It's not pandering, it's called art

Still more male/female pairings with quests in Azure Strand than same sex in the entirety of Dragonflight.

But do go on. That outrage won’t dig for itself.

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I wonder if that stops him irl too? lol
I’m trying to imagine someone getting so uppity about it irl that they just leave a Target, but sadly, I suppose that does happen. I’m glad I live in a progressive area :laughing:

I mean, it is possible that they are doing that. It is possible that they are also doing it to provide more representation in the game.

In your ideal world, what would pop culture look like? What do you mean by “infected by activists”?

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Oh for sure, they did a whole display during Pride Month and some people got super peepants about it.

Lots of calls for boycots. It’s not canceling when they do it though, obviously.


Quitting because inserting political messaging from either side of the isle is cancer and breaks immersion. We come to WoW to escape the reality of RL, and now we can’t even do that anymore.

This is a fantasy game and having RL Political Messaging from either side of the isle is an incredibly stupid move because it will always piss off a % of the player base.


“The lgbt is a tolerant and peaceful group!”


Ah yes, the two sexualities: straight and political

I mean I’ll give it to you that you never claimed to be tolerant or peaceful.


You are just the right amount of chaos that these forums need.

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By this logic, you should get mad about having straight couples in the game. After all, one side of the isle likes to preach how heterosexuality is the one true sexuality.

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And neither are the lgbt.

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Gay people chilling on the dragon isles without being harassed in public IS pure fantasy though.


Intensely political: some women aren’t in to you.

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Why are you generalizing a whole group of people?

Yes, if the church were the dominating writers and was forcing marriage values into the game, I agree. And that is what is going on: it’s preachy dogma.

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You know, I think I’ve decided I want all references to the Light, churches, paladins, monasteries, crusades, and priests removed from the game as well. Since Christians aren’t peaceful or tolerant. :sunny:


There has been so many examples on this forum thus far of generalization from the lgbt that this shouldn’t even be a question.

Eh I think Blizzard is on the right track with just making the Light evil.


It’s even worse than that: They’re forcing Tyrande and Malfurion on us again.

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Yeah, but I don’t know. The religious agenda in the game really kills my immersion. /s

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You can’t use a game forum to generalize a group of people. The LGBTQIA+ community is bigger than the WoW forums