It's not pandering, it's called art

People don’t think as you do and they have rights to express to their own opinion. If someone doesn’t like lgbtqia, well there’s nothing you can do to change their mind. that being said, threaten with violence is not helping you winning those people over, it make you look like a total nut.


Bold of you to assume I want to win them over. I want them gone.

Can’t really recall, but when I go outside I tend to get lamb or beef cause I get enough chicken at home. But honestly, any of those meat is good meat :sunglasses:

You know what goes great with tacos? The tears of fascists.

Not this…

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how are you suppose to do that?

No, it’s pandering. 100% pandering.

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I don’t even know you and I knew it wasn’t you!

Shame them at every opportunity. Ban them from every social media platform, game, etc. Make them too ashamed to express their bigotry in public.

Actually you know what? Scratch that. I want bigots to be just comfortable enough to let us know who they are so we know who the bad people are.

I don’t think I can confidently call this game art. Absolutely terrible writing at worst or mediocre writing at best, cutscenes with either stiff, lazy, or both animation, cutscenes with mediocre direction, pretty terrible creature design, mostly overdesigned characters, hit or miss voice acting unless they are a big name (i.e. Josh Keaton, Laura Bailey, etc.).

Oh man do not get me started on the lore inconsistencies, retcons, and terrible narrative design…
And for the cutscenes, wow they really need to make, like, actual new models with hair physics, clothing physics, or something. It doesn’t need to be hyperreal, like the promotional trailers are, but dear god I physically wince when I see them do a close-up on a character’s face. Why do they need to make the characters look so ugly. This isn’t even an attraction thing; it’s about appeal. Why don’t they just hire Marza or something. It’s ActivisionBlizzard, so they have money. I don’t know why people praise Terran Gregory so much, honestly. I’ve seen much better out of other franchises.

For a triple A studio, they sure feel indie.

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After all this time?

Also, why are you more willing to step up to bat for the oppressors/aggressors than the victims? You saw my exchange with the bigot in this thread; I asked them why they hated the LGBTQ community and they refused to give a reason. How do you propose we respond to such a vile example of hate?

This whole thread reminds me of the South Park episode where Greg and Twitch are thought to be lovers and people call it art. LOL I needed that laugh. Still like the expansion though

The problem with this sentence is that it is not “optional”, everyone stumble across them I know and was bit upset how forceful the topic is. It’s offensive and I fully support both groups here, because LGBT-representation matters and needs to be better than this.

Everyone has their own opinion and they the right to express how they feel on social media. Don’t like it? that’s too bad for you.

Because I am not much of a LGBTQ fan myself, that group has been hijacked by the Marxist and sexual predators that used that community as a shield. What they’re doing to our children is really disgusting and I take no part on supporting them.


Similar situation here. I live in Texas, have gay neighbors. Was years before I realized it. They come over all the time to cookouts and fire pit nights. They drive pickup trucks, have jet skis, four wheelers, dogs. I initially thought they were just friends or maybe brothers. But once I caught on I couldn’t believe it took me so long to realize it. Even after I knew they didn’t change a thing.

find a new hobby & stop obsessing over sexual orientation. it’s irrelevant and noone cares about who you prefer to lay in bed with. not a single gay person ive met or know behave like this, it’s very bad for your mental health.

please reevaluate your priorities.

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In my lowly opinion.

Its probably pandering, because if blizz really cared about inclusiveness they would give the finger to china and not make people just good friends.

No one cares or will believe you if you bend to the will of tyrants

With LGBT being as trendy and big as it is now. This is pandering in my opinion. I personally can do without any representation in my video games. It’s unnecessary. It’s a game. It’s not real life. I play these games to get away from reality. Not to see what’s in the news on my computer screen.


You have no right to call anybody that after you essentially threatened somebody’s life. :roll_eyes:

Hey, somebody gets what i’m saying! :smiley:

Jesus, you’re looking for a vacation, aren’t ya’s? :face_with_raised_eyebrow:

You actually did. And that comment was removed.

That fact you’re calling people fascists, talk about commiting violence towards what you think are facists and saying death to those who just disagree with you is simply that, threatening people.

I’l go and add on to this. This will also enable them to be even more violent against the LGBT+. Violence begets violence like how hatred begets hatred. It’s a cycle.

That’s fine. I mean they can ignore it, but that is fine to do.

That’s way too extreme and sort of unreasonable, since people behind the games/platforms who want people playing their games or using the social media tend to want as much people they want and don’t tend to care what that person is all about.

Ullisha, you’re the oppressor/aggressor in this situation. You want people dead all because they didn’t agree with you or you assume bigotry from somebody else.

As much i’m curious myself since there’s no good reason to be bigoted towards anybody, their not obligated to give a reason.

Report and ignore like a normal person, since were on the Blizzard Forums.