It's almost a month now with no update to Guild Services - can we get an update please?

The post below was created 27 days ago from today 23/03/2022.

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  1. It’s almost 2am in California and 4am in Texas. No one is in the office to even look.

  2. Kalv, and Vrak, and Orly, have all stated that they don’t give unsubstantial updates. When there is news to share, they will share it. They will not give constant “Still working on it” non-updates. It’s being worked on, and that’s all there is right now.

Yes, it’s been 27 days. Obviously, it’s not simple to fix. Just be patient and keep an eye on updates to that thread, as that’s where updates will be posted once there’s anything to share.


To tag onto what Myrandriel already said - considering that when there are updates to things, they’re pretty on top of sharing them with the populace. If there was an update to the issue? They’d post it. Just like with the storebought transmogs/RAF mog issue that is also being worked on.

When there is an update, they’ll share it. If there is nothing being said? It’s still being worked on with nothing to update at this time.


I appreciate this Leilleath. We’re definitely invested in this issue and want to get information into your hands as soon as it’s available. Personally, I don’t like having a lot of sticky topics so I’d rather not have to keep that one up longer than is needed.

We’re paying close attention to the work being done on these fronts, but there’s no real update we can share at this time.


Thanks Leilleath, Myrandriel and Kalviery.
I appreciate the posts. BUT after a month of NO communication whatsoever, not even a smidge of a “hey guys, we’re still working on this, thank you for your patience” for almost a MONTH, customers tend to wonder, has this been forgotten??? Hence the reason for my follow up post.

IMO, this is not good customer support/service, ONLY giving good outcome responses. Communication has been asked for by the community, at least do us a “solid” and just update the post with something, even if it’s nothing, just so we know it hasn’t been forgotten.

Something along those lines would’ve sufficed. I would’ve checked the sticky post, read that and I’d check back in after reset.

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Yeah, here’s the thing: They can’t keep saying “we’re still waiting” non stop because folks want a personal update on a given thing. It’d be become nothing but a copy/paste to the point folks can and will get upset by the blues saying pretty much nothing. While I’m sure your heart is in the right place, but they can’t really do this non-stop for anyone whom ask.


If you browse through any of the several threads on the topic, you’re bound to see at least one blue post describing how they aren’t in the habit of providing pointless, non-update updates.

Keep an eye on the sticky near the top of this forum. Any updates will be posted there, but only when there’s actually something to update.


Yeah, here’s the thing too: You can’t go radio silent for a month without SOMETHING.
When I check back on that sticky post every reset, hoping it would be fixed over maintenance and see NOTHING, I get upset that NOTHING has been updated.
So what do I do? In a moment of frustration, I create a post asking for an update because nothing has been said for a month.
I’m very appreciative that Kalviery has responded to this, I really am.

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It’s not pointless at all.
Different people value some sort of communication, others would cringe at a “nothing to update” post. But nothing said for a month, kinda devalues the request from the community for communication.

Don’t forget, your thoughts and beliefs may be held by many others, but on other side of that, there are just as many who think and believe otherwise.

And there those who just want to see the world burn… :frowning:

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A bit of insight into their reasoning:


Here’s the thing. You can’t not read their policy on updates and expect them to do what you want instead of what they have said they do. Your expectation is not grounded in reality. Bliz has stated their reality of these updates. Adapt your expectations.


Regardless of opinions on whether status updates should be posted every so often, just do understand that not providing the Guild Services is directly impacting Blizzard’s wallet, so I highly imagine it’s something they don’t want to let fester for very long. Kale Kalviery is probably frothing at the mouth for the chance to write a post along the lines of “IT’S FIXED GIMME DAT MONEY”, so I wouldn’t stress too much over it or think this is something being ignored :slight_smile:


Thanks everyone.
Hopefully we’re not back here in a month’s time :frowning:

Please go ahead and lock this down.