It's not pandering, it's called art

Poor choice of words.

No you’re just not bright enough to get it.

A word “fascist” is just another word I don’t like people who don’t think the same way as I do.

Ever think that maybe you’re becoming the very thing that you sworn to defeat?


Not even a little bit. Hitler wasn’t defeated with kind words and compromise.

hint hint Mussolini

Might wanna brush up on your history reading. :wink:

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Shut up, fascist.

Ever think that maybe you’re becoming the very thing that you sworn to defeat?

I wasn’t the only one thinking this.


Real life threats on a forum?

Did the words on your screen really anger you that much?


I didn’t threaten anybody.

Yes you did.


too late now, but apparently asking for them to make your hash browns extra crispy is supposed to be the best thing ever.

However, this thread on a subject that has been beat into the ground at this point is not the best thing ever.


Prove it, bud.

You’re heading into a dark path, you’re allowing your hatred to be comsumed and those people who are in same path as you had turned violet. Antifa isn’t what they used to be, they’re hate group that used violence when opportunity present itself.


The only thing I hate are the hateful. What’s the problem with that?

These threads get so unhinged, I was hoping we can salvage it with some food talk


I had Taco Bell for dinner.

IT’s my weakness.

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I haven’t had Tacos in a while tbh. Mexican food goes for like $20 where I live

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That would suck for me.

I’ve never met a Mexican dish I didn’t love.

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I ordered Quesadillas at a cafe before and I instantly fell in love with it. I wanted like 8 of it

With chicken?

I prefer them with chicken.

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