It's not pandering, it's called art

What IS wrong with you?? reported and muted.

no one cares dude.

is it too much to just be able to skip it though ?

Who cares. I still hate them.


Why? Not that there’s a good reason, but why?

Just skip what?

If you dont think theres a good reason then don’t ask me. I don’t waste time on people who already made up their mind about why I said that.


Humour me, then. You said it. You loudly proclaimed it. Now justify it.

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No thanks.

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Then stay off our forums for good. Begone with you, you sad pathetic little human.

don’t you dare reply to me. Get your filthy name off my screen.

Fascism will not win. Not while we fight it at every turn. We defeated them in Germany, we defeated them on Jan 6th, we will always defeat them.

Blah blah blah :smile:

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What does fascism have to do with this. lol


You’re the fascist. Don’t ask me.

Which type of fascism am I? There’s italian, there’s polish, there’s chinese fascism, there’s columbia fascism, venezuela fascism…

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The hateful kind of fascist.

Ah, so you agree that there’s a non hateful kind of fascism. :smiley:

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Dang, float like a butterfly, sting like a bee. Who will step up to the challenge!!

Nope. All fascists are the hateful kind. Just like you who proudly proclaimed their hate.