It's not pandering, it's called art

Me too! But its the other side, who are evil bad and no good. So we’ll never see it.

Spamming or Trolling

This category includes:

  • Excessively communicating the same phrase, similar phrases, or pure gibberish


You’re very boring.

I know that you’re speaking in memes because that’s all you’re capable of, but please make a point or go away.

Remember kids:

If someone attacks you, and you defend yourself, you’re both bad.


If someone would have told me that DF would be the expansion of “ew LGBTQ+”, I wouldn’t have believed them lol Imagine Blizz actually working to listen to players, they remove some of things we didn’t like, try to add a few new things, and players go “wtf guys getting married?”

EDIT: I wonder if these people know that there are LGBTQ+ members in the dev team? They should, as there was at least one present during their reveal of DF

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And if you attack them, or antogonize them, or flaunt a bias in your favor, its good. Because you’re good. And good guys never do those things. Only bad guys.

Its really quite evident.

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I’d rather the real world politics be kept out of the game. And I do mean ALL politics. MMOs are an escape. If they werent trying to shove it down our throats by disproportionately increasing the ratios in order to increase the presence of alternative lifestyles I think people would be more amicable (or ambivalent) to the additions. The harder you push for change, the harder the establishment pushes back.


Good people are good. Like us.
Bad people are bad. And we pray for them to get banned.


“Art imitates life imitates art”

There’s always going to be something. Let that sink in.

Clearly not, you play a blood elf.

They did that in SL, people still had big fits. Nice try, though. People even freaked out about different elf skin tones. :slight_smile:

Not really. But, going by your own logic, default to how things were in BC days and get off tech that was made by ‘alternative lifestyle’ folks. FYI, tech and video games is an alt lifestyle.

Also giggling at someone using 5 of their own alts to like certain posts in this thread.

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Are you disagreeing that there is a very clear “right” and “wrong” in this discussion?

What is political about people liking/loving each other? I never saw my marriage with my wife as democratic or republican? I saw it as me loving the only woman that was made for me. There wasn’t a ballot with a checkmark to make sure I had the right agenda


The civils rights moment would like to chat. The stonewall riots also would like to chat. The suffrage movement would like to chat. The workers’ rights/labor movement would like to chat. All these movements were successful, even though the opposition was fighting back hard. Advocating for change is important, no matter how powerful the opposition is.


I like the part where you’re not angrily invested in your reply, and not letting an emotional anger color your responses to someone elses thoughts on the topic.

Although i wouldnt blame you if you did. Im getting decidely “bad guy” vibes from Undraxis, which means youd be totally justified in being mad that he typed his thoughts.

But you wouldnt do that. :heart:

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Still doesnt change the fact forcing change in a video game (or entertainment for that matter) is not the way to go about it. Even racial change, as much as I hate to point it out, hasnt really changed since the 50s. All the racism just went underground and festered. Itll be the same for alternative lifestyles.

Real change has to be organic, has to be through natural societal change, patience is key. All you need to do is change the mind of one person, then the next and then the next, not the whole population or large groups which tend to shout down any tangent ideas.


Look at how awful and evil this guys thoughts are. How vindictive and hateful he is. No coherent opinions or reasoned statements. Just pure angry spite.

Im so glad our side isnt like this.

It is if you care about that market and how people interact with each other in that market.

Lots of projection there, too.

Good, let them hide and never present themselves. People just have to remember when they pop their heads up to play ‘whack-a-gnoll’

Theyre the bad guys after all.

Right, so… we should just not be represented until society gradually, eventually accepts us? That’s not right to ask, especially when there’s been so many allegations against the LGBTQ+ community the past… now 9 days, on this very forum. Heck, today it’s been openly declared that people like me just aren’t women.

What? Now, systemic racism still exists. But, the US has come a long way since the 1950s regarding racial equality. For example, 1964 ended segregation, which was a major step forward in racial equality.