It's not pandering, it's called art

Not in practice tho, they feel the need to legislate a lot of things that shouldnt be, like love marriage, family, taxation, voting disctricts and a slew of other topics.

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Seriously though, why isn’t this person getting banned? Are they a mod or something? This is so ridiculous.

Here you go. I even used Merriam-Webster as the source, since you seem to trust it. Personally I don’t use it, but I want to meet you where you’re at.

merriam-webster . com/words-at-play/descriptive-vs-prescriptive-defining-lexicography

For some reason it won’t let me post links…

I anxiously await your reply!

Edit to add a tl;dr:

To quote from the source itself:

Merriam-Webster is a descriptive dictionary in that it aims to describe and indicate how words are actually used by English speakers and writers. Generally, the descriptive approach to lexicography does not dictate how words should be used or set forth rules of “correctness,” unlike the prescriptive approach.

This is patently false.

Again, read what I stated.

A dictatorial leader that runs an entire country. Even Trump didn’t want an all powerful federal government.

And even if your “state level” dodge was accurate (and it’s not), that has nothing to do with fascism, since states can decide for themselves what they want, even if you disagree with their decision.

Everything you just mentioned is a state level decision, hence not being fascism.

Right… that’s why he stacked the SCOTUS with ultra conservative, ultra religious justices… because he wanted small government.

Yeah, I did… it’s still approaching or at fascism, just a change in what level it’s being done at.

Why put it at the state level? Why not do it at county level? Or better yet, have it be at the city level. No actually wait, why not just have it at the neighborhood level? Or why not just the individual level?

Dragonflight is solid, wouldn’t call it great.

But WoW overall has a class design issue I’m hating more and more. Why does every class need an AoE and single target dps spec? Why not have some classes actually specialize in one or the other? I feel almost forced to take the AoE talents to keep my dps up in many instances even though I hate that stupid type of gameplay. I understand the need for separate PvE and PvP talents to choose, but why split my PvE gameplay into single target or AoE and then make AoE almost mandatory in a lot of content? Just give some classes an AoE spec so those who enjoy that playstyle can choose it and stop making switch my talents constantly to keep up with dps meters or look incompetent.

And yes, it’s a big issue because things like that don’t change until next expansion. So when I eventually quit again, that will be one of the main reasons. But for now I’m still enjoying the expansion so I can overlook it.

What does the President appointing a SC Justice have to do with the size of government?
And what does religion have to do with anything? Clearly you just hate religion, and those who practice one…

Except I have TWICE explained how conservatism does not want an all powerful federal government run by a dictator. The current administration is more fascistic than the previous one ever was.

Your side loves to throw around terms that you have no idea what they actually mean.

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I checked prescriptive definitions of fascism, in the collins entry its the same thing, no right wing or left wing designation in the american vernacular. In the british or italian definition it does say right wing. The holocaust encyclopedia also says right wing. Most online sources of the definition of fascism doesnt delineate between right or left wing, some examples of usage describe both left and right wing govts.

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Sure… except the federal government isn’t the one trying to trample my right to safely be who I am. The building “conservative” movement at state levels is trying to legally define trans people like me as a danger to children (unproven), interfere with healthcare (specific ones, not all over, are trying to go after all gender-affirming care; mine is through the VA health system instead), and are actively trying to demonize and “other” us.

Remind you of anything?

100% no…

States should not be able to choose many things they want because their decisions affect the entire country. The richer states end up supporting those “dumb” decisions by many states with taxes and other subsidies. That’s why many of the red states statistically receive the most funds from the federal government per capita. They rack up budget deficits with all their tax breaks and other policies that underfund necessary things.

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Again…nothing to do with my point of fascism.

But you keep making an enemy of half the country if it makes you feel better.

Nothing you said here is based on fact.

At all.

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I don’t want to. They’re doing a fine job of that on their own.

Wait, so a state govt, who controls an area and population and could be considered a member state like the country states in the European Union cant be fascist just because they are not the overarching govt body? Fascism can be defined as a political ideology not just a nationalistic govt.

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I just made some art in my toilet :smiley:

You’ve been so brainwashed by the liberal media, you actually think there are roving groups of evil conservatives, roaming the streets looking for gay people to attack and murder.

You think every Republican wants to take away all your rights and make you some kind of “lesser than”.

Stop believing that crap. It isn’t true.

I literally quoted your definition of fascism that YOU posted. Did you read it?

“Nation over individual.” “federal government run by a dictator”

Where in state government does this exist? You’re just mad that some states made decisions that you don’t like. That doesn’t mean they are run by fascists. Our system of government is set up to make sure we aren’t fascistic.

Oh really? How many Conservatives do you know personally? Since I am one, I think I know what I am, more than what you think you know I am. /shrug


Not to mention he tried to derail the election, that alone is worth 100 years in the slammer. Whether you are right wing or left wing, thats something bipartisan. He deserved to be jailed for attempting to hijack the election.

Molotov attack at an affirming donut shop in Tulsa, following another attack at the same. “Protests” at non-sexual events by armed individuals. Plans by groups to physically attack Pride-goers (intercepted thankfully). That’s just a snapshot.

I don’t think every single one wants to do that, but there’s plenty that do, and they’re loud.