It's not pandering, it's called art

“Err, I don’t like all that homosexual things being put in to the game for reasons…”


You guys need to decide if you are really in favor of love and respect between human beings.

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Yeah, one person definitely does. Please tell me which one you think it is.

That comment (thankfully) got removed because it came across as a threat in how he said it. Saying “Death to anybody” is never a good look, even if it’s what you deem to be a noble cause.

I dislike bigotry, but not enough to wish for death for them. That’s absolutely sub humanly low.

Oh, i’m silly for not wanting people killed?..
I’m silly because i happen to be the one of the few refrigerator-throwing sensible liberals on this forum who understands that violence doesn’t lead to anywhere good or will go to worse outcomes?

That person essentially called called Fanha a homophobe though all that. And then he followed it up with what i’ve quoted. Do you not understand the context and the blatant reasons why?.. :expressionless:

I didn’t say “All.”. Where did i say “all”?..

Please tell me you’re not going to bat for the (Death to homophobes) guy who wants to kill people over baseless accusations over a stupid comment… :man_facepalming:

I mean, is trying to make other people understand what their trying to say is that bad of a thing, without bringing up like a dang novel of stuff they did? Where did i support her saying all of those things? Have you not been paying attention whenever i get involved in these topics and understand my attitude against bigotry to know that those sorts of comments i will not support?

What do you even want me to say to comment? Call it stupid?.. Because i think it’s self evident that it is, as far bigoted comments go.

Aren’t you suppose to be the real Briselody?

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They were talking about Harley, if not @ Harley.

Kinda is actually, especially to those that want to end the existence of others. It’s self defense, really.

For not wanting those that want to end the existence of an entire peoples, yeah you are.

  1. Language
  2. No you’re not.

It’s subjective from person to person. You can’t love and respect every humanbeing. Neither should you hate or disrespect every humanbeing.

More like they’re basically accusing anyone who doesn’t agree with them to be a groomer. One of the strangest things I’ve seen here tbh


Going to quote something here considering I see the debate opportunity.

“Just because you lost me as a friend does not mean I don’t want to see you eat. I still want you to eat, just not at my table.” I feel like this statement really could apply here. I don’t think MOST people should receive death just because they have views that are outdated. UNLESS they are wishing to cause harm to others. What you wish on others y’know?

But continuing on if you are openly wishing harm to others over trivial things like differences of opinions and thoughts, you are 100% in the wrong. Threats of violence/harm is threats of violence/harm. You don’t become the bigger/better person. (Though I really don’t believe in the be the better person because the only power it gives to is the person that wasn’t the better person in the first place.)

That being said, what you say publicly will reflect on you and the treatment you receive. If you are openly being a bigot / harmful, you will be treated as such. What you give is what you take.

Source or are you just making it up?..

Bigotry isn’t just ending the existence of others. And quite why YOU guys went to that extreme to detail that conversation to avoid the fact that you guys are being total hypocrites when i’m calling you out on you allowing one form of bigotry, when my conversation was never about violence to begin with. Regardless of what you may subjectively believe.

Nobody was talking about self defense. Stop moving the goal posts and stop being so low for god sakes.

This attitude you guys have, combined with how quick and accusatory you guys have been, is extremely dangerous. In your minds, you consider anybody who don’t agree with you, to be guilty until proven innocent. Which that in itself is a dangerous attitude as well.

Denial is stage 1 for you Leorit.

You have a dangerous mindset, and quite frankly, i don’t think you should belong on the internet if this is how you see things. Especially since i’ve done WAY more for the LGBT then you have ever have without ever resorting to actual violence.

I’m not, no. He was pretty obviously trolling. But you’ve spent this whole thread harping on about him while rubbing shoulders with people saying objectively garbage things like what I linked above.

I mean, she might be trolling too. Given her dodging Feyrre’s question to go troll a different thread, that seems likely.

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Making what up? Do you not know what homophobia is or does?

Usually it’s the lead up, actually. Which is why people have the reaction to it they do.

Not really? Self defense isn’t hypocritical, nor is it Bigotry.

That’s what their comment was.

You’re the one doing that, oh so liberal one.

Notice how many accusations you’ve made in your post here alone?

Yet another one.

Ooh, another one, full of assumptions!

No, you do. Dangerous to LGBTQIA+ people.

Same to you.

No you haven’t, can’t even source that. More accusations, and no evidence. Rules for thee type, aintcha?

Yet YOU equally have a dangerous mindset and opinion. Not everything can be solved peacefully, nor can everything be love, light, peace, and respect. That’s just how the world works and how we shaped it. Whilst peacefully settling things should always be the goal to strive for, it doesn’t always work. Equally saying that you’ve done ‘way more’ sounds like a power trip. You don’t know what that person has done either. Whilst you do have CERTAIN good points, equally you are just as wrong as the people making threats themselves.

Trolling or not, that is still not cool of him to do so. And i will keep on using that against him because it’s so ridiculous to me that this is the point they had to go… in general even.

That’s never a justification to :clap: wish :clap: them :clap: death.

Infact, people have said objectively garbage things before on these forums, and nobody wished for death on them here or there.

There is a justification to wish certain people death. Just not homophobes (non-violent ones.) Though subjectively words that are harmful can be seen as acts of violence. Because you can assault someone vocally and be charged for it!

I never :clap:t4: said :clap:t4: it :clap:t4: was :clap:t4:

I’m just saying, be careful whose motivations you attempt to explain, because it’s pretty clear from that person’s other comments that they’re not just “concerned about proper representation”, so you were dead wrong.


Who makes you the judge of some view being outdated? This is kinda why people like myself do not like aggressors and the lgbt has been doing that a lot. And replies like this don’t help your case of trying to appear like you aren’t victims. But then you go and say something like “Your views are outdated.”

Figured you should know that.

Weren’t you going to leave? If you’re sticking around you may as well answer Feyrre’s questions.

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Listen, I know you guys love me and all, but I choose when I answer whoever I want.

Me. I nominate myself. Your views are outdated because we have already shifted into a new age of opinions, views, and thoughts. Yet you choose to stay behind in the past. We are living in a more progressive age, yet you want to stay to the old ways of one man, one woman. Sorry, but that makes you outdated.

No you already don’t like us because you believe all of us to be groomers and such because we experimented when we were kids and that’s how we learned who we are. Yet you still haven’t addressed the fact that people like you shove being straight down peoples throats as children, yet that still isn’t grooming to you either?

I’m not a victim. Simple as that. Being LGBT+, POC, or Disabled/Impaired doesn’t make me a victim. I’m just what I am. LGBT+ & Disabled. Though I’m sure you’ll find some way to victimize me from that statement.

Your views are outdated. Sorry the truth hurts.

Don’t understand the correlation between being a victim and your views are outdated.

Your views are outdated /=/ Victims.

Yet the one person trying to understand you is the one you brush off. Instead focusing your attention on me almost entirely. Someones a fan, it’s okay. You can look but not touch. <3

edit: This is not to say that being straight is outdated, being a transphobe/homophobe is.