It's not pandering, it's called art

This is disgusting how could you call gay and lesbian people art! Wait actually that sounds like a compliment hmmmm…

Also I wish I could see ticks of where my posts were in a thread it’s hard to keep track of what I already said above.

I’m just being a realist. People that hard up on putting other people down will not have their minds change, if anything they just get more stubborn and try to recruit more people to their point of view whether through discussion or generational teaching.

Is it right certain groups are discriminated against? No of course not. Is it the right way to just ignore them and do nothing? Again no. But certain actions have consequences. People in the middle hate drastic change. All it would take is a drastic event to make then change their minds and swing to the side you dont want them to be with.

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There’s a pretty good comic out there that illustrates a problem with this. One side attempts to move to the middle and compromise, while the other just backs away the same amount.

That method no longer works.

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I agree, but ive seen enough groups in my travels to say it hasnt really changed, they are just waiting for an opportunity to enforce their views, and their numbers arent insignificant if not as numerous as they once were.

Did you see my post about all the success of various movements throughout US history? Edit: Using the word “ignore” was rude. Sorry about that

As someone on the LGBT spectrum I beg you to stop making these threads, it only brings out the worst people.

I’m sure someone somewhere would pay for it.

I mean, Jackson Pollock had a following…

No, but i cant agree they are 100% successful at this time, depending on the example. It can be argued segregation still exists in a situational setting, if not enforced. The people who dont agree to various systems, find ways around it. Home schooling or private schools are a good example in regards to educational segregation. After encountering a lot of home schooling proponents, a surprising amount of them are very backwards in their thinking if you get my meaning.

and the majority didn’t agree with that, they still play but they don’t agree with the inclusions. We live in a world where opinions and tastes should be free.

Almost everyone says that they prefer a game focused on conflicts and wars with magic and dragons, than with things from our real world like politics and minorities.


So maybe I’m missing your point, but it seems to be something along the lines of “people will always be awful so don’t try to do anything to make society better”?

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If it’s because of a corporate mandate it’s not art. That’s actually anti-art.


Oh definitely.

I assume you have a copy of that corporate mandate?

Its not art, its just pandering. And for the people who ask “Why should you care if they ar gay or not?”, well ask Blizzard that same question. Let the players roleplay their toons the way they see fit. There are a majority of npcs in the game that we don’t know their sexual orientation. Use your imagination if you are so inclined.

They are just pandering to a vocal minority of people instead of worrying about making a good game.

We’re referring to the same company that created a diversity tool for their other IP, right?

Are we just dancing around the campfire pretending we don’t feel the heat?

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I do like dancing!

You sure your campfire is there, though?

You like deflecting, too.

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I assume that the “too” means you include yourself?

Don’t strain yourself with that reach.

Just say you don’t think there’s a corporate interest in the inclusivity pandering.

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This is not a good example of segregation. Going down this education route is optional, not required by law. A parent chooses to send their child to a private school or home school them.

Then their parent/whoever their teacher was should have taught them better.

I agree with you here.

Thanks, but I didn’t have to go far.

Soon as you admit that you just don’t want there to be a reason for LGBT people to be represented unless it’s for some corporate check-mark, so you’re not capable of comprehending the possibility that someone genuinely just wanted to write these stories.

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