It's not pandering, it's called art

Funny thing is, I don’t see a whole lot of threads criticizing the writing of random quests, just the ones that involve LGBT.

But I’m sure that’s a coincidence, right?

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Funny thing is, I don’t see a whole lot of threads praising the writing of random quests, just the ones that involve LGBT.

But I’m sure that’s a coincidence, right?


Oreos are as much food as olive oil is a beverage

That’s not the comeback you think it is. Nobody is claiming that those quests have some kind of Tony award winning writing. They (the ones that are serious and not using the community to troll) are just happy to see some representation of themselves in a game they enjoy.

And I’m sure I don’t have to tell you that there have been 100x more threads complaining about it than praising it.

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This kid is literally 12 years old.

Stop watching too much Fox News.

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Being happy for tokenism is not a good thing.

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This may come as a shock to you but not everybody thinks that the only reason to add queer characters is for “tokenism”.

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Blizzard has released article after article of them saying they are all for lgbt inclusion and increasing representation in WoW. DF is literally the expansion where they are doing it. Literally why these threads keep popping up.

So yes, it is tokenism.

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And I assume you’re one of the people who thinks inclusion and representation is a bad thing?

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Yes. Tokenism is BAD. Bad writing, bad ethics, and bad design.

That’s not what I asked, but I think I have my answer anyways.

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Good. I was tired of repeating myself.

Well, I’d get used to it, or find a new game. Pretty clear this isn’t the place for people with your outlook anymore.

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Stop teasing poor real Briselody :joy:


I’m not doing anything to the OP

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“Why do people dislike the lgbt? We’re a kind and peaceful people who just want to liiiiiive! By the way, leave this game, it’s our now.”



Yeah, sometimes it’s to sell products too!

I hate that I’m only half joking

I’m sure that’s what you heard. I won’t bother correcting you.

Have the day you deserve.


It’s what you wrote. A lot of people with short, short attention spans these days. Who writes a post and forgets what they wrote in the next one? Strange.