It's not pandering, it's called art

Except you are promoting be love, light, peace, and respect – dubbed by your earlier posts.

I thought this was already evident.

There is never an ‘excuse’ for doing terrible things – there’s reasons. That’s abut it.

Promoting a bad mindset is just as bad, because it can be just as harmful. That’s what that is saying. Hence me going to my earlier statement.

Jail doesn’t always work considering you have to have a fair and good law system & government. Something we don’t got.

Where have i’ve dubbed that? can to link me to those posts? Because as i said, being logical doesn’t make me all that…

Same here. But… why it wasn’t for some people here?.. :man_shrugging:

Not good reasons, i can tell you that.

I mean, imagine if say for example, if somebody right next to me at a coffee bar, and they disagrees with me on being against all bigotry, because as we know, hatred begets hatred. And then they started being bigoted, basicly saying all those slurs and all the other verbal poop. That does not give me the right to sock that person in the mouth. Or anything like that.

I can call them a bigot, i can walk out of the bar and take my mug with me. But that’s just about i can do there.

What’s bad about my mindset? Not resort to violence always as an answer unless absolutely necessary, and be logical about fighting against bigotry?

Well, can i ask what you consider fair and good law system and government then?

You mean a law system that is free from any biases, ensuring no possible corruption from either side, police officers all following rules for any victim, criminal and so on, with no special exceptions based on their characteristics?

I will go along with this. That is a problem that needed to be sorted out as well.

I’m flattered.

Dude it’s a troll. They get more and more inflammatory. How they haven’t been silenced or muted or given a vacation I don’t know

Aw that’s awesome. I’m a premie so its nice to know medicine is improving even more when it comes to taking care of us runts.

My introduction always involves me asking “Whose the biker 80’s throwback feller from Full House i have to pay to get a strong shot of espresso around here?..” :laughing:

  1. It was more directed at homophobia as a concept, but I can see how that confused you.
  2. I didn’t direct that at a specific person. If YOU felt YOU identify as a homophobe… that’s on you.

Give me one second to go back up.

This one doesn’t directly, but this is a false statement + dangerous mindset to have. That there is never a justification to wish someone was dead.

As much as you may not want people to die – death is a natural part of life, without it we would overpopulate and 100% destroy the world. So it is a necessary part of life. These two quotes right here lean more towards what I speak of on a dangerous mindset where you want just love, light, and respect. Unfortunately our world is a dangerous, dark place, naivety is equally dangerous to promote.

These two really dub the ideal of being love & light mostly, because anything negative is seemingly dubbed bigotry by your post. Though I might just be reading things wrong.

– One moment.

I already know, but I enjoy throwing facts at people. I’m not here to be the better person and not debate with people.

/shrug dunno.

Not true either, I recommend looking into psychology! They do a lot of interesting factors into brain chemicals and such into serial killers. Pretty interesting stuff.

Actually, it can. If they are verbally harming you, you are allowed to defend yourself and perform self-defense. It’s called Verbal Assault.

See the above!

As I said in the top, promoting a naive point of view where being the better person is the best pathway to go. It is not in fact. Also not resorting to violence as an answer unless absolutely necessary isn’t particularly right nor logical either.

We can’t get one – we as humans are biased that’s the bad part. There is MASSIVE corruption, police brutality problems – and all the jazz you have mentioned. It’s a dream to have an unbiased correct court.

Yee! Here’s the link! :smiley:

You can also just look it up but it’s basically talks about how they kept Lambs in artifical wombs, only one survived unfortunately, but it is a w.i.p.! And as a fellow premature baby this honestly could be really good for the future with premie babies especially if it can help against the mortality rate of them!

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I won’t claim to be 100% right in this post, Baridorielor (If I spelled that wrong, apologies. I am trying.) But honestly you really gave off as if you were trying to spread. ‘OH JUST BE PEACEFUL, AND SHARE LOVE AND LIGHT AND RESPECT WITH EVERYONE!’ Which is a veeeery naive pov that is often dangerous to yourself, and others who can be affected by the POV.

Baridorielor has always been a sly troll from what I’ve been reading. I don’t understand why they call me different names either. I’m living rent free in their head apparently…

Nah, you ain’t backpeddling on this. You directed it at somebody. There was no other reason you’ve said that.

You making death threats is childish and just low.

You literally did. Lying about it makes you look even worse.

You were being the aggressor in that situation here Ullisha and it shows with you gaslighting me which… doesn’t even make any sense considering i literally just linked a charity to LGBT not to long ago… :point_down:

Even if that person was Homophobic, you’ve became outright worse then that person for wishing death on them, instead of doing the normal human being behavior and just ignoring them. Or just giving them a lecture the very least.

An Illusion! What are you hiding!?

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The simple solution is to not be a homophobe. Then there’s no problem! :slight_smile:

I imagine Belenciaga dominatrix stuffed animals being held by children is also considered “art” by op…

Why you think that?

Then as a form of art. It stinks.

We’ve seen this kind of messaging slathered throughout the hellscape that is Hollyweird and I’ve yet to see it work without some form of massive backlash.

Yes. Art is whatever costs 5$ to make marked up to 20,000

I’m sorry, what?..

How’s me saying, “people saying objective garbage things doesn’t mean they deserve to die” is me being all “loving”?.. I mean, Ullisha said some objective garbage by threatening to kill somebody. And yet, i don’t wish death on him. Not just because it’s stupid and undermines any point i have, but it contradicts on why i have a huge problem with him in the first place.

I mean, by your logic, should i wish for death for people saying objective garbage on the forums… when they never had before?.. Is this what you want me to do now? just make real life threats to people because i disagree wit-- You can’t be serious.

sigh… Again, still doesn’t excuse death threats. :roll_eyes:

Are you just calling it dangerous because you just disagree with me and going to bat to this guy, or are you calling it dangerous because you think not everything can be solved with logic?.. Which you keep on saying it’s “Love, like, resp–”

Where did this thought even come from?.. Where did you even get that vibe from my comments here? :face_with_raised_eyebrow:

Do you even understand where i’m getting at, when i talk about accusing and wishing for death in the same comment? Put simply, i’m against people just killing people for just heresay, or just labeling. “Opp, that person just politely disagreed with me? he must be bigoted, he MUST DIE!!”… or “Oh what’s that? Some person is just slurring off? Well it’s clear he needs to stop breathing now”… You get i’m getting at?.. this isn’t “Love”. This is logic. :man_facepalming:

…And what is this post you’re referring to where i’ve said or implied that? Because i made it pretty clear that i’m against hypocrisy of allowing one type of bigotry though. You’re either against all bigotry or none of it, you can’t pick and choose.

You guys want me to punch people in the face over… WORDS. WORDS. THIS is what i was talking about!

In my example that you just glossed over, the bigot was non-violent. He’s just being verbal. Verbally abusive sure, sure. But that’s it! No punches, no kicking, not even touching me. Just running his mouth.

This , is never, and i mean never, no exceptions, a good reason to punch somebody back.

And you keep on confusing this with “Self defense”, what do i need to physically defend myself here from? Just words? Words that i personally take an issue that in no way physically hurts me or even tries to kill me?

Do you… actually do this yourself in real life? Just sock people in the mouth if they say something that offends you or you disagree with?.. If not, tell me why don’t you then?..

.Now were flipping over to nativity?..

Yeah, because punching somebody in the face over being offended over a few words is definably a mark of a non-naive and reasonable human being. /s

/Notices Ullisha’s reply.

…One moment.

:vulcan_salute: Live long and prosper Ullisha.

Continue Amara. :palm_up_hand:

Amara, do you really want to be in a world where people respond to words with violence?..

I’m asking you this, because for all the talks of you saying things like “Self defense”, you sure disagree with me saying that, which is that’s essentially what self defense is. Only using violence when you need you, as in if somebody is attacking you.

I said “can i ask what you consider fair and good law system and government”?

You bought this point up and yet you’re already shooting this point down with the “OH WE CAN’T BECAUSE… HUMANS ARE BIASED AND ETC and–” Not understanding what i meant by that…

If you’re just shutting your own point down here, what was the point of you bringing this up as a counter to my jail suggestion?

I didn’t either.

It’s no problem. It’s literally not a problem with me, i don’t spell names all that great either.

Only one person on this forum does for… some bizarre reason.

Again, where is this coming from?

You can’t seem to break away this black and white thinking there and understand that i’m neither a barbaric animal that apparently you want me to be nor a lovey duvy person either.

Liberal to Liberal time.
Do you want something like Jan 6 to happen again?.. Because this whole “Punch people who you disagree with” thing that you’re so in support of, is what got us that. And we both know for a fact, that the rioters there were definitionally in the wrong.

So when someone who claims to be a Conservative, or MAGA, does something horrible, every single Conservative/MAGA doesn’t get lumped in with that same bad behavior? They don’t get called things they’ve never claimed to be, or shown any evidence of being?

That’s not bigoted?

Funny how the rules change when it’s directed at someone who you feel you relate to, and when it’s not…

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Fair enough, but

I don’t need to know about your personal life

( :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:)

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