It's not pandering, it's called art

Do you not like LGBTQ?

I mean saying that you don’t like a group of people with immutable characteristics is, quite literally, bigotry.

Like, there’s not a lot of wiggle room there, champ.

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When you live black and white as you do, you’ll never figure out what that is.

:roll_eyes: whatever. Now im gonna have to go drink away my liver away just to read your comments.

Hey, be careful how you treat our liver. We only get one.

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“I get to be intolerant cause you don’t like a group that I identify as important!”

You may have passed over my question. Do you not like LGBTQ+ people?

I do not like the group. People individually are fine as long as they are not annoying.

What’s wrong with the group?

The back and forth in this thread is a good example as to why. I unfortunately cannot tell you in one sentence.

Okay. Well maybe you can answer this. What experiences outside of the forums do you have with the LGBTQ+ community?

Read my post history for it. I’m not being rude. I just repeated myself all day and Im ready to relax. I also need to leave cause errands.

Nah this person is creepy and is weirdly obsessive with children. They’ve been calling LGBTQ folks groomers and making gross insinuations all day.

Can you do me a quick copy and paste? I’m sick with Covid and genuinely trying to understand your dislike for LGBTQ+ people.

Only because in this entire thread you have chosen to disdain LGBTQ+ on the sake of being contrary tbh lol.

Except it is an important group. It is a safeplace for non-straight / cisgender people. Also you’re doing the same thing. “I get to be intolerant cause I don’t like a group and won’t actually learn why this group is important.” You can deny it’s importancy (Probably not a word but oh well.) by just saying it’s subjective.

And you are claiming that ‘tokenism’ is occurring because they are including the LGBT+ in a game and the disabled and have made it obvious. Don’t understand how that’s tokenism but I’ll let it slide.

Which person? I needa know who to block lmao.

Harley, they’ve been trolling some other thread all day.

Well they left, so. Sucks to see that mentality tbh.

Could I get a link to that. I’m not surprised to be honest.

Welcome to the WoW forums, it’s daily hell for LGBT+, POC, and the Disabled. For we are made a mockery of by trolls & impersonators. <3

Before I go…no you’re not. You’re crying wolf.

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A courteous word about LGBT representation - Community / General Discussion - World of Warcraft Forums (