It's not pandering, it's called art

Sorry but it’s 100% Pandaren :panda_face:

It is not an is a craft,there is a difference between art( a unique state of being) and a craft (technique that is repeatable). You can pander a craft but not an art. A being is an expression of a time it is a passing effect. Art -being,craft a stepping stone.

Meanwhile, right-wingers are constantly discussing lowering age of consent laws, and actual predation is constantly occurring in religious communities.

You are regurgitating vile and untruthful talking points to justify your bigotry.

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Both of you need to source what you’re saying, because it sounds like both groups have a problem with child predators.

Where did he say he hate them?.. He said he’s not much of a fan and he gave his reasons (unfounded maybe, if he sourced his reasons, we will decide) on why he’s not supporting them. Lack of support isn’t negative, it’s neutral. He isn’t going out of his way to attack the LGBT in this comment.

Also, we just had somebody basicly threatening another user’s life on this thread eariler. That’s way more vile then any bigotry real or perceived because… i don’t know if you noticed but being a murderer is worse.


His “source” is the groomer narrative being pushed in the extremist sphere to justify going after the LBGT community. It’s all projection though.

Oh no! Someone said something on the internet! Better turn all our focus to that and not that fact that multiple Republican legislatures are constantly eroding people’s rights away.

Stop carrying water for fascists.


I would like for my kids to learn about problem solving and socal skill that will help them to prepare for real world. But lately, the education is more focus on LGBT content and that raised a question for me and my family. Parents throughout the country are speaking out on this matter and they’re being attacked for saying something. Kids at very young age doesn’t know what’s going on around them and can be easily manipulate. I can’t trust the public school right now, for safety reasons we been sending my kids to private school.


:roll_eyes: you sound ridiculous.

For me, it’s the McChicken. The best fast food sandwich. I even ask for extra McChicken sauce packets and the staff is so friendly and more than willing to oblige.

One time I asked for McChicken sauce packets and they gave me three. I said, “Wow, three for free!” and the nice friendly McDonald’s worker laughed and said, “I’m going to call you 3-for-free!”.

Now the staff greets me with “hey it’s 3-for-free!” and ALWAYS give me three packets. It’s such a fun and cool atmosphere at my local McDonald’s restaurant, I go there at least 3 times a week for lunch and a large iced coffee with milk instead of cream, 1-2 times for breakfast on the weekend, and maybe once for dinner when I’m in a rush but want a great meal that is affordable, fast, and can match my daily nutritional needs.

I even dip my fries in McChicken sauce, it’s delicious! What a great restaurant.

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This is exactly it.

The quests in WoW FEEL like they were written by a straight man who wants a pat on the back for including the gays, rather than just including them in the world like you would any other person. Just feels… Weird.

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Thats quite the pivot. If discussing on Forums means nothing then nothing you say means anything either. If you are more concerned about Legislation then go protest and vote. What are you doing here? If you wish to stay here and discuss things, perhaps dont pivot to outside affairs when you are questioned on things “here”.

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Correct. Nothing you post on a MMORPG’s forums matter.

However, I am a simple creature and enjoy getting into slap fights on the internet.

Luckily, I’m capable of multitasking and doing that and voting.

Your mindset is not comparative to a 10000 year old dragon. Just because YOU cant understand things, does not make them not so.

What’s offensive about it?

A link. I’m talking about links.

People can say the same exact thing to your stuff as well.

Also, i’m not interested in your fearmongering here. Link half of the stuff you’re saying at least.

Threatening people’s lives essentially by calling them “Fascists” is not a good look for you. It’s not a good way to convince bigots of your ways, and would make the non-bigots wary of you. For as much of your sanctimonious bickering of how the “Alt right taking the rights away”, you have no problem of wanting people to be killed as a leftist. Which is worse. Being a murderer is worse then being a bigot, and i think it says a lot about you as a person (and the far left), and how you want there to be no way to redeem yourself.

You want to talk about eroding people’s rights away? Let’s start with the democrats like yourself who clearly wants the right to redeem themselves and change for the better.

I’m a liberal, and i don’t want that right taken away. This whole “Fascist” problem of yours, is simply a YOU issue. An issue that you need to seriously tend to since this isn’t rational behavior to deal with something like this. It’s the same psychopathic energy that those clubs shot up in the first place.

And i’m certain you enjoyed defending somebody who was threatening somebody’s life…

I don’t think it’s bigoted to have your kids learn in environment without bias per se, as well have the teachers listen to Parent’s concerns and what not. I mean yes, LGBT is important to teach, but there is a non-biased way to teach it… and a non-volatile way to teach it as well.

That’s fine to do, it is your right and nobody should take that away from you.

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They will learn about LGBT eventually but not in their early age.

that’s all I need thank you.


Alright, i’m a little curious on this. Why not though?

I mean honestly, there wouldn’t be much to teach with that topic at an early age, other then “invisible differences” which covers more topics then LGBT, like disabilities. The sort of… “Everybody is different in their own unique way and you shouldn’t be rude to them just because their different.” sort of way.

Maybe i’ve never been LGBT to know enough this topic on what’s the difference is between this and what i’ve said here, so i would only imagine (given some of the LGBT people we have here) that would be about self discovery or coming to terms with yourself, something like that.


I did tried to tell them I do have disability and they doesn’t seem to understand what that means. I feel like as they get older, they will understand little bit better. That just me.

You need go to school lol, you know how much art is used as a message through history lol?

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This was enjoyable to read :dracthyr_hehe_animated:

I think sites that end in HUB are art, I don’t see that being represented anytime soon.