It's not pandering, it's called art

You haven’t been paying attention at all. Take a look at Harley’s post history. They are just one of many in the past week.


I agree, remove paladins and priests.

LGBT people existing isn’t a political message.

It didn’t exist. I don’t know if you’ve noticed, DEI has been a sore spot in LOTS of media in this country. We’re only just now starting to right the boat.

And that’s an indefensible position. They should check their hate instead of trying to control the world. Because guess what, we’re only seeing this shift now because there’s enough people who care about it. The new generation is moving the needle.

They don’t have to support it. But they aren’t allowed to hate on it, either.

We’re lucky that LGBT inclusion isn’t related to some behind the scenes Easter egg anymore. There’s a couple, they happen to be LGBT. Does that drive the story in any way? No. They didn’t do LGBT specific things. It would have been written exactly the same. It’s not “in your face” because there’s an LGBT npc in a side quest.

“I can’t do that because of my religion” - fine, great. You’re right as an American.

“You can’t do that because of my religion” - wrong, evil, and rightfully mocked.


I’m starting to think I need a good, long break from the forums at this point… that, or at least to start getting in touch with the friends I’ve made along the way.


The people who disagree with me are easily binned as being evil, pigheaded, stubborn, malicious, and thats good, especially because it lets me “other” them, but in a good way.

When my opponents “other” people, its very bad. When i do it, its good, because they are bad.

When my opponents reduce my arguments down to cliche and easily ignorable bite sized memes, its bad because i am good.

When i do that to them, its good, because theyre bad.


Ah yes, the classic big brain both sides are bad.

One side wants people to stop being dicks to them for how they were born, the other wants to take their rights away.

Totally the same.

Any other enlightened centrist takes for us? Like the truth is in the middle?


Like i said. When i reduce the other sides arguments and points down to easily ignored, memeable points, its good.

Its only bad when THEY do it to ME.

Them treating me like im a cartoon villain is bad. Me doing it to them is good. Because i am good, and they are bad.

Hey you definitely open and intellectually honest person, who also definitely does not have an agenda and would definitely not have a problem if it was right wing messaging in game;

Every single franchise that has went “woke” has failed. Star Wars, Star Trek, Terminator, Twitter etc etc. For ing political ideology on others has never worked out and it never will.

So yeah, I’ll grant your wish and stay gone. Blizzard is done getting my money and go ahead and celebrate that! But when you and your other little activist buddies look around and there’s no one left but you all, being the massive group that you obviously are, think about this moment and realize that I was right.

I’m done arguing with you and the rest of the Luddites here who think that the LGBT community is big enough to keep the servers going.

Enjoy your platform


Have the day you deserve.

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Again, the difference is I’m not “othering” them to take their rights away. I want them to chill.

Sorry you are unable to grasp that.

And you’re doing… what, here, exactly? Making intellectual and salient arguments?

Why are you acting like everyone is gonna leave wow except for the LGBT players? Sounds a little doomer to me.

The other side definitely, totally wants to take others rights away.

Theyre bad.

Nah, it’s more like the anti-LGBT community isn’t big enough to make a dent.


Say it louder for the people in the back : ). :+1:


Yes, wanting to take people’s rights away is bad. I’m glad we’re on the same page here.

No, im pointing out how bad it is when the bad guys do what we’re doing, and how when we do it, its good.

Because the other side is bad. And they definitely dont make intellectual or salient arguments.

We do.

What is right wing messaging? It’s funny you talk right about right wing messaging not being allowed, but no one was even talking about left wing messaging unless of course you equate left wing to LGBTQIA+ which I bet you do!

None of those has failed or gone broke. Oops!

Meanwhile, on the right… Isn’t there some tax evasion felonies? :3


Bet you’ve been saying that a while.

How did IRL votes turn out? :3

(FYI, right wingers in MMORPGs are a minority, not a majority. Most right wingers prefer voice that where they can yell slurs at each other like CoD, dontcha know?)

Those that support the LGBTQIA+ community is definitely big enough.


I’m still waiting to see one :dracthyr_shrug:

People get banned for asking for lower taxes on the WoW forums all the time!

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