Items Tuning Incoming - September 17

Surprised some of the Delve Map trinkets aren’t mentioned. A couple are just awful like Abyssal Trap and the one half the agility users can’t even use.

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Too little, too late. The damage was already done in the lower level content.

This is what’s making me angry. My guild is back in the dark ages of mailing things to each other, because we can’t use our frickin’ bank.

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i know at least one person who’s gotten 5

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Not by anything you’ll notice

Na but I thought it was funny in the other thread where they did the change on dungeon leavers due to the trinket I replied to the blue post saying they should nerf it lol

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Nerfing more trinkets for tanks, eh? Do you guys have any plans to make tank trinkets actually useful/worthwhile or…?

Oh, good. If Spymaster’s Web is still unconditionally BiS for every caster I’m happy; this trinket is far too cool to make anything less.

No, solo delves are still quite playable.

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As one does when they want a game mode to be a legitimate pillar of player progression.

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you mean the instant mail between guildies? oh noooo its instant just like putting things in teh gbank and the bank even has a …mailbox outsiiiiide

If you cannot comprehend that having to set up a Discord channel for people to ask for things and have other people mail things is longer and inferior to just walking to a bank and pulling out stuff we had already put in there… then I don’t know what to tell you.

You’re the only person I know who would actually act so condescendingly dismissive over a base function of the game being broken. :roll_eyes:

Not worth the time.


I wish you would work in that urgency on the guild bank issue, it has been over a month now that our items have vanishd, the work of 20 years + is just gone. People are unsubbing because of this…

Do you not think that this is more urgent to fix, than stats on a few items that are replaced within the next few weeks anyways?

This is not going towards the Blue´s, you are little fish here and it´s not your fault! It´s going towards the head of the snake, that keeps taking our $$$ but is not at all intereted in our well being and enjoyment of this game.


Looks like some reasonable changes.

More like 4+ weeks…

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Can we please have any tank trinkets that actually do damage? Why are you going out of your way to make tanks jobs less fun? We are already vastly behind dps.

Also, can we please see the Ceaseless Swarmgland trinket ever drop for anyone? It is in the dungeon journal but nobody seems to have had it drop.

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The trinket everyone farmed 1 boss of an instance for to the point where blizzard had to make changes to the queue system.

5% nerf

Bottled Flayedwing Toxin - trinket that some tanks could take and do a bit of extra damage in a fun way.

33% nerf


You’re correct. Edited.

TBF, Toxin and Meat Hook were obvious oversights. Fixes were expected.
Still stings a little.

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the already OP trinkets are even more OP, what tank trinket nerfs? refracting and swarm are 25% and 20% more absorb… the broken DPS ones that add pointless amounts of damage? o boy