It's not pandering, it's called art

You guys are trying way too hard with Harleyqz. He’s already straight up said he’d feel better if gay people just didn’t exist in other threads.

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I’m aware. I’m trying to get them to open up and why they feel that way so at least there’s an honest conversation there.

Why bother? There’s dragons to ride, glyphs to collect, and B’s to put the P in. Stretch out and go have a good time! Don’t talk to this P-in-the-B-denier anymore.


I already told you to go to my profile and read through my activity. I’m not going to copy and paste all my previous responses into one post.

That’s great. Doesn’t change what I just said.

Except being anti-christian is a the trendy and protected class of today. We ALL know that between anti-woman, anti-christian, and anti-disability, being anti-christian is the safest option. And the best part, the christians don’t mind atheists! But this thread and others are good examples of the lgbt NOT minding people who are against the lgbt.

That is the major difference and the biggest one. Which is why I said the lgbt are the least tolerant group I have seen, while they ask for more tolerance from others. The definition of spoiled.


Because I have Covid and I am bored. :sweat_smile:

Pretty sure Azeroth lifted their Covid restrictions months ago.

He’s already been honest quite a bit the last few days.

He views gay people as groomers, invaders, abnormal, and sub-human.

However, he’s at least been very honest about his views, unlike the other bigots that try to hide behind “concern.”


Go ahead and find that post where I said that. Bring it on. You made that claim. Back it up.

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Yeah, nevermind. If you don’t have the courtesy to explain yourself to me, I’m not going to go digging through your stuff. Have the day that you deserve.


Al I see is pandering in virtually every quest hub, but ok.


Why am I “he?”

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That’s because the world isn’t strictly “evil bigots vs good non-bigots.” People have varying opinions and beliefs, and different strengths. It’s what adds spice to the world.

So you are too lazy to go read the hundreds of posts explaining myself. Which is I knew from the beginning. Now you know why I did not address you yesterday. :grinning:

I never suggested they were evil, just that they were bigots. You can be bigoted and ignorant, but that isn’t evil.

Now if they start voting for candidates that want to round up gay people and execute them, then that would be evil.

That’s ironic. You call me lazy when you’re so lazy that even after I ask you multiple times to explain yourself, you won’t because you’ve already “typed it too much” yet you want me to go through your 400 posts. Okay. Have the day you deserve.

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That’s a huuuuuuuuuuuge stretch. Besides that, on the horde side, the blood elf leader (I don’t memorize anybody’s names in this game because I’m a total chad) goes on and on and on about how much he loves his wife. So at least there’s some opposite-sex mushiness going on.

I mean there’s no such thing as a good bigot.

Hating a class of people for a trait they were born with is not an opinion or belief that’s worth considering.

you’re still wrong, and I’m still 100% correct, just like the entirety of the rest of my life!

My point is not everybody the internet calls bigots are actually bigots. Obviously you’re going to disagree with me, but I couldn’t care less.

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These days, in the age of outrage culture over social media, woke people creating news articles, forum posts, tweets (or any other public conversation) about LGBT and other social issues/represenation is as much to blame for people hating said groups as is the eons worth historical prejudice.

Sort of a chicken or the egg … Would people that other wise don’t care about social issues build up negative connotations/opinions if the insufferable people didn’t publicly demand they pat attention? Maybe, maybe not.

All I know is posts like these don’t help the conversation. If you’re true goal is fight for social issues, you’d be more help volunteering at the many organizations that are designed to do just that. People on the internet don’t care, and are always looking for something to be triggered at. Let’s stop giving them ammunition out of spite.