It's not pandering, it's called art

That’s exactly what a brain-washed right-winger would say. I can almost hear the fox news coming from your background.

Did you happen to see that large group of armed counter-protesters largely including LGBTQ people show up, armed, to protect a drag event? I loved it! The n*zis backed way off real quick. I even saw a guy in a furry outfit holding a rifle. It was great!

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Shh… the adults are talking.

I did read it, it can also be a political ideology, which covers state or member state govt actions or any political body that rules over a population regardless of status or how small the population may be.

It’s so sad hearing about attacks on drag queens. They’re some of the most down to earth and lovable people! I always recommend everyone meet at least one queen in their life. It’s a very enlightening experience!

Only so they can get it out of the way and run people’s lives via the state government.

It’s big government no matter how you slice it.

They love that federal money though…


It’s amazing how ignorant people let themselves become just to justify their hatred.

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A prime example of how every accusation is a confession.

The poop sock is also art I have heard. Granted it was poopsockers that said so and I am sure everyone involved in an activity likes to believe their activity is special.

I quoted the definition of the word.

You stated nonsense like this.

And you think you’re the enlightened one…

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I simply stated the truth.

“Conservatives” are only interested in state rights insofar as being able to trample the rights of people in their state.

They love federally overreach just as much as anyone else as long as its for something they support.

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Other side pushes back

“OMGOMGoMgOMG they are trying to oppress me!”

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Do a google search “moocher states” in quotes and you will get plenty of factual statistics on how red states are the ones receiving the most handouts per capita. Just like they have the highest rate of crime based on population size.

Sure, the blue states with more people might have more crime overall… but that’s because they have many more people living there. But you never hear that on right wing news. They just say more crime, which technically they are not lying. They are just deceiving their voters by not telling them the entire situation.


What hatred?

yeah, yeah… I will not forget the interest of making Pelagos as its dragqueen ABOVE the quality of an expansion that we all hate now.

Be careful in supporting the REPRESENTATION if it does not serve to help the quality of the game.

And I say it once again: 10.0 is nothing, it’s just the state of a baby in diapers unlike the expansion, we’ll know what detail or results happen in the future of the expansion.

But believe me, there is nothing negative in vain of what you are saying or being against discriminating against this representation, but if you have REALLY done well for the expansion, because 10.0 is useless now, if not this experience continues in the next patches.

And how do you know that you’re not being brainwashed by the right wing media?

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