Items Tuning Incoming - September 17

Talking about the meathook, bud. For anything competitive, tank trinkets over dps trinkets, even with them being worse, is still a bad decision unless we get more cheat death ones to help when you start pushing high keys. Squeezing out more dps is always going to be more preferable to situational defensive trinkets unless they make them that much more enticing.

5% is huge. Over the uptime you’ll do roughly 5% less throughput overall because primary stat is 1:1 in terms of dps. 5% less performant bursts is -50k DPS. Over a minute for 3 DPS that’s 9M less damage.

It’s 5% less primary stat ON THE TRINKET, which is only a fraction of your overall primary stat. I don’t know how many stacks of sacbrood you can get, but even if it comes out to 20% of your total primary stat, this nerf is only a 1% damage nerf.


hot fix they are deleting delves thank god!



You don’t have to shout. I agree that I overlooked that fact. My mistake.

All about that World First Race and tuning the entire game around it.

They don’t care about the non-streamer players.

I’ll have to agree. The leveling questlines were pretty polished but then you hit a point where it is obvious it was not completed.

Forgetting to add the voiceovers was pretty cringe and indicative of the level of technical expertise.

I’m wavering here. I’ll finish my 6 month sub in a couple weeks and then go back to 30 days at a time so I feel like I can just drop out if they can not get their act together.

For what freaking reason do you need to tune the items what the heck are you people doing. No one cares about build variety man no one everyone always ends up farming one or two of the same thing so why waste the time. Go fix delves and distract yourself with something else. I swear the art department this xpac are the only ones not doing copious amount of drugs and the balance team is basically living on the streets jeez man


I have that trinket on my vengeance tank

Please fix the trinkets ( something * FANG* ) that keeps dropping for BM hunters in the delves. Useless and a waste of key.

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This is why I will sell and disenchant my gear, but never my trinkets.

Trinkets have a long history of doing unexpected things.

You really need to make Cirral Concotory not give intellect to the dang melee>< i love the idea of this trinket as an aug evoker, but seeing a rogue/dk in my mythic run get intellect 4 times in a row is just stupid, can you PLEASE adjust it to actually give stats that class can use intell to casters streng to melee/agil etc

You can’t get us our items that were lost from guild banks and war banks but you can tweak the little stats on the items because mythic season reasons

I hate that you all continue to prioritize the esports - it doesn’t belong in WoW and should be a spin-off with its own realms / balance / etc.

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Any chance you guys could add more rewards to make honor and marks of honor less useless? Maybe use it to upgrade honor gear again and save valorstones for conquest? Some of us live in battlegrounds. While not for everyone, we’re still doing our time and deserve cool rewards as much as the guy who lives in raids.

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Lotta people in here who ruined a bunch of Heroic/M0 groups by farming Sacbrood and leaving group are now quite upset that their trinket isn’t slightly better than all of the other trinkets now, lol


Blizzard, you ganna fix the issue that heroic Grim Batol gives you a 24 hour lockout like it’s Cataclysm? It’s the only dungeon in the season at the moment that does that. I get delves are important but so is getting the trinkets we want to get.

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RIP my shining arathor trinket. 10% of my damage is maybe too much, but that was such a satisfying item.

Why the adjustments, especially buffs, on trinkets from dungeons we can’t even run above normal anymore? Or am I misunderstanding, and we can run brewery somehow still?

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