It's not pandering, it's called art

Why can’t it be both?

If it is, why do you care?

Because anti-art doesn’t become art just because someone happens to like it.

So if someone wanted to write a story, it’s art.

But if corporate interest gave it the okay, then it becomes anti-art.

Am I following?

I think it is when a lot of them do it to keep their kids away from ‘undesirables’ or shelter them from various political views. I have a acquaintance who is part of a cadre of home-schoolers who specifically teach in a severe far right thinking. To the point i feel sorry for these kids being indoctrinated into something very ugly and it gets worse with each generation. At least if the parents didnt feel so threatened by mainstream education at least their kids can be exposed to varied ideals.

I’m going to pin this one for a bit later - my partner dealt with similar in his past.

Maybe. Warhol figured out how to blur the line.

If corporate interest says they want a specific story to target a specific demographic, and someone fills that mandate, then definitely anti-art.

You must have made someone very Not Mad to have them impersonate you.

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Why? If the person creating that story genuinely wants to - which we have no evidence to suggest they don’t - then what is the difference? Purely philosophical?

yes, actually. i mean, someone made art out of just a red line, so… yeah, that’d be art.

I agree with you here. Parents will often find a school that fits their views. This can become a problem, though. Some people see facts as “it does not fit my political view.”

Oh no that is terrible. I feel sorry for those kids as well.

Mainstream education could be better, for sure. But, it is far better than having a child in a weird far right education program. Parents often use the “mainstream education” excuse to indoctrinate their children in hateful ideologies.

Sure, they might genuinely want to. The corporate interest is still who wants it, and benefits from it. It’s anti-art.

Yes, you said that. I’m asking you why?

Those people are just idiots. And they’re the super minority, as well. The vast majority of players don’t even read the quests, so they aren’t getting any of that story. Even those who do, the majority don’t really care.

Yes, there are people who get their knickers in a twist when anything that confronts their narrow world view is mentioned. That’s their problem. None of this affects the game play AT ALL.

  • art students furiously taking notes *

You evidently lack the capacity in your mind to differentiate when something exists within the confines of politics, and when something is political. The government also regulates food. Food is not political, but has a facet, designated by the government, to control its production and distribution.

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You asked what the difference was if someone genuinely wanted to do it.

I’m saying there isn’t a difference.

You’re not wrong that some of the writing in the quest texts has been abominable. THAT is what people should be complaining about, not the sexual orientation of the NPC’s.

I’m not even sure what my point is. Doing nothing is just as bad as Doing everything. I think a more measured progression of change is more constructive than forcing a large group of people to change overnight. Right now only the most vocal of the far right and far left are visibly doing anything about social evolution. What im scared of is the middle being swayed unintentionally and whatever progress that has been made over the decades becomes moot. If anything Roe vs Wade was the wake up call for someone like me who is in the middle of the political spectrum.

So, back to this one. My partner and I met while he was briefly living just a few hours from me. I was from the North (mid-Atlantic), he was from the South. We both recently - within a few years space from now - moved back to where he was from.

He had been somehow taken from custody from his mother (from the way I’ve been told, basically stolen by his grandmother) and was put through the ringer in school, eventually getting expelled (I won’t go into reasons, it’s the past). He ends up in the single worst kind of home-school: that super-religious hokey that’s more judgmentalism than education, passes religious speculation for science, etc. Thankfully, he was able to get his GED and get out of that situation.

He was indoctrinated into the hateful version of things, but was able to get himself out by thinking critically and meeting people that actually care. In return, we met, have been together 7 years, and he’s been extremely supportive through my transition.

I wish that kind of home-schooling on precisely no one.