/ukraine flag on their twitter profile will 80% likely have cancer politics on it whining how they are oppressed.


So no receipts then?

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“Anyone who disagrees with me is stupid”


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Inclusivity is not “art”.

If your characteristics are based mostly on your sex, then it’s not a character.
Badly written, simply put. A character needs to stand on its own.


anyone who disagrees with me = hitler


Side characters really don’t need to. That might be a hard pill to swallow, but it’s genuinely okay for side characters to be one-dimensional.