It's not pandering, it's called art

I have nothing against them telling same sex story lines but calling it art? Let’s not pretend it’s art, it is at best some dime story romance novel and this goes for all their relationship story arcs. I mean just look at the way they abused Tyrande and Malfurion’s marriage. It was used as a running joke in WoD and then the excuse for why Tyrande left the NEs in their darkest moments to tend to Malfurion.

Have fun with that “art”.


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So, they believe Blizzard inherently is only doing this to please a group?

That seems like a very egocentric point of view. “I wouldn’t do it, therefore when somebody else does it, it’s pandering”.

If the argument is built on this mentality. Well, it isn’t much of an argument to begin with. You can say Blizzard is pandering to a zillion things if we’re going to use the definition this lightly.

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LOL, say’s the troll that’s impersonating others…


It’s because there’s so many of them involved in a lot of questlines that are entirely unrelated to the characters involved being in a relationship, gay or otherwise. And because all of those relationships are gay (save for exactly one that I can recall) it feels like the writers are trying to tick checkboxes and not write compelling characters

Straight or gay, if it’s not important to the narrative then there’s no reason for it to be there. I don’t need to be regularly reminded who is dating who when I’m trying to stop a village from being exploded. I’d be saying the same the same thing if they were all straight, their orientation doesn’t matter

But because they are almost all specifically gay it comes off as pandering and constantly putting a spotlight up that says “hey did you know we support gay people?!”. There’s nothing wrong with being gay, trans, non-binary, whatever you identify as. It is, and should be, treated as “a thing that just exists”, but putting a spotlight on it over and over is not normalizing, it’s pandering


Very few people have any issue with minorities of every kind getting representation, we all want something relatable in world to smile at. The problem comes when these minorities are vastly OVER represented. It’s not normal and takes the RP elements from immersion to indoctrination.

If you want to make Warcraft reflect “the world we live in today” (which no fantasy game should in the first place) then fine, make 2% of the Warcraft population match the 2% of the real world. But making 50% of the world match 2% of RL is distracting and just plain annoying, and it alienates a majority segment of the player base.

I think two forces are at work. One is that tech companies, especially media/arts companies, tend to attract people of a specific mindset, and that skews their output. I have personally seen this. The second bit is the ESG scoring that Blackrock has foisted on companies in order to get favorable treatment by the banking industry. The more a corporation panders to activist groups the higher their ESG score. So they have a financial interest in doing this sort of thing. And lets face it, Blizzard exists solely to make money.


Honestly, how else are you supposed to convey something to the audience? You want to see it? Two guys kissing? I certainly doubt that. You want a title? “Hemar Firesign the gay!”…surely not. The truth is any form of showing it would be labeled pandering, which makes it a silly claim.


Why does it need to be conveyed to the audience in the first place if it serves no narrative purpose?

The crafting intro and the centaur marriage proposal were cute and actually served narrative purpose, as the relationship between the two was actually important to the questline. If it were just those two it’d be perfectly fine and honestly I’d argue cases of pretty good character and story writing. But then there are several other sidequests not related to the relationship between the two npcs at all that still feel the need to remind the player that these two characters are, in fact, in a relationship


Why doesn’t it? If Blizzard is wanting a game that has all kinds of different people in it. Then just because a quest shows something doesn’t mean it’s forced. Like I said, any form of anything involving it and people will label it something.

The issue is people looking at it through a political lens. Take off the lens and its basically inconsequential. It only exists this much because people have decided to make it last that much more, and ironically, it’s the ones arguing against it that have extended any exposure the tiny exposure they originally had.


Ngl, I legit was thinking the same just now wanting a McGriddle.
What you end up getting?

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Because it serves no narrative purpose. It’s pointless fluff that distracts from the actual point of the quest involved

Remember Cataclysm? How an entire patch cycle was more or less devoted to Thrall getting hitched to Aggra? Everyone hated that because it served literally no point in the greater narrative and yet they decided to put it front and center for everyone that wanted that cloak. This is basically the same thing as that, only now it feels like the writers are just trying to tick checkboxes because all of them with a single exception are gay


What are you even talking about? Impersonating who??

How much of the game doesn’t serve the main narrative purpose? There are more quests that don’t, than do. What exactly are those other quests? Should they have zero dialog, or deviating story, theme?

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Most questlines tend to have stories and dialogue that are relevant to themselves. I’m not sure what you’re on about

There Hot cakes are the BEST :smiley:

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The REAL Briselody, lol. NE priest, popular forum poster? You should know who i’m talking about, after all you are the person impersonating them.


I’m simply trying to understand the argument. So, at it’s core, the argument is saying orientation doesn’t matter. Therefore, if it is shown in any capacity, it’s irrelevant to the subject matter.

I believe this is a logical fallacy, “It doesn’t matter to me, so it doesn’t matter”. The truth is, that it does matter to people.

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It’s whatever it is in the eye of whoever holds a reactionary emotion to the idea. If one is “annoyed” it’s because they believe in an ideology that is different than the “sad” persons. It’s duality at it’s finest.

get a biscuit sandwich, with a side of fruit, you’ll wont be hungry as if you ate somethin like a donut.

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so is trolling… just sayin’.