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What’s good

If you think repealing Roe vs Wade made abortion illegal, then you’re wrong.

It appealed the law on the federal level, and gave the states back the power to make their own decisions and their own laws, which is how our government is supposed to function. It was never a federal decision to make, hence it ALWAYS being unconstitutional, and why it was struck down as such eventually. The timing of it was kinda weird… but it is what it is.

If your state didn’t have it’s own laws in place when everyone knew RvW was about to go away, then THAT is why anything changed, not because RvW being struck down made anything “illegal” because it didn’t.

You’re wrong, and I guarantee you’ve not watched a single minute of Fox News to try and see for yourself. People like you claim you know what Fox News says because you saw an obviously edited 5 second clip on MSNBC that’s clearly out of context.

I know this because I go looking for what you claim is true, because I want to know if they do what people like you claim they do.

I’ve never seen a single example of it being true.

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Are you stating that abortion isn’t illegal in a single state? Depending on where you live, repealing it most certainly made abortion illegal.

The same thing can happen with gay marriage.

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I explained this in detail.

No state that currently has gay marriage as legal will revoke it. I guarantee it. In fact, more states will make it legal as time goes on, as it should be.

The government has no right to stop any two people that love each other from getting married.

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I enjoy seeing a calm and rational response from a side of the political spectrum I don’t usually know. Harley could learn a thing or two.


Thank you. I appreciate that.


This is just being obtuse. Cause depending on where you lived, you simply lost that right.

You are just being willfully ignorant on this. Because this is objectively false.

I don’t know about you, but I don’t want to suddenly lose a right because my state suddenly decided they didn’t want me to have it.

If segregation was the topic of today I’m sure you’d be arguing about leaving it to the states. If that isn’t the case, then apply it to what you’re saying here.

Yes, you did lose federal protection if your state didn’t have laws to make abortion legal. Because it was never supposed to be a federal protection. You lost the protection because of your state, not because repealing RvW made abortion illegal. People can still go to a state where it is legal and get the procedure, so there are still options.

Name a state that has abortion as legal, and you think they will revoke that right.

And prove it with a single piece of evidence. I truly would like to see it, and revise my opinion if I decide I’m wrong.

Did you just accuse me of being a racist?

Treating an entire ethnic group as less than human isn’t comparable to a person’s access to an abortion.

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Again, why do you want that for your fellow americans? Recently there was a 10 year old girl who was forced to travel to another state for an abortion… Something she should have been able to do because it was medically necessary. Not everyone has that time and money to just pack up their bags.

I was always talking about backwards states, which have it in their constitution or state law to ban gay marriage.


No, but I was using it as an example to compare to gay rights. Because the argument to “leave it to the states” is stupid when we’re talking about people’s rights.

Show me where I said this. I explained the law, and the options people have today. I never mentioned my thoughts, because they aren’t relevant.

“Backwards”? The people that live there decided that they don’t want to legalize gay marriage, as is their right. Passing it, then passing another law making it illegal again would truly be “backwards” thinking, hence me believing it will never happen.

Our government is very clear to let states decide most laws that affect them. On many topics, state law supercede federal law. They did this to make sure we didn’t become the very monarchy we just fought to free ourselves from.

It’s actually quite smart, and it’s what has stopped the federal government from taking most, if not all, of our rights away from us… like every other country has tried to do at one or more instances of their history.

Like I said, in 2022, you have never been more free to be gay in the United States as you are right now. Is everything perfect? No. But claiming your community is being “persecuted” is being overdramatic. You’re not being rounded up into camps, or being killed in the streets.

I truly hope the gay community eventually enjoys every right every other community enjoys.


Well you made the bar pretty clear.

Why in god’s name would you waste such a delicious Oreo cookie, milk’s favorite cookie mind you, just to make a point? They should be eaten and enjoyed.

… I’m still quoting directly.

…Well with me telling you that it’'s not correct, i think at best, you’re only correct with respect somewhat, simple because we both know we have limits/boundaries that people ought to not cross before we stopped respecting them.

Alright, so i don’t need to do that if somebody talked objective garbage to me.

…Again, what am i being psychically harmed by or about to be harmed by if it’s a non-violent Bigot? You keep on saying this, but rarely elaborating on this.

You’re confusing my dislike of getting people killed for basically nothing to disliking death as a whole. Therefore, it gives off the vibe that you’re simply excusing death threats because “It’s natural part of life!”…

And the ad-hom of “Clutching your pearls” doesn’t really help your case.

YOU bought up love. Not me. I’m simply using what YOU have given me here.

If you just want me to shame them, then fine. Their not obligated to listen to me though.

…Again, how are words physically harm me that i need to self defense?..

Which posts? You keep on saying this but never sourced or elaborated on this.

My wording couldn’t be any more simple. If somebody genuinely confuse this as me going “anything against me is bigotry”, then that’s on them.

You didn’t even explain why how it’s worded that way.

If you truly think that is… why were having this conversation? Why you’re here even? :man_facepalming:

Yes, which is why YOU DON’T PUNCH PEOPLE. That’s illegal.

And people have gotten arrested over punching people.

Does that law not exist to you?..

…Until the actual story comes out that it’s just somebody saying some words and you started the punch first, and they arrest the both of you.

My words are just words. They can literally do no harm unless you choose it to.

Actions are Actions, and they will hurt you, even if you don’t choose it to.

I mean even worse then before?..

That was back in the days where civilization isn’t as civilized as it is now.

And you’re repeating your point here.

I don’t think you actually know what you consider a good system then, so, my jail point stands.

Nice assumption.

You’re treating it as such.

Yet, you’re demonstrating it here. Pretending to be nuanced here when you’re really not, doesn’t convince me you’re nuanced. You’re still arguing for violence against people over practically nothing.

And that’s my problem, how? :roll_eyes: :palm_up_hand:

More likey, how is it even a problem?.. “BARI YOU’RE KIND, LOVING, LIGHT, RESPECT AND PEACEFUL!!”… So what you’re saying is i’m a normal functioning human being with enough mental capacity to know not to do stupid things like committing violence over a few stupid words?..

Apparently we live in a world where it’s jan 6 everyday according to you… /s :man_facepalming:

I had to repeat this because it’s really not sinking in with you at this point.

What place in the world where you live in where it’s constantly violent that you even think like this?..

Alright. So glad we agreed here and you’ve seen my point. I guess were done here. :slight_smile:

Nah, were done here. You said you’re going to prob mute it, so as far i’m concerned, that’s the end.

And probably will because this conversation is going nowhere by your own design of intentionally misunderstanding what i’ve said with this “Self defense” and that bit of disliking death (odd point overall though), and you continuing the “Oh you loving” and all that, and it starts feeling manipulative when you started talking about mental health in this context.

If not the subject matter and how you’re okay with this or even casual about it that made me lost respect for you, it’s how disingenuously you handled this or argued this. And hardly any of this felt like you were at least trying to attempt to understand this.

Until you learned what i’ve actually said, live long and prosper. :vulcan_salute:

People like that aren’t liberals. They’ve caricaturized their opposition into monsters and then become monsters to try to challenge it. Calling for the death of people you disagree with on a fairly minor issue makes you an extremist, classical liberals don’t do that. It’s just an opportunity for power and social reward for them and they are jumping on it.


Someone with no logical consistency or humility that had decided they were right before they typed their first word. Besides, he’s wrong, I seem to be playing the game just fine with my views intact and will continue to be a thorn in their side for as long as the game entertains me.

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That’s fine. I respect that. But respectfully, your lack of willingness to respond makes me believe that you have little to no experience with the LGBTQ+ community outside of the forums and therefore, your conclusions about them have stemmed mostly from internet reactions. Without knowing or immersing yourself in a community, you can not affectively understand the depth of that community. If you are basing your opinions entirely on the forums and/or what you’ve read online, you have very little evidence of what is actually happening in these peoples’ lives.

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You left out tha QIA+ you bigot!

All I’m going to say is, anyone going forward who says that WoW has no LGBT representation; is a straight up liar if they try to claim it. Nearly every quest that has two men, or two women involved in quests together; and every time it leads to an almost comically predictable outcome.

I’ll level. It IS getting a little tiresome to be able to reliably guess the conclusion every single time. It is not because I have any issue with the LGBT community, or even the concept of inclusion.

Rather it’s because of how it’s been done. It’s sad when you walk up to a random quest you never have done, in a new expansion; and yet after the first two lines can already predict where it’s going to go …for the ninth time.

It’s very much a case of “Well. Here we go again.”

This is not something new in the human condition, or that has been caused by the source material. It is also an outright lie to claim that the reason for this fatigue is because people are adverse to seeing LGBT representation.

Anyone intelligent or who can argue with honesty knows this very well.

Nope. It is the exact same reason that the author of Sherlock Holmes wanted to kill off Sherlock Holmes. After a certain point of using the exact same formula, it breeds a condition called ad nauseum. The condition isn’t caused by the source material, or the subject; but simply because of the sheer amount of repetition used.

In Holmes case, the formula always went this way. Holmes gets a mystery, investigates, does a chase, and restores all things in London to clock work precision by the end; with Holmes ultimately being right on every single count.

Now write that 60 times in a row, and it’s no surprise why the author was sick of it. There was no shock moment where you are challenged with a surprise. Hence the creation of Dr. Moriarty.

The nice thing about Classic era WoW was that there wasn’t a ton of romance aside from the often evoked Goldshire Quest, one in Redridge, and another I think… in Orgrimmar. Point is, you could probably count 4-5 cases on your hand at best. It was mainly about Molten Core, Nefarian, and the Scourge.

You did not see Jaina ever going “Oh Kalec. I don’t know what I’d ever do if you were angry with me. Please just be near me my love. You are the most precious thing to me.”

…And if there ever was, I imagine the playerbase would of been going “Uhh… what the heck happened to Jaina?”, in much the exact same as they did when she went crazy mode in Mists of Pandaria.

By contrast you do see that beat of storytelling repeatedly, in Dragonflight. The Azure Span Kirin Tor quest was cool in that you saved some Slyverns, but the rest was really cringe.

The problem with the story is that it ultimately does no favor for anyone. Especially if that sort of story, is the ONLY way that Blizzard portrays the LGBT community and gives them representation. Is the goal to paint them all with a repeated single stroke? Poor form if so.

I would argue that they need, and deserve; far better.

Because I liked the quests with the Brights; I’ll give you a what-if on how I feel such a quest could of been done better but achieved the purpose it needed to.

Let’s say we roll into town and find out from Miguel that his love has been captured by the Sundered Flame while bringing supplies to Valdrakken. So Mr. Miguel gears up in some armor, and you and him fight through Dragons and Primalists turning their camps upside-down. Then as a surprise at the end, the person he needed to save was James.

That is how you do a natural story like that in a fantasy universe and give positive representation to the LGBT Community. That is also the sort of storybeat I want to get back to. High Fantasy.

Food for thought. Hopefully Blizzard heeds it. Doubt they will however. They never do.

:shamrock: :rainbow: :shamrock:

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I don’t, I see what’s in right front of me and I don’t need a media to point that out.

That’s what systemic means. The same argument was made for race specific laws. Jim Crow was systemic. There is nothing systemic keeping down lgbt.