It's not pandering, it's called art

ESO actually does this great, being organic and natural with gay rep, in the Morrowind expansion, there is a lesbian couple you do stuff for, and not once do they beat you over the head they are together, you dont learn (by being told by the game) there a couple until the city gets attacked and the npc starts begging you to save her wife who is trapped.

Which in my opinion is great representation, they treated them like normal people.


Ah yes love me some Waffle House but I’m from LI and two things. One, no Waffle Houses :pensive: and two, BECSP tops all. :grin:


Right back at ya…
The Fishing profession needs your help so “Support your local hookers!” :fishing_pole_and_fish:


I am a white hard core conservative Trump voting christian male…and Ive not seen anything in the game that is offending me. lol.
I know what the bible says after many thousands of hours of study…and I also know GOD is judge of someones soul, not me.
The bible tells me to be at peace with ALL mankind in as far as I am ABLE.

Romans 12:18
(ASV) If it be possible, as much as in you lieth, be at peace with all men.
(CEV) and do your best to live at peace with everyone.
(EMTV) If possible, as much as depends on you, keeping peace with all men.
(ESV) If possible, so far as it depends on you, live peaceably with all.
(ESV+) If possible, so far as it depends on you, R12live peaceably with all.
(KJV) If it be possible, as much as lieth in you, live peaceably with all men.
(KJV+) IfG1487 it be possible,G1415 as much as lieth in you,G1537 G5216 live peaceablyG1514 withG3326 allG3956 men.G444
(MKJV) If it is possible, as far as is in you, being in peace with all men.
(RV) If it be possible, as much as in you lieth, be at peace with all men.

LGBT people are part of this world. As far as I can tell, they pretty much always have been.
Their being part of a game thats supposed to represent an entire world of living being makes as much sense as their being part of the real world.

The bible says ALL souls are His, Ezekiel 18:4.
HIS, not mine. HE is the judge, not me.
I am to live in this world trying to be at peace with all men as far as I am able, and where I can sharing what the bible teaches when someone asks.
Judgment is HIS to do.
I feel like this topic coming up so much in here might be some feeling like its their job instead.


It’s nice to see I’m not the only one being targeted with bad impersonations.


Not really. I’ve genuinely enjoyed seeing more diverse stories. It’s nice to have representation.

This is hilarious given your previous statement.


Either an egg McMuffin or their breakfast burritos.

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Stop feeding the troll.


Yeah. Feed me instead. Breakfast sounds delicious.


I support the LGBT community, but there are too many posts. By pushing too much you run the risk of increasing hate.


this is why we have to be careful to distinguish the activists from the rest.
Activists are the ones causing all the chaos that will result in the division and hate…not the community at large.


LGBT representation is blatant pandering? I’m very confused on how you come to this conclusion. Are the straight couples represented throughout wow’s history also blatant pandering? Just trying to understand your point of view.

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Stop feeding the troll and feed me instead


Hey, get behind me. There’s a line!


There is definitely some bias towards what topics can be flagged, and which ones the system seems to… ignore attempts on flagging.

I assume if i started a thread with the correct keywords in it, i could link outer wilds spoilers and it’d take much more effort to get it buried.


wow, brise is finally popular enough to warrant having a copycat troll! the rest of us can only dream of such an honor


Ma’am this is a wendys

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Some of us don’t have to dream :smiley:

Welcome to the club Brise!


I personally like the breakfast burritos with 2 hashbrowns.

I don’t drink coffee so milk or orange juice.

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/duh, I completely missed that. Shame on me.