Items Tuning Incoming - September 17

That sad thing is, My post was flagged, Like there are some really soft feelings people around.

The devs/white knights/DEI people need to grow some thick skin. FFS.


Not going to lie, going to feel bad picking the wrong trinket in our vaults this coming week. Wish these balances would happen sooner instead of potentially have us waste a vault pick.


Correction its all about token sales, WFR rush just drives alot of it.

My gawd, /shakes head in disappointment> Add yet another detail that got ignored, like the voiceovers for cutscenes. It’s cringeworthy at this point.

Always thinking about what the players really NEED from their game.

Confused, is it supposed to apply to alts in this expansion or not? Honestly, I have not focused on gearing any alts this expansion yet. Got 5 characters to 80 and got their professions setup to best benefit my main. Working on character 6 and 7 now. Maybe once delves are fixed and become a 15 min piece of content I will work on gearing more of my alts.

Going to do my best to avoid a trinket, you know if they do one balance pass that another one isn’t too far behind.

All I hear with that trinket nerf is my DMG is about to be worse.

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blizzard single handedly lied and ruined this expansion just like they did with Remix , i stopped playing Remix because the nerfs got ridiculous and unplayable

(they promised before Remix came out we could be over powered and enjoy the content as it will scale, then Remix came out ,blizz didnt like peole being over powered , also blizzard committed fraud with the cloak aka in both ads and PTR the cloaks stats were supposed to carry over to remix alts … on release it caps at 200% exp gain and the other stats basically didnt carry over , even though it was supposed to be 1/3 of the cloaks stats)

the pre patch event for TWW the whole point was to get geared up for TWW with gear that would carry you to atleast lvl 75/76 before needing to start replacing gear… expansion drops … blizzard nerfed everything right after EA …now after season 1 started AH botts running rampant and un checked , but hey at blizzard nerfing something that isnt broken is the priority !!!


Dropped for my MM hunter too. Finally something more useless than the panic button.

Lets make sure those Arcane mages are getting the nerf as well…

I had this issue before and fan the following macro

/run C_ArtifactUI.AddPower(1021)

Hopefully is still works.

Hope this helps!

And Blizz also said that about guild banks and character restoration. How’s that working out?

yeah same question :rofl:

Are they fixed though?