It's not pandering, it's called art

Nice strawman.

You know damn well that heterosexual couples are you know, the foundation of civilization. If everyone was Gay, we as a species would die out.

I’m not crapping on Gay people IRL. I vote Libertarian and don’t honestly give a damn who does what with who, I just want to keep ALL politics out of our escapism!

I sure as hell don’t want NPCs saying Make Azeroth Great Again, or about how awesome it is to own and use Guns, or for walls to be built! No messaging belongs in our escapism!

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They totally have all sorts of real experience that they’ve definitely talked about and we can for sure find if we’re just willing to dig through hundreds of their vitriolic posts.


I dunno if “I’m Republican but I want to smoke weed” is the defense you think it is.

Gay people still aren’t a political agenda by the way, no matter how badly you want to use that excuse.

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Ironically, the marriage speak between Lorth and Thaly is more of a bone being thrown to say “We’re not completely going gay guys!” And the sad part is how temporary it is. We only hear of it on the docking station and…that’s it. It was like a toss away line that an intern worked on.

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Actually, most of our foundation has Greek roots and Greeks were very flamboyant and fluid with their sexuality. So debatable, but go off.


Hey now, to be fair libertarians also want to lower the age of consent.

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Liberterians are more liberal than republican. I do not know why you are correlating that group to republicans.

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oh my sides

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And the straight community is even bigger.


Um no. We do think that 21 being the legal drinking age is pretty stupid. If you can join the military at 18, and drive a tank, then drinking a Beer shouldn’t be a problem either.

LGBT rights isn’t a political position. There’s no defensible position “against” the LGBT community. It’s not political, it’s hateful rhetoric. Call it what it is. You can’t enable bigots by giving them any equivalency.


It’s often considered the cradle of western civilization anyway, and as the old saying goes:

The Greeks perfected sex. The Romans introduced it to women.


I do smoke. It’s Delta 8, which is pretty much the same thing, but you don’t have to get a card for it.

No they weren’t. This was written by dissenters to paint Greek’s society as decadent. And the same group of dissenters will go on to say that being gay and fluid is a good thing. The irony is that all of you lgbt supporters are the Greek right now. You are being forced into a group because they think you are another “weak class.” They did the same to inferior races as they liked to call it.


You don’t have to tell me, chief. I already knew.

Bro what

“All criticism against the lgbt can only be hate.”

Only siths. Absolute. Etc.


I mean, yeah?

If you were to criticize an entire race, would you really make the argument that there’s any way that isn’t racism?


Again, words matter. Trying to take rights away from a group isn’t “criticism”. Trying to remove all references of a group from media isn’t “criticism”.

Being “anti-lgbt rights” isn’t a defensible position. At all.

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No one is bashing LGBT rights! No one is bashing LGBT as a People, Community, whatever!

We just want all Political Messaging out of our escapism! No one said anything in SL about the Gay Moose. Why? Because it was not “all up in your face”. It was there, representation happened, no one complained.

DF is waiving a rainbow flag in our faces and it’s being done in an incredibly stupid manner because yes, homosexuality is considered offensive to some people. Some people have Judeo-Christian Values and do not support it. If it was done like the Moose, no one would care! But DF has taken the LGBT community and is using it both as a shield against criticism for their past sins, and as a way to “lecture the unwashed masses on the virtues of Liberalism”.


Where is this flag in game? I can’t find it


This person whose posts you’re ‘liking’ has said the following over the last few days:

  • minors should not be allowed to be gay
  • if they do identify as gay, it’s because an adult groomed them
  • all LGBT are that way because of childhood trauma
  • being gay is an abnormal lifestyle choice