It's not pandering, it's called art

…Uh no, it’s not cringe, it’s something that we (liberals) ought to keep in mind in. Especially if the goal is to rid of bigotry and normalize people like LGBT.

As Martin Luther King Jr once said… “Hatred begets Hatred”.

No, try Text to Image AI into anything if you want an Unnatural form of Art. :laughing:

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Dude do you have a quote book in your pocket or something?


I want them to lose the war because they’re the aggressors.

What a repulsive, offensive, and completely false thing to say. Definitely reporting this post as you are so incredibly unhinged it’s dangerous. Please get off our forums. You are not welcome here.


It’s just a quote i kept in mind always. Because it is a really good quote to learn from. Something that more people liberal or otherwise in my opinion, should learn from. Because for all the time the liberals (i.e, my side) is infatued about the past and not wanting to make the same mistakes (or not do what conservatives do essentially), it’s really bizarre, how most of them i talk to them with this… don’t really seem to think it applies.

I going to assume you know what bigotry is and how everybody has the capacity to be bigoted themselves, even those who are standing up against it.

What says you, if you see a progressive say for example, just being hateful and bigoted towards straight people all the while protecting the LGBT people, essentially being the intolerant that you wish not to tolerate, but with differing groups they like/dislike?

Because for it, it’s often times looking at the same group i disliked, and it makes me wonder if those sorts of people are self-aware enough to know what their doing isn’t better then the other group, or just makes them look worse, or gives reasons the other group to just continue what their doing?..

Let me know when straight people have what’s happened to LGBT people happen to them, like oh I don’t know the stuff with night clubs and drag shows including attacking power grids to prevent a show?

I wasn’t talking about murders.

Unless your discounting derogatory names being thrown for both Straight and LGBT, and overall verbal abuse or harassment being bigotry.

These are not your forums, and you have no right to tell me what to do. And the facts do not lie.

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What’s the definition of ‘tolerate’, or ‘bigotry’?

But that is different than a character specifically (not inferringly) repeating their relationship towards another in my opinion.
Using the context of Neville, it would instead be the same as if whenever Rowling mentioned Neville she used the term “Neville, the coward” and not as a title, but as a repeated adjective.

The only real reason I used the term in this post is that is specifically the argument that people have stated in opposition.
And my post isn’t intended to be an opinion, but simply an outsider view at how I can understand how people can come to that conclusion as a result of the poor writing.

Do you not know those terms yourself?.. Because i can quick google and take a look and it’s pretty much how i understand them.

It is weird how if it’s just derogatory names and other such slurs like that against the LGBT, that’s suddenly bigotry. And yet when i or others apply the same thinking towards straights, suddenly that’s not applicable unless they get killed?

The point of that question is to ask if that person is consistent in their values and principles of being against all bigotry.

…Yeah, that’s not asking them to be more violent now, is it?.. :face_with_raised_eyebrow: /s

If they’re fascists, it’s ok to be violent to them. Punch fascists!


Assume I do not, and explain them to me.

Then you don’t know what the pre-requisites are for the words?

You didn’t denounce the other person when they talked about the death of LGBT people, did you? Your bias is showing.

And it’s that person’s assumption that I’m somehow automatically a homophobe, when I’m not. That too is reprehensible.


C’mon. Off with you. You’re not welcome here. Shoo little child.

You are, actually. It’s why you talked about them ‘dying earlier’ because of one specific disease, when not accounting for Obesity in cis-straight whites and average age of death for demographics, as people like you often do.

My citing factual data doesn’t prove somehow that I am homophobic. Any more than my citing data on the death of obese and morbidly obese individuals, regardless of their sexual orientation, would be appropriate enough to deem me “cacomorphobic”. You are lacking in logic.

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Im not reading that wall of text dude.