It's not pandering, it's called art

“I want to use institutional power to remove people that disagree with me from everything. All while calling them oppressors and me the victim.”


Listen sweetie when the disagreement is about pineapple on pizza then you’re right but the disagreement is “should gay people be allowed to exist without facing constant harassment?” so, no. Your point doesn’t stand.

Try again.

When a question like “Does this make the game better? Are we seeing too much of this?” is taken as questioning the validity of existence and adding to “constant harassment” it’s forever going to appear like the entire world is always out to get you.


Sugar muffin.


If you think this is seeing “too much of this” then you need to see more of it.

You’re clearly sheltered. What you need to do is move out of your hometown and see the world. That’s what I did.

I mean I’ve lived in four states and been to many more. Wasn’t sheltered enough to avoid being a victim of childhood sexual assault by a member of the “oppressed” community you champion who had been adopted into the family. Probably could have done with some extra sheltering tbh.

Yeah I’m gonna call bs on that.

That’s fine with me. Your assumptions on a forum don’t really matter much in my world.

Our last conversation went poof, but was tying to point out a specific person’s reasoning in regards to certain things- with the big center of it being “fertility”. Which in and of itself should have been all the info anyone needed.

I mean that sucks for you if it’s true.

Maybe get some therapy to help with that instead of mis-directing your trauma at an entire group of people who are definitely not represented by your assaulter.


I’ve had therapy and I don’t lay my trauma over any group of people. I blame the person, individually, that committed the act, as people should. I don’t take any kind of hard stance against anyone because of what they believe, who they are attracted to, or even what they eat…unless they like pineapple on pizza. Those folks are murderers.

This shouldn’t have become personal but personal assumptions were made so they were countered with personal experience. Sorry if that upsets anyone.


It depends if you’re complaint then was that it was not good art or that you think there’s too many Oreos in the world and that real people don’t even like Oreos and it’s some sort of agenda to make us look at more Oreos even though we’re so sick of Oreos already.

cuz that’s where we seem to be.

nothing about the writing or how a quest could be different it’s all LGBTQ = BAD

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it’s definitely not bigoted that you aim your criticism at an entire community and not the person that assaulted you…

It’s really not.

When people say that the writing is bad or the quest could be different, people tunnel vision on the fact that it is an LGBT quest, then proceed to tell you that every quest in wow has bad writing, sucks, and is lame…and if you’re criticizing the one that has an “inclusive angle” that you must be a bigot…

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Gotta say, Briselody rarely makes threads, but when they do, they generate a lot of responses!

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The comment may have appeared stupid, but it was in response to someone’s previous comment about the population dying off on the Dragon Isles, not randomly generated by me to cause controversy (even though it did bring the hatemongers out of the woodworks).

Just to clear the matter, I am by no means a “homophobe” - I harbor no personal feelings of hatred, anger or bitterness towards people who choose that lifestyle, including members of my own family - and certainly not a fascist (Giovanni Gentile, the socialist father of fascism, was a proponent of “true democracy”, the concept in which the individual willingly subordinates himself to the State - I believe in the concepts of free speech, free market, privatization, and small government; and anyone familiar with Mussolini’s La Dottrina del Fascismo will know that Mussolini also wrote, “All is in the State and nothing human exists or has value outside the State.” Neither of these men represented the ideals of the political right by any stretch of the imagination).

What’s said and done has been said and done, and it’s in the past. I’m only sorry for those who took anything personally, as a link to the CDC, for example, wasn’t intended as a personal attack on anybody, only to present factual data. Of course, I will still probably be accused of being a hatemonger, but I can’t change anybody’s mind regarding the truth about my character.

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Who exactly is misdirecting their problems onto an entire group of people who are definitely not represented by the person that disagrees with them about WoW quests?

Idk maybe you guys need therapy or to move out of your home town because snark

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It’s so cute the way you think the oppressors are actually the victims here. If this was a conversation about “there’s too many black people in this game” and we spoke out against that and wanted to shame every racist at every opportunity, would you be saying the same thing? That we’re just as bad as the racists for not tolerating racism?

News flash. If you’re playing WoW then on a scale of 1-10, 1 being the most oppressed and 10 being the least, you’re probably hovering around a 7 or 8.

We live in such a decadent society that questioning representation on a video game qualifies as oppression. It’s fairly pathetic.

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