It's not pandering, it's called art

Easy. T Virus (IF you look around enough you’ll figure out who that is.), The Impersonators above who mock the LGBT, POC, and the Disabled and make troll threads about them. Among maaany others. I can start pulling out links if you want to continue that narrative. There is no ‘crying wolf’ here. Though I don’t understand how I was crying wolf in the first place when there is no wolves nor tears here.

The fact you call them impersonators means you’re unable to fathom that people even of the lgbt community may not like what the community does. I never understood why this is done, but it just means you live in a fantasy perspective where you feel everything is against you when all people are saying is that they want Blizzard to lean back a little on the tokenism. If it was any other tokenism, I and others will 100% be behind you to defend it in any matter. That is all it has ever been.

A life tip: if someone is forced to eat something repeatedly, eventually they will come to hate it.

T-virus has made so many people genuinely hold hatred against the LGBTQ+ community and it’s disheartening to see that they don’t even know that they’re playing his game.

Next step.
Remove slavery, combat, killing and wars from the game.
Those things hurts my sensitive emotions.

World of Peacecraft.

Also all references to churches, religion, priests, paladins, holiness, and the Light.

Because they’re straight up impersonating people you see on the forums. I recommend taking a good hard look at people. They’re not actual LGBT+ members, they’re people trying to make a mockery of it, posing to be inclusive and cool, but they’re actually transphobic/trollish/anti-lgbt, and the same as T-Virus. Pretty sure I and others have reconigzed they’re T-Virus or they’re a guild of people who do this stuff for ‘fun’.

Yet you do not eat LGBT+, your intolerance of the LGBT+ is a choice. You aren’t forced to be LGBT+, you don’t even HAVE to like us, but being respectful is a massive difference, and the fact you are straight up calling people groomers in another thread because they experimented whilst they were a child-- as if straight kids don’t do that as well, is gross. In general you’ve said a lot about yourself in this thread alone. Yikes.

It’s unfortunate, but it happens.

edit: Fixing my wording. I don’t tend to proofread.


…Again, don’t take it personally, i just think real life science doesn’t apply all that much in RPG’s really.

I didn’t think so either. The only thing i did took an issue with with you saying something about unnatural lifestyles, doesn’t make you homophobic. At least, not on it’s own that is.

It is sad that we have to say this, in a world where people accuses people of bigotry all simply because they disagree or don’t agree 100%.

It’s also sad that now were at a point where random strangers on the internet wants somebody to DIE over a disagreement or even bigotry, which…

I don’t like that. That will never convince bigots to stop being bigoted and will only make the non-bigots wary to them. It’s not me “Going to bat for facists”, it’s not becoming WORSE then the very thing were fighting. Especially since how fast and accusatory some of the left are. (The left i sadly have to share a side with) Just given up and just want people disappear or dead, just going to extreme measures because to them, they think these bigots will never listen.

Put simply, if you can simply convince the unconvincable to change their ways, you can convince everybody. The part of fighting against bigotry is to get people on your side.

You don’t fight fire with more fire, because you risk burning down the entire forest. Hatred begets Hatred, Violence begets Violence, and so on.

And i say this as somebody who sometimes put links to LGBT charity donations on this person’s other threads because let’s be frank… somebody got to actually help out the LGBT from the mess the Tea elf made.

Speaking of which… almost forgot. :point_down:

That’s fine. Actually, that’s good on you for backing up your claim like that.

Meanwhile the other peeps just say things … do they really expect people to just believe them on their word alone?.. Like i never get it. Do they never think, if you truly are a bigot (you’re not, i’m saying this as an example), and they do back their claims up, what says about them, then?..

Ironically enough, by hatemongers themselves who supports the idea of death to those who disagree.


Well said, thank you. :heartpulse:

The demon hunter

No, I just think people like you created a scapegoat and assume that this person and people exist only to be fake. And that no one in the world has any criticism against the choices made despite you already acknowledging that lgbt dislike exists outside the world as is.

That goes both ways. Respect is earned, and being lgbt doesn’t give you more justification to have it.

Kids shouldn’t be gay cause that’s predatorial on the behalf of those who say they are gay. Age of consent.

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Now that you’re back, do you think you could answer my quick question? About what personal experiences you have with LGBTQ+ communities outside the forums?

No… That is an impostor…

I’m not back. I just needed to dish out some stuff on that guy real quick. Another time.

Gentle reminder, you’ve actually threatened somebody’s life… :point_down:


“People like me.” So presuming LGBT+, Disabled, and POC who they have mocked? And we are ‘creating’ a scapegoat by pointing out of a person by pointing out their bad behavior that is straight up bigotry, hmm. Nice to know. I don’t know where the rest of your quote comes from, because all I pointed out is they’re an impersonator.

I never said it gave more of a justificaton to have it, but you respect your neighbors (If you have them) don’t you? Don’t you respect your boss? Co-workers? Children? Obviously then respect is freely given if they didn’t have to earn to get it. But that’s beyond the point, it doesn’t take much to be a good humanbeing imo. All I ever said was that being respectful is a massive difference. You give respect, you get respect. Someone can lose respect and have to earn it. Kind of like trust. Hells I already basically said you don’t have to support us.

Kids shouldn’t be straight either then. That’s predatorial too. Y’all claim we’re predators but then you shove straight down our throats as children and call that OKAY. But then demonize LGBT+.

That’s like saying they threatened someone for saying it about any other awful ideology, like the SS kind. Makes you look silly as usual Bari.

She’s simply saying that the execution for the representation and inclusion, hasn’t been done all that well.

This dude is so creepy, and weirdly obsessed with children and has made really creepy comments about children in other threads. He should honestly be banned.

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Really? Is that all she’s saying?

You’ve got kind of a bad habit of defending the wrong people.

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