Items Tuning Incoming - September 17

During scheduled weekly maintenance on September 17, we will adjust items that have been over- and under-performing in the first few days of The War Within Season 1.

Our goal is to get these changes out ahead of the first Great Vault of the season, to lower the impact on players’ gearing journey.

  • Ara-Kara Sacbrood - Primary stat reduced by 5%.
  • Burin of the Candle King - Absorb increased by 15%.
  • Cinderbrew Stein - Primary stat increased by 5%, absorb increased by 20%.
  • Cirral Concoctory - Effects increased by 5%.
  • Harvester’s Edict - Damage and Mastery effect increased by 5%.
  • Mereldar’s Toll - Versatility effect increased by 8%.
  • Overclocked Gear-A-Rang - On-use damage increased by 10%.
  • Refracting Aggression Module - Absorb increased by 25%.
  • Scrapsinger’s Symphony - Absorb increased by 15%.
  • Shadow-Binding Ritual Knife - Primary stat reduced by 5%.
  • Shining Arathor Insignia - Damage and healing reduced by 10%.
  • Sikran’s Endless Arsenal - Damage effects increased by 5%.
  • Spare Meat Hook and Bottled Flayedwing Toxin now correctly deal reduced damage for tank specializations.
  • Spymaster’s Web - Intellect on use reduced by 5%.
  • Swarmlord’s Authority - Absorb increased by 20%.
  • Tome of Light’s Devotion - Absorb and Armor increased by 15%.
  • Twin Fang Instruments - Damage increased by 8%.
  • Viscous Coaglam - Effect increased by 5%.

Our intent is to do these itemization tuning passes rarely, usually within the first week or so of a patch, and then take a more hands-off approach with room for a follow-up a few weeks after if any extreme outliers still exist unaddressed.

We’ve received feedback about the inconsistency in performance across Delves trinkets as a whole, and we will look to address them in a larger Delve-specific itemization sweep in the coming weeks.


Glad to see you’ve got your priorities set. Delves may be unplayable but at least the sacbrood is a little weaker now!


awesome! appreciate the hard work!


You’re blind. That is for the 17th patch… they stated they are looking into/patching delves tonight.


Can we get any word as to why some people didn’t have their weeklies reset?

Why some people only got 2 Runed Crests total after doing 10 Bountiful Delves?

How some people got 3 Delver’s Bounties, and others, like myself, got zero?

Or the fact that some guild banks are still missing, 4 weeks later?

Why some people did 10 Bountiful Delves and didn’t get a single curio?

At 2 Runed Crests per week, you’ll be able to upgrade 9 pieces, one time each, by 2026.

Not 2025, but by 2026.



You know when I suggested that it was more of a joke suggestion but hey… we all knew it was coming anyway.


Can you guys please fix the underlight angler that’s been broken since the pre patch? You can’t put any points into the nodes because they’re gone.


Don’t forget the valorstone discount no longer applying to alts!


Or the two weeks since people’s guild banks disappeared.


I think you should revisit the non-stat effects. (Thorns, Damage, Healing). Where many trinkets are worth 4-6% in value, these effects barely break 1% in ideal situations. (For context, “ideal” is relative to the trinket’s effect. So, a tank gets thorns on an AOE pull that lasts ~15-20sec?.. 1% overall damage. This should be closer to 3-4%.)

A friend of mine got FOUR of them (we thought three was the maximum) on the same character, and then two more on his alt. I was with him in the same runs, and got a total of zero maps. I’m happy for him, but some people getting multiple 610s as bonus items and others getting nothing, that really doesn’t feel good.


It feels straight-up terrible. From here on, we only get 4 keys per week, and we might never see a Delver’s Bounty. Like, ever.

Translation: We’ll do what we want. You think you do but you don’t. We got a beta product in the guise of a live release. Hire a QA department and quit doing this nonsense to the time we all have invested.

These passes should have been addressed in a private QA dept. testing enviroment.


You’re a dork dude. Obviously these are different teams, and they’re fixing delves today. Crawl back in your hole


no abyssal trap buff? seriously? 30k dmg every one second for 10 seconds…that’s 300k damage…

While I appreciate the efforts of the team, it works be nice to see passive trinkets receive some additional love.

Double on use being the optimal way to use trinkets is not a really fun thing to play around (Internal GCDs, Remembering Two seperate desycnced CDs, Additional on use effects like Meathook pulling you) maybe all of these more difficult to use.

It’s fine if tuning allows double on use to be the best option, but passive trinkets should still be a viable option for those who want to use them. At the moment outside of Sacbrood many are woefully undertuned.


is it a good idea to change items when i made the decision to keep or delete them based on their status at the time?

youre messing with me…

am i gonna have to start keeping everything in case you decide to make silly moves later? i dont like this.

random pugs wont like it either because i wont be giving em stuff now that everything can change whenever you feel like it…

go ahead and punish the players for your own lack of testing… why not at this point. anything goes.

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“We noticed people were enjoying some trinkets, so we nerfd them to make it less so, cant have our mobs being hit too hard!”


Seriously. It’s like they read reddit and assume it’s the majority of the playerbase and then execs are wondering why sub numbers are down. It’s lunacy and untouched with reality.

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