It's Been an ENTIRE YEAR Since Brutosaur Showed Up on ANY NA BMAH

I’m going to assume this is sarcasm. I’m sure you’re not really a jerk.

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No, just reading the crazy and trying to fit in.

To be honest, I have no issue with limiting items and have no ill will if I miss out on an item, it’s how real life works.

My own personal “ill will” regarding the Mighty Caravan Brutosaur is due to it NOT being limited when it first came out. Blizzard changed the rules mid-expansion and didn’t even make an official announcement. The change was data mined by players and outed here on the forums. I would have been fine with it being time-limited from the start, but the way Blizz did it was very underhanded.


This is not real life, though.

Sure feels like it.

i will never, ever get 5 million gold (hell i’m broke in real life) but i always like when i see a brutosaur rider at a mailbox in oribos or somewhere when I want to use the auction house, so maybe it would be good if they brought them back for purchase.


They should’ve just added a new AH amount as a gold sink

Make it more expensive and maybe expansion exclusive

Sort of like a really REALLY expensive collectible for each expansion


Ironically, just like your endless spam of the same thread every week.

Dear OP,
This is working as intended. The Blizzard development team did not want the mount in the game any more, so to appease the crowd and to keep you playing, they put it on the BMAH at a really bad drop rate (probably 0.00001% or something).

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Have you considered using Chromie time to go back and get it from the vendor?


I wish that worked.

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lmao should have bought it when the vendor sold it.

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I have 5 more than you.



The nighthold. I saw 3 there.

I had almost 10 million gold at the end of Legion, scattered across numerous realms. By the time they announced it was being removed, the server I had the most gold on was down to 1.6 million gold. I farmed gold hard for months until I was able to buy it.

Put it back on the vendor. Also put a model without an AH for a lower price.

It may be cheaper now to put an auction house in one garrison. I don’t, know, I never did that once. I sold the Ashran parts for 25k gold during wod. To put them in every garrison could cost a lot.


So they made it the love rocket except now it’s an entire server only getting a.0002% chance to see it. Then you gotta be the first to bid gold cap onto it over the people who have teams watching the BMAH to force a buy from them to allow the chance.

Blizz made a mess and they need to just put the damn thing back on the vendor.


Exactly. It’s nice to see someone else sees the problem and doesn’t make this personal.


“Advertised” is right it was never mentioned it was going away and who knows when Blizz would have announced it if it wasn’t brought up during PTR. Yeah we still had 8 months but not everyone is on all hours of the day. Until that surprise announcement everyone assumed it would be the new Mammoth or Yak or Spider and be there until you could save up for it.


Bought mine day 1 of BFA

I don’t see the issue



Name checks out


What crate are you talkin about btw?

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