It's not pandering, it's called art

Love? It’s more like when you see something really strange in the toilet and wonder what you ate last night to release such a thing.


This thread is a great example as to why representation is so so important.

The kind where you look at the bathroom and go “this place is cursed”


Again, you’re going to the extreme here for no other reason then to avoid hypocrisy…

Here’s my original comment (which wasn’t even directed to you, but i digress), in case you forgot. There was no mention of murders in there. only YOU bought it up. :point_down:

Stop moving the goal posts to “Self defense”. It was never about that. Why you keep making it about that?..

“No u” is not a valid argument. :roll_eyes:

Wrong, i lean on the innocent until proven guilty.

Funny, LGBT+ people doesn’t consider me dangerous. I wonder if it had anything to do with… ooooooh… not resorting to violence over petty disagreements like you wanted it to happen, you putting it under the guise of “sElF DeFenSe”?..

Remember when i said to you that Denial is only stage 1? Thank you for proving that.

And i did actually do that, by proving this niffy link to charities in this thread. Ya know, spreading awareness and something that actually helps the LGBT without resorting to violence?.. :point_down:

Well nice to know you’re blatantly ignoring that just to feed your dangerous agenda. :vulcan_salute:

There is nothing outdated by conserving the human race with normal male and female relations.

Okay, I did not want to go here because I was trying not to hold the light to the gas canister but…most lgbt people are the way they are through childhood trauma, usually abuse of emotions, physical, and or societal. Molestation is up there.

Okay, then when you introduce yourself to someone, try saying it without telling them either of these. I bet you can’t cause you love the high it gives you as if you’re a special class that is above the rest.

The funny part is you know the same people who are babyraging about there being gay people in WoW are the same people who would have said “if you want gay people, go make your own game” like 6 years ago when LGBTQ+ people were asking for some shred of representation.

So yeah, if you don’t like it, go make your own game dumbass.

Except you can have children non-‘normal’ (Nobody is normal let’s face it.) ways. In fact an artificial womb is in development. You also are promoting the idea that if a man or woman is infertile they are ‘abnormal’ and menopause and less then normal relationships.

Not always. Infact there is more lGBT+ people I meet that have never faced homophobia/transphobia/abuse or other such topics, but they are gay, bi, pan, trans, nonbinary, genderfluid, etc! Whilst this isn’t the large demographic you can’t REAAALLLY say most in this case.

Hi, my names Amara, how’s your day going?

Is normal. I don’t just go up to people like. ‘HI, I’M LGBT+ AND DISABLED, HOW’S YOUR DAY?’ Be forreal lol.

Call us whatever you want you crybaby. It isn’t going to make the gay dragons go away.

It’s not at all hypocrisy, it’s self defense.

I Never quoted that post, in case you knew. I didn’t bring it up :slight_smile: Now you are, randomly.

Because it is, you’re the one that brought up the persons reasonable response to homophobia.

Countering someone’s post is not going no you. Thank you though.

Clearly not in the case of the ‘leftists’ you disagree with?

I do, your ideology is very dangerous.

Guess what that means for you?

Alrighty, let me know if anyone donated or if that actually helped anyone. Posting a link on the internet does nothing and costs nothing to the person doing it, just an fyi. If that’s the extent of your ‘activism’ or 'helping LGBTQIA+" while you continually defend people that hate on them and want them to cease to exist, I laugh at thee.

You’re the one doing that, not me.

:dracthyr_hehe_animated: :dracthyr_hehe_animated: :dracthyr_hehe_animated:

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Okay, who will take you seriously after writing this. :laughing: Alright I’m done for the night.

No like, actually. Go look it up – here I’ll even find a link for you if you want! :slight_smile:

Granted it is for premies atm, but it actually had success when they did for a premature lamb. So it is in development for children, but it is progress towards an artifical womb for children, without needing a straight relationship.

You also are not pointing out adoption – considering adoptions need to be made more so then putting more kids in the world. Surrogacy also exists! I know when I am actually ready to have kids, I’ve thought about doing a surrogacy and then also adopting.

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They aren’t pointing it out because they don’t care. They just don’t like LGBTQ people, they don’t have any scientific anything to back it up. It’s just blind babyrage and blind hate about something they perceive as weird because they are stuck in the past. They’ll probably come back later and say something like “uh, well, artificial wombs aren’t natural, therefore trans women aren’t women”

Sending messages back and forth over the internet isn’t natural either, but you don’t hear them complaining. They just draw the line at artificial wombs because they don’t like trans people.

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Which also puts down women in general, because then we are just defined by our wombs. Even though I am more then my uterus, and menopause / infertility happens.

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And also, going back to this. I am willing to bet I have been playing this game just as long as you have if not longer. We didn’t take anything over. Queer people have been around from the beginning, it’s just now we’re being recognized and you don’t like that. I have been playing since 2004. 2009 if you only count when I started playing on my own account instead of my parents. I have trans friend who has been playing Warcraft games since Warcraft 1.

So yeah, we’ve been here since the beginning, but now you are being faced with that, and you don’t like that. You’re the a**hole.

No, you just became more insufferable.

No, it’s just the fact that we exist and you have to deal with it that makes us “insufferable” to you. You are the one crying about some quests in a videogame. That is way more insufferable than the quests themselves existing.

Yes, people will complain. Maybe you should accept that, too.

Okay first off… I’m logical enough to know that violence never stops, or will enable people to be worse. It doesn’t make me “Be love, light, peace and respect”… and all that.

Second, there’s a difference between self defense and a person attacking somebody for what they think the person is about (i.e, the whole “fascist” point their going on about). I’m not attacking the defender, i’m attacking the attacker in this situation. Bigot or otherwise. That was one of my points.

Thrid, Not everything can be solved with violence either.

I get what you’re saying, not everything can be done in a non-violent way. But violence shouldn’t be the first thing to do go for problem solving.

Given these bad faith threads, i will say that’s not a high bar to meet, so… :man_shrugging:

Fair enough i guess, i just dislike the attitude that because their being on the progressive side, it suddenly excuses them doing terrible things like that to other people, even if their bigots. I believe people, even the most repugnant of those sorts, can be changed for the better.

I’l cop to some of my mistakes, but i didn’t threaten anybody’s life, so that comparison isn’t really fair.

I just think it should just be justification to put people to jail or prison depending on the severity for the violent ones in all honestly, if i have to go to some sort of extreme consequence.

Mass Murderers like those club shooters? Okay fine. They don’t always deserve second chance.

Look, i see the comments you’re highlighting, and what she said in those are dumb. But i was talking about this comment… :point_down:

She mentioned tokenism, which is the “not thinking representation isn’t good” comment i was referring it as.

Now if you’re saying she has never defined or sourced this, then mea culpa, i’l concede on that. This wasn’t meant to defend her, as it’s more or less to indirectly prod her for answers on what she actually meant on what she considers tokenism and what not. As in, what she considers bad writing, bad ethics, bad design, and what she considers is good.

Cry about it.