It's not pandering, it's called art

Bringing the ‘factual data’ up in a conversation about LGBT when that topic wasn’t relevant, is.

Cis white men, in fact are going to

of LGBT groups.

Oh! Also, there was the whole covid thing. Lot of cis-white men didn’t like the vaccines so they lost a lot of people to that, more than LGBT groups.

How is it offensive or not true? I mean if you go by the government 80 percent of all new hiv cases are from male to male sexual contact. Who are you to say someone else is not welcome here? You’re just as bad as the people saying the lgbt are not welcome.


It was, when I was accused of uttering a falsehood:

And, of course, threatened with a real life threat twice, and falsely called a homophobe, when I am not, and falsely called a fascist, when I’m not a leftist idealogue:

You accuse me of posting out of hatred, when I did not. Yet you are doing that very thing here, targeting a specific group of people you have labeled as “cis”.


Because it’s a falsehood in regards to every other disease that plights cis-white men. :slight_smile:

? You said you’re not

So how would what they say be a threat against you? You kinda messed up, you already know what you are.

You did, yes.

By saying I am targetting a group, then you are. Looks like you lost already. Not a very good debater


Not one piece of sound logic in your reply. Not unexpected, albeit unfortunate.


Dude you got roasted hard.

Not one point from my post refuted, so you attacked me as a person. Not unexpected, albeit unfortunate.

I guess by your own logic, I refuted all of your ‘ill’ logic, since you fit the definition of that word.

I already did refute your ill logic. What more do I need to say?

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No, they’re only doing it because of ESG like the majority of the companies out there…in the grand scheme of things, they don’t give an expletive.

And there it is. You have not replied with any logic at all, but only vitriol and hatred. As I said before, that isn’t unexpected, even if it is tragic.

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Could you please point to anywhere in my post that’s considered ‘vitriol’ or ‘hatred’? Specific quotes please, and if you point to words or quotes I used from you, I will laugh.

Lots of non white people also did not get vaccinated just so you know. When has the government tried so hard to “help” us by paying us to take a shot, or a free cruise, or free weed. At my work one guy won 10k just for getting the shot. Also more vaccinated people are dying now than non vaccinated, but you will probably say thats because there are more vaccinated people now.

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So become fascists to kill fascists…

Meanwhile people are still legit wondering why the LGBT are still dying from nightclubs and such… /s

Bigotry is just basically discriminating or hating another person for what they are,

Or as the definiton puts it…

obstinate or unreasonable attachment to a belief, opinion, or faction; in particular, prejudice against a person or people on the basis of their membership of a particular group.

Tolerate Is just simply not caring about a thing and just allowing it. It doesn’t mean they agree or like it.

Or as the def puts it…

allow the existence, occurrence, or practice of (something that one does not necessarily like or agree with) without interference

Excuse me, what? Is me pointing out the hypocrisy, means i don’t know what those words mean? :face_with_raised_eyebrow:

Why are you okay with one form of bigotry then, when you should be against all forms of bigotry? Hatred begets hatred.

I don’t know who you’re talking about here. In the 200+ posts thread, i can’t find you this mystical magical poster that you’re referring to here because you didn’t give me any names, you just said “This other person”.

At the time of writing this and noticing your replies to Fanha’s below this one, i’m going to assume you mean Fanha. Since you didn’t link diddly squat, i had to look what the hell you’re talking about in all 5 posts of her’s.

…I don’t see where she said anything about the death of LGBT? It’s just more or less she’s just talking about diseases… Diseases that are not exclusive to LGBT.

Yeah, not a good look for them to quickly assume somebody is bad, and wishing them death for being what you’ve (not you) assumed. Especially since all that does is enable the actual bad people to justify their own actions, the same exact way Ullisha said. In their minds, it’s no different then what Ullisha said about fascists.

I met some really terrible people in my time, but never once i want them to be killed, because that’s honestly stupid.

Then you’re not a real progressive then if you’re okay with bigotry being acceptable though hypocrisy.

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That wasn’t the government, that was workplaces, Miha.

That were pushed by who?

Actually, state governments did they had drawings Ohio and others

I wish I could post a link.

And guess who ultimately funded them?

Could you please note the parts of ‘prejudice’?

Indeed, ‘existence, occurrence, or practice’ Which means what? You already went against what you claimed was happening.

It’s not hypocrisy, though you have been in this thread.

Because it wasn’t bigotry.

Not always, no. Pushing back against intolerance, is not being intolerant.

They brought it up in regards to LGBT but failed to mention that white cis men make up most of the deaths, therefore they would be the ones ‘leaving’ earlier.

Workplaces that wanted people to stay, not get ‘sick leave’ from covid, etc.

Before I split for a while, I will oblige you this once:

Data source for this assumption?

Again, data source? You are targeting a specific group, which you have labeled as “cis-white”, whatever that’s supposed to mean. It sounds awfully racist.

This didn’t really make any sense to me, so I just glossed over it. But again, targeting this group you’ve labeled “cis-white”.

Go and read Ullisha’s responses. I flagged both posts for threatening real-life threats. I even quoted Ullisha for you.

I did not post anything out of hatred. You dare presume to declare that I am a homophobe, when I can tell you, speaking for myself, as myself, that I am not. You have no right to speak for me.

Logic thrown RIGHT out of the window with that sentence. “I know you are, but what am I?” And not a good debater, well, believe whatever you wish to believe. That’s your 1st Amendment right to do so.

Not even close, and saying stuff like this is just going to bat for fascists.

There is a difference between tolerating an opinion and action, and tolerating the way someone is born. One group is constantly working to take the other’s rights away, and the other is asking them to stop bothering them.

That’s not vitriolic, or hateful.

Sure, the internet! If you google “Cis white men death rate vs LGB” since you wanted to go that route.

It’s not, unless you talking about LGB as a group was since you brought it up.

Thanks for continuing to admit you were targetting a group when you came into this thread.

Again they only could be, if you admit to being what they claimed because they didn’t name you. They named a specific wording.

You admitted to it, more than once now.

You did the same, actually. I very specifically used your arguments.