It's not pandering, it's called art

Yet another of the so-called “tolerant” outed by their own words!

So amusing.

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Hey now!


Yes, that is the argument. :roll_eyes:

Haven’t seen anything of the kind. Saw a dude say “husband”, and I think the same with a female character. It’s tame, I’m sorry nobody is going to convince me otherwise. People are just absolutely insanely obsessed with the topic. You know what too, it’s perpetuated by propoganda and they don’t even know it. Often the topics we can’t agree on are the one’s massively publicized, further driving the stake in-between American culture.

If you treat gay people good irl, good they’re people just like us, nobody wins an award for doing that, it’s what we should do. So, you saw a few gay characters in the game…move on with life lol. It means as much as some are making it to be, when it means nothing. In other words, the people rebuking it are making it a huge thing.


dude he loved Jaina, how can you think the game has never indicated his sexuality??

literally Warcraft 3 saddest story was that jaina had to break up with him because he was losing himself to rage and the desire for vengeance for his people.

you can even hear it in his voice how heart broken he felt when Jaina said she couldn’t follow him into Stratholme to purge the city from the undead.


im basically agnostic pagan and ill admit i find someone like you pretty rare in the religious department

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i have seen two gay couples so far that say the word husband to be honest, i have seen a gay couple of humans and gay couple between two Dragonspawns.

no hate though, just saying the gay is shown in the new expansion plenty.

but still i don’t see why anyone have to be negative about it, this game isn’t made for children even though kids will play anyways.

it’s like Shooting games, most shooting games aren’t meant to be for kids but kids play it anyways.

Gay exist and people need to accept it and move on not make a big deal about it.


We don’t need to tolerate the intolerant.

just want to quote the two, just in case if people still think these two groups are any different.


Im sure you would believe ridiculous number of bible pushers who have never actually STUDIED what the bible says.
They actually think its their job to PUSH religion. lol.
Clearly they missed the lesson this teaches…

And as many as will not receive you, when you go out from that city, shake off the very dust from your feet as a testimony against them."
(Luke 9:5)

its not the churches job to PUSH religion on anyone.
Its not even the churches job to pretend to be the judge of those they believe are sinners…and this is a really telling passage when the church accepts it for what it says, not what they WISH it said, lol

I wrote to you in my epistle not to associate with fornicators. Yet I certainly did not mean with the fornicators of this world, or with the covetous, or swindlers, or idolaters, since then you would need to go out of the world! But now I write to you not to associate with anyone named a brother, who is a fornicator, or covetous person, or an idolater, or abusive person, or a drunkard, or a swindler–not even to eat with such a person. For what have I to do with judging those also who are outside? Do you not judge those who are inside? But those who are outside God will judge. Therefore “put away from yourselves the evil person.”
(1 Corinthians 5:9-13)

Notice who the christian is allowed to deem as a fornicator and disassociate with…WHICH…by the way is the ONLY prescribed ‘punishment’ the NT prescribes in such cases if the person refuses to stop sinning…disassociation. Nothing more.

Those the church sees as ‘sinful’ as defined BY scripture inside the church are to be disassociated with…nothing any more severe than that.
Those OUTSIDE the church are GODS to judge…and the church isnt even given the same instruction to disassociate with them as they would be sinful brethren INSIDE the church lol

MANY christians simply ASSUME its their JOB to judge those outside the church…but what does that passage actually say? lol.

LMAO@name! Hi im [name], accept me NEOW!!

I am in tears!

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There are no heterosexual romances on the Dragon Isles. Everyone will die off in a couple of generations.

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One must know that if you’re fighting for something, it helps not to become the thing you’re fighting against yourself. It’s keeping true to your values and principles. I’m sure you heard this by now, the “If you allow them to take one right away from a group of people, they will come atfer you next”?.. Or something similar like that?

I don’t tolerate genocide :slight_smile:

People say this but they have no actual complaint or anything to point out. They just talk VAGUELY about stuff that applies to basically every straight relationship in the game too.


That’s cringe but okay.

Completely agree. The sooner we care less. The sooner people will start to just move on with their lives instead of trying to burn anything down that is “gay”.

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Opinion noted. Mine is just different.


so you want 100 million people of Russians to perish?

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I’m just…wondering why people are trying to have a genuine debate with a false-flag troll posted by a well-known troublemaker impersonating a regular.

But that’s the insidious part about the T-Squad, people just keep gobbling down that bait. Saying the stuff they want to have said on the forums for them while the mods give them flag protection. It’s nice to have a break for a couple of weeks once the mods get it together behind the scenes and ding them for a while, but seeing a blatant bad faith impersonation get flag protection is…

Well, to quote regulars gone by, it’s a slap in the face.