It's not pandering, it's called art

Sure, but this person in question most definitely is though.

Or at least they’re playing one for attention, which isn’t really any better.

It’s not, OP is one of many bad faith trolls that use a smoke screen of pro-LGBT rhetoric to try and drum up this exact reaction. They even copied my name, and frequently do the same to other prolific GD posters.

The only thing that is 100% correct at all times are DN!

Okay fair. I can agree on that.

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What’s DN? I’m normally good at acronyms, too.

Dino Nuggies (Deez Nutz)

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No this is Blizzards trying to fix their reputation after all of the lawsuits. They want to give off this impression that they’re suddenly progressive, and that it’s definitely not the same company that had sexually harassed a female employee so bad that she KILLED HERSELF to get away from it!

Nope, it has nothing to do with getting woke or being progressive; it’s a magic trick being done by snow ball artists where they are trying to get you to look at the left hand, to try and forget everything that the right hand had been doing up until now.

It’s an insult to both the straight and LGBT community because they’re using the LGBT community to try and distract us from all of the depravity that the management knew about, and chose to look the other way. They got caught shredding HR documents related to the law suits (which is a felony btw), barely paid out to the surviving victims, and oh yeah;

Bobby Kotick, who has also been accused of being a serial sexual harasser, is still the CEO of Acti-Blizz and nothing has, or will ever be done to him for covering this all up, lying to investigators, and destroying evidence.

But keep telling yourself this is about representation.

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Okay, I will, because it is.

If you’re posting on this forum then you’re still supporting the company you hate so much, so it’s impossible to take any of your outrage seriously. Just admit that you’re making up excuses to cover for what you know deep down is prejudice.

This is as stupid as saying that you keep responding to outrage so you must support people against the lgbt. Neither is connected in anyway.

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Account cancelled this am, sweet heart.

Sent in a refund request for the 12 month promotion. Any other words of wisdom there, Nostradamus?


I’m not skimming through 600 posts to find out, so I’ll just ask. What has you quitting?

Funny how you only did it after they added a few gay people, and not back when they got busted.

Blizzard’s lack of ethics is totally the reason.


Can I have your gold pls?

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Just now? None of what you posted is new.


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Look, bigots gonna bigot. Don’t let them get to you. Enjoy it, and don’t worry about what sad people with sad lives say about it.


It’s funny how you completely ignored the point that Blizzard has started using the LGBT community as a shield against their past sins.

It’s so ham fisted and blatant, that it has ruined immersion for me and now wow is just another part of pop culture that has been infected with activists.

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Thank you all for participating in this thread. It’s been a lovely conversation. I hope Blizz takes note of all the phobes in this thread and promptly ignores any future feedback from them.

Is this why you’re quitting?

No, he’s quitting because gay people ruined his “immersion”.


Really? Is there an interview where Ion was asked about Blizzard’s sexual harassment issues, and he said it was ok because they added some gay people to DF?

Link please.

Just say you don’t like gay people existing in your game. Plenty of people already have. No one is gonna get banned over it.

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