It's not pandering, it's called art

Excuse me, what? Elaborate on this immediately.

Holy hell I missed this victim blaming.

You ARE intentionally going to bat for fascists. You want their victims to disarm themselves and be easy targets, lest they be “intolerant.”

For those that are watching, it is not the responsibility of the victims to be tolerant of their aggressors, while their aggressors get to be intolerant themselves.


Who are you to decide who’s real and not based on their willingness to read your wall of text LOL?

You just used the no true Scotsman fallacy.

Exactly this. Exactly exactly EXACTLY this.

Leorit, where is this going?

What are you even talking about? Can you quote where you think that?..

How is me being consistent with my values is being hypocritical? What, because i didn’t find your magical poster that suddenly cropped up, suddenly i’m being hypocritical? That sounded more like you a problem, especially i can’t find the thing you wanted me to denounced since you’ve given me practically nothing.

Okay, so you’re saying derogatory names and slurs or hateful attitude towards people aren’t bigotry then. Alright, so that’s cleared up then.

Well you’re free to think whatever subjective opinion you have, but it’s wrong if you don’t think Hatred doesn’t beget Hatred.

You seem to confuse this bizarre notion you have with my point, which is simply me saying “be true and consistent with your values, otherwise you will become the enemy you’re fighting against”.

I will say to Fanha, that was a stupid thing to bring up diseases, mainly because this topic doesn’t even warrant about talking about diseases with anybody. Plus this is WoW, Magic exists and all that, so even if they did have diseases like that, they can just cure it in a matter of minutes or two quests at worst.

But what she said, was nowhere near as extreme and terrible as Ullisha’s second response where he ACTUALLY wants people he considers to be bad, dead. A threat even. :point_down:

At worst, i think Fanha’s deserves a lecture. Not to essentially have her life threatened for essentially disagreeing with you (not you, him). This is what i am talking about not being the enemy yourself. And yet, so many people are fine with the idea of violence, and yet in the same breath, wonder why there’s still LGBT people dying. :expressionless:

I don’t see how it’s my problem that you don’t understand history.

You asking for violence for others, will only paint a target on your backs, because to them, that justifies violence. In the same exact way you’re doing.

Also, i had like other replies and reading along the thread, you can wait.

You are a fool if that’s what you got out of that. My point was so simple; don’t become your enemy.

I don’t think you understand what the term “fascist” means.

If you’re not willing to agree with me that accepting one kind of bigotry means you accept all kinds of bigotry (What happened to not tolerating the intolerant stance you had by the by?) because you’re too easily scared by a comment that is only double the , then you aren’t a real progressive.

I know already you made up your mind about not reading my comments, so why you’re bothered that you pretty much outed yourself?

And you just told me that real progressives are fine with bigotry. :roll_eyes:

And i thought Talonel was the worst person on these forums… At least he doesn’t advocate for death…


Dude you legit have issue.

Are you saying being consistent with my anti-bigotry values and being against all bigotry s is having an issue now? :face_with_raised_eyebrow:

You call yourself anti-bigot but here you are lecturing me for not tolerating the bigot.

Do you even know what Anti-bigot mean? Do you even know the definition of Anti in the first place?

you know the shooter was a non binary who was mentally unstable and the red flag law failed.

You keep on missing the darn point and keep saying this misinformation here because you didn’t bother to actually read my comment since my length apparently scares you.

Here’s my comment again. :point_down:

Or is it still too long for you to read?

If i don’t know what anti-bigotry means, i wouldn’t be quoting MLK.jr, now wouldn’t i?

You mean this? :point_down:

Yeah i’l be honest, i was sort of not surprised to find that out.

It’s still horrible for what happened (because it’s people dying from one psychopath), but that piece of news about the shooter did made me raise a brow in a curious and somewhat surprised way.

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I haven’t got anything yet cause I’m in that weird state of hungry but not hungry, and I also got some leftovers in the fridge. Hashbrowns sounds real good tho


No im serious, tell me the meaning of the word “Anti”.

There are lots of groups not represented in the game. Its ok for people who disagree with you to voice their concerns. In your support of inclusion I dont know why you would want to exclude people who arent happy with the situation.

Serious people don’t dismiss comments for being too long. :point_down:

I already read that, you’re wrong.

You just don’t know the definition of anti.

Nice lying mate.

I’m not answering your frivolous waste of time question because all you’re going to do is continue to confuse my point (From you not reading by your own admission) with “tolerance” lecture that makes me doubt you actually know what it means at this point.

You don’t have to answer, because you don’t know what you’re talking about.

Go read your quote book and get out of here already.

Except i do. Which is why your “totally serious” question is not coming from good faith. Because i don’t know it, why then i would be quoting MLK.jr? Why would i be against all forms of bigotry then if i’m not anti-bigotry?

You already made up your mind because of your bias towards keeping the hypocrisy, and therefore, bigotry going. You are doing more harm then good by doing this, and you’re covering this under the guise of “Not tolerating the intolerant”. Something the the other said clearly thinks. You are acting no different then the bigots, i.e the intolerant by allowing one form of bigotry.

…Yeah, apparently keeping MLK.jr in mind because ya know… i’m a liberal and i’m anti-bigotry, is me keeping a quotebook on handy apparently. :roll_eyes:

Between this, and you supporting somebody killing people over just a stupid comment…

… You’re (The person called "Gay) an awful person that gives progressives and liberals a bad name.

And i only wish to have nothing to do with you at this point onwards. :vulcan_salute:

You’re old liberal, but you’re not anti-bigotry, you don’t even know what the meaning of “anti” is.

So just sit down, i don’t have time to hear you requoting the same person over and over, its getting old real fast.