It's not pandering, it's called art

It is. Any rational or reasonable person would agree.

The cycle of life can be… Gross

…Ay? :face_with_raised_eyebrow:


Oh. :laughing:

O Englash youse o’ razkal u… :rofl:

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Why do people keep using conservatives as a counter example for persecution?

Like, y’all do know that there’s a difference between a political affiliation and a characteristic that you’re born with, right? Nobody was born with a straight ticket Republican ballot in hand lol

Oh its definitely pandering and pushing an agenda, but thats the age we live in.

Dont be intellectually dishonest about it. If you want to push an agenda, so be it. But dont feign ignorance about it and then try to label and bash others for calling it out.

I’m personally not gonna quit a game just becuase 2 dudes are in a relationship in a quest, but I do find it annoying when people try to personally attack others and call them bigots becuase after the 19th gay couple shows up they are tired of having ideas forced on them. I can 100% say id feel the same way if every other quest was some NPC pushing pro-life down my throat, for example. I just want to play a game; I dont want recruited to a political side.


Gays are not being persecuted in the United States in 2022. Persecution is systemic, and that is not happening in this country nowhere at that level. Do random acts of hate happen? Yes, to every community when you have a country as large as the USA.

Thing is, I didn’t compare the two at all. I compared the bigotry of condemning an entire community for the horrible actions of a single person, or very small few.

First and foremost you cut off a lot of the posts instead of directly quoting what your talking about.

Again, I said already before it’s the vibe you give off. And I already said I might not be 100% correct.

Didn’t say you did. This wasn’t really needed.

I already said no. But if it’s in self-defense, it’s in self-defense. That’s the point I was trying to make. But you are clutching your pearls it seems.

I didn’t say that it excuses death threats. I said that dead is a natural part of life because you on the other hand seem to disdain anything death related and as before, clutch your pearls at is.

I already explained why I said it was a dangerous mindset, I’m also going to refer to you to the top of this post. I already said I wouldn’t be 100% correct, and yes. You did give a vibe of clutching your pearls by how strongly you talk in opposition of death as a subject as a whole, and the naivety of it.

You don’t love strangers to begin with, so not sure what your trying to get that from. If someone is tossing slurs at people don’t you think that’s not harmful enough to be mentally damaged to be shamed for or you know, as I have managed, self-defense?

By your posts alone you seem to dub anything that is in opposition of your posts as bigotry. At least that’s how it seems worded. And bigotry is subjective so you can’t really be against all ‘bigotry’ or everything is ‘bigotry’ to anyone who disagrees to something.

Isn’t there a saying about consequences? I mean people have gotten arrested over words, you really think they ain’t going to punch someone over them too? I didn’t claim it was right, but from a POV of the law, it could be seen as self-defense.

Your words are an action, and yes they do hurt people. I point to mental health.

Nope. I have social anxiety. I don’t talk to people.

I think you misunderstand, I’m talking about how you view death, and death-threats with naivety.

Already do. Grab a history book. Words could get a woman killed, or a man to swing his sword.

Not really how you worded it. Nor how it came off.

Because they are biased, there can’t be a good, fair, law system and government because no matter what we do – personal beliefs and feelings will get in the way because of bias.

And I brought it up because it correlates to the point that jail doesn’t really work. Due to the reasons above.

Yet you sure take my words as if they’re 100% correct. I already admit I have a few faults in my argument back. It was weak, I struggle with forming words in the way that I mean.


Already talked about where it’s coming from.

I don’t think in black and white? If anything I’m trying to explain that you CAN’T think black and white. Everything in a grayscale.

In a way you were talking as if you were just all lovey-dovey, light, respect, etc. The same thing I have repeated. It was the vibe I got from your posts. It’s hard to explain.

Haven’t I already said this earlier in the post – you’re just really repeating yourself in more/less words to be honest. People already do.

Again I’m not saying it’s right, it’s not. We shouldn’t be punching people over words. Though technically ; doesn’t that already happen in schools and bullying n stuff? Where if you’re bullying someone, you punch someone? I mean. Everyone has their breaking point and if you’re trying to start a fight. Well. That’s one way to do it.

Now lastly, because I’m prob gonna mute this thread.

Words do have consequences. It is an action and everything does have a consequence. You can’t call yourself innocent off of the things you say. But you also can’t just make words out to be ‘just’ words, they have an impact on people. Trying to shift off blame on someone being awful because it’s just words isn’t correct imo. Psychology, Mental Health, Trauma, all three of those can be effected just because of ‘words’ so let’s not trivialize them. They can be just as hurtful as doing a physical blow to someone.

Thank you for coming to my tedtalk. Signing off because I’m decorating a tree and drinking hot coco.
I’m sorry if I still can’t get the point across. As already mentioned I struggle forming words together correctly then when I intend, bit of a disconnect between thoughts and mouth sometimes. But I’m trying.

It is absolutely systemic. It’s just not the government doing it (anymore).

But even that’s not true in Florida and other States

Go look up the definition of “systemic” and “persecution”, please.

Neither word has anything to do with the gay community in 2022.

If that were true, gays would be being attacked and murdered in high numbers.

That isn’t true, but feel free to do your own research.

I don’t give a damn about culture and representation all I care about is that heterosexuals get represented too. It’s not all about LGBTQ+ it’s also about us. Attention hogs.

What kind of take is this?

Even just the basic right of marriage had to be fought over, and you still have bigots(and an entire party) willing to take it back.

You have the LGBT+ community being labeled as groomers by the right, and spread by big networks like fox news.

Add in all the hate crimes that result in deaths.

You closing your eyes and saying “it’s current year” means nothing.

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A bit contradictory there?

It’s just like when “conservatives” claimed racism was over when Obama was elected.

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Or when they claimed obama made the country more divided :dracthyr_crylaugh: gee, I wonder why that was and why you think that!

My point still stands.

Please go see an eye doctor if you think that.

Roger that, Mom.

And yet you have it. Nationwide. In 2022. Welcome to my whole point. You’ve won, yet you pretend you’re still fighting that fight.

NO ONE will be taking away your ability to get married. Not a single state will pass that crap. Believing that nonsense is just being ignorant/uninformed.

Another lie. Groomers are on both sides of the political spectrum. Fox News says that repeatedly, yet members of those “other stations” claim the opposite. Tucker Carlson says EVERY TIME the topic comes up, that it’s not all just the gay community.

You’re closing your eyes and claiming the world is out to get you, when you’ve never been as free to be yourself as you are in 2022.

People said the same about abortion.

You’re quite wrong if you think the matter will stay settled if not constantly fought for.


That’s just an ignorant take. States don’t have laws like that because they legally can’t. But there are plenty of backwards states waiting to make it illegal in their state. I don’t know if you’re just intentionally lying or just massively misinformed.

Another lie. The entire community is being painted as groomers by fox news and the right, and the viewers don’t care for nuance if they supposedly offer any(unlikely).

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