It's 1:55 AM server time and I can't get a damn BC quest done because of multiboxers

You formed a group, that took a little time and effort. People could leave and other could join. If I wanted to get a quest done I could join a group that is farming, get my quest done and leave.

With boxers and bots that isn’t an option.


I’ll ignore the bot comment because that isn’t what this thread is about. And grouping with a boxer is an option if the party isn’t full. I mean, if the party is full it’s still a option but that won’t get your quest complete. Issue is nobody ever bothers to ask politely first. They just throw temper tantrums which makes a person not really care about your little feelers.

Honestly in my experience if you come across someone doing this and explain you are trying to do a quest in a polite manner they let you go to a segment of the area to do the quest while they do their farming. The key here is being polite and not a raving lunatic.

It sucks, the fact that Blizz won’t do anything quickly or even in the near future, shouldn’t have me tell you that you should go quest somewhere else.

It’s bad form justifying a problem that should not exist to begin with. It definitely does and CAN ruin the enjoyment or what have you of said player like OP.


Do the primals really sell that well?

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Why are they farming these items in questing areas? There are much better areas to farm the motes that turn into primals that are not questing zones.

Don’t confuse multiboxing with actual botting.


Questing locations generally have a faster respawn timer due to being a quest zone. There may be places with more spawned at a single time but those areas have a slower respawn timer. Quest areas generally are set up so when specific NPCs die it’ll force a respawn.

They may also be in these questing areas because the better farming areas are already locked down.

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Just did a quick search for Median price, It’s around 440 Gold a unit.

Multiboxing, the use of 3rd party tools, applications, programs, or scripts, should be an automatic permanent ban.


In that case, anybody who uses an addon for anything would be banned.
:face_with_raised_eyebrow: Seems harsh.


I saw several druids in Icecrown Dalaran the other night all making the same piece of cloth armor at the same time.

How do they do that? Is that botting?

Macro commands tied to a keybind I assume. I believe profession crafts are a spell and can be typed out as a command to start that craft. You can put that on a keybind and then use the same method to replicate that command across all clients they use for other spells.

That’s too easy of a fix.

Many posters on the forum have no idea what the difference is and refuse to learn.

Another easy fix.

Disagreed. No thanks.

You have absolutely no idea what you’re even trying to say, tbh.


I agree people that use Raider IO should get banned. It’s a 3rd party tool.


What’s your proof it’s a bot? Have you sat there 24 hours, 7 days a week watching them do the same thing? Or did you just see a MBer tagging mobs in a zone and assume it must be a bot?

Anyway, if you suspect it’s a bot, report and move on with your life.

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It’s possible to macro a specific profession item so you can craft it without relying on the profession UI window.

Looking at this thread and all you need is the spell id to go with this macro /run PickupSpell(). Just go to wowhead and look up the spell id of whatever you’re crafting and put that number inside the parenthesis.


Multiboxers all hit the same mob. You sure you’re not just mad about fighting over spawns? Because it’s the same whether it’s 1 or 12 guys hitting the mob at once.

Op,which primal maybe we can help you out.

That isn’t my point. places like the flying only area above Throne of the Elements have a 1/3 drop rate on motes. Why lower the drop rate when the spawn time there is reasonable and you get all four elemental types in one spot. I just don’t get it.

Unless something changed when scaling was introduced the questing mobs are supposed to have a reduced drop rate. It is why i would never farm motes in a questing area, not worth the time

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