It's not pandering, it's called art

Before i go…

Fanha… don’t take this personal, but i think this was and is a stupid comment to make.

Not because you’re homophobic, (though the “unnatural lifestyles” line without context is bigoted), but because i don’t even know where you were going with this comment. And i don’t know why you thought it was okay to bring it up in a topic like this, as in, why is it even relevant?

It’s a silly game with magic. Birth will happen someway shape or form and Dieases are cured like …

/snaps his fingers.

I will say though, regardless how i feel about the comment, you shouldn’t have to have your life be threatened.

Since you are such a fan of MLK, read what he said about negative peace. You’re the guy he writes about being the biggest stumbling block to equality.

You’re telling victims to just stay on the ground because fighting back is bad.

Man, I wish I’d have people impersonate here. But the only people that do something similar with my name are Goldshire regulars. So unfair. :sleepy: :sleepy:

Where have i said i was a fan of him? Is just knowing basic history and quoting one popular but still very true quote means i’m a fan of his work now, or is this a strawman you’re making up?

What’s wrong with what he did to get black people to be normalized to a point where we can’t use that to learn how to apply the same thing with everything? Would we even be in the same place as we are without them or if nothing worked from him then?

Actually, the civil rights movement was a case of good cop/bad cop. MLK wasn’t the only leader.

I wasn’t kidding though. Read what he wrote about negative peace. You’re playing the role to a T.

Well fair enough, i just choose MLK.jr because he was notable one here. And whenever i think of anti-bigotry and equality.

Neither my questions here… :point_down:

All of this stuff they are doing is basically laying down the ground work for their trial. I’m very happy they are making smart decisions

It’s an irrelevant question because it distorts what actually happened. It was a team effort that MLK was only part of.

The civil rights movement didn’t succeed because black people tolerated intolerance.

If I’m Bttlegrounds I have to kill alliance. But then my team hs a LGBT member. I would kill my team member

But u need them to help u win why kill them lol

Then tell me what you think really happened then. :man_shrugging:

Well yes, obviously there’s others who were in the same position like Malcolm X and a few others. I’m only picking MLK.jr, because he shows that equality and peace can be achieved without violence or killing people. Or as you put it “Not tolerating the intolerant”.

Plus, (i’m not talking about you) that’s (wanting violence) a dangerous attitude to have for people who assumed any form of disagreement even if it’s agreement, must be bigoted. The sort of “everything is bigoted”, and people unironically say this. It’s bad enough that these terms like racist, sexist, and homophobic and so on, are watered down to a point where they don’t mean anything what they used to, pretty much allowing the actual racists, sexists and homophobes get away… but now were (as liberals) suppose to advocate actual death, actual violence against those in order to “not be tolerant towards the intolerant”?

What do you think the actual bigots will do after they see that comment said “death to homophobes”? :face_with_raised_eyebrow:

…Do… nobody see the issue with this attitude? This wishing for violence against the opposition? Not even an “umm”?.. Are we not going to consider that maybe, just maybe, that sort of thing will just backfire horrendously?

More importantly, why Blizzard is even okay with this when don’t they have rules against violence against others?.. :point_down:

And i get it, you didn’t talk about anything about violence in your comments, you’re just fed up with all the bigots existing and you want some sort of change to happen, hence that phrase, i get it. I’m just saying, this is for an example, not a solution we should be aiming for, and we shouldn’t have to give up our principles because of that.

Another interesting thing about the shooter’s life is his dad made homophobic remarks in an interview. I wonder if the shooter has internalized homophobia (or transphobia in this case, since the defense said he identifies as nonbinary). The trial is gonna be crazy. Such a sad event honestly.

Now I want hashbrowns :yum:


So your identity is wrapped up in big lizards pretended to be humans?

WTF are you talking about? I don t think I have seen any mentions in any quests or stories of anything related to LGBT?

I think it is in the side quests. I have only done some of the side quests, not all.

Yall got what yall wanted.

Tylenol can you stop for a few days

Whom* jussayin

Serious question for those who cry pandering: Why is it acceptable, ignored, or flat out celebrated when it is directed towards you, but becomes an unforgivable sin when it is not?

For example, this entire expansion concept is pandering to the players who would not stop whining about “returning home and having simple adventures again.” But I’m not seeing thread after thread calling this out.