an item i posted became soulbound when i looted it from the mail. no warning/never equiped. just soulbound.
item in question is a “Vatwork Janitor’s Wasteband” boe from current raid.
an item i posted became soulbound when i looted it from the mail. no warning/never equiped. just soulbound.
item in question is a “Vatwork Janitor’s Wasteband” boe from current raid.
This was the result of a hotfix, and we’re working on an additional hotfix to address it.
This tells us nothing about what the intention is. Are all BOEs now soulbound? Only from certain difficulties? New restrictions for how long they’re soulbound?
thanks for the response now my guild won’t think im stealing the loots lol.
Don’t be dense.
And then might even eventually comment on what they actually did.
This also happenened to me. I went to retrieve the expired auction for Firebug’s Anklegear and it soulbound to me without any warning.
This same thing happened to me for the raid drop mail waist (Midnight Lounge Cummerbund)–with the added bug that I received an in-game chat message saying that the auction expired 15 minutes after I listed it for 12 hours.
Please revert this item from a soulbound version to a bind-on-equip. Obviously costs my guild a lot of gold from a sale this early in a patch, so need this resolved soon.
Thank you for the suggestion but no, I will continue asking for transparency, communication, and details rather than vague statements.
Dogpiling the blue is never going to get them to answer your questions
I had this happen to me as well. Does that mean that I should just leave the item “as is” in my inventory or is it essentially bricked now regardless of any future fix? I think it’s rather unfair to punish me for something I didn’t do intentionally. I didn’t want the item to be soulbound, nor did I want to learn the appearance… :S
In the same boat with a now soulbound BOE that i cannot equip or use on my character. If the intent of the fix was to keep gear out of the market or protect some game gold economics I figured I’d suggest some constructive alternatives: 1. Equivalent piece that I can atleast equip on my current class. 2. Tier token would be appreciated!
I imagine if they do revert them all back to BOE’s market prices will be much lower just with the bulk of stuff all going on at once. Hopefully we get something for these. I’ve never gotten a BOE of value ever so this was really exciting and suddenly ultra disappointing
Can’t you guys just delete the item and go back to restore item page to get it back unbound?
That’s not how that works.
There are BOEs on the AH. When are the items that got soulbound getting fixed?
So the company that sells tokens(GOLD) just had a little technical issue. Certainly we can trust this wasn’t a back door way to force consumers to buy their tokens.
I received this response from a GM:
Thank you for taking the time to reach out to Blizzard Entertainment.
Game Master Gleduelhun is here. I’ll be the one helping you today with your request.
I understand how frustrating it can be to have your BOE items suddenly become soulbound, especially when you were planning to resell them.
This change is due to a hotfix that was implemented on March 1, 2022, which adjusted certain items that were unintentionally BOE to be soulbound as originally intended. Unfortunately, if the items were in the Auction House and then returned to you via mail, they would now be bound to your character. This is intended behavior, and we cannot reverse this change for items that were meant to be resold.
For more details, you can check out the official hotfix notes here:
If you believe this is a bug or if you have any other concerns, I recommend reporting it through the in-game bug reporting tool so our developers can investigate further.
Thank you for your understanding, and if you have any other questions or need further assistance, feel free to ask!
Best regards,
GM Gleduelhun.
So which is it, will this be getting reversed via an additional hotfix or not?
I want to be clear - I’ve bought these BoE’s legitimately through the Auction House with the understanding that they were BoE’s. I did NOT loot these items. All I’ve done is play the game normally the same way I use the Auction House everyday, and I’m having roughly ~1.5m gold (about $80 of real world value that I’ve spent!) deleted from my account. Because why, I bought the wrong items? Huh. This is unacceptable.
I would have to imagine a more reasonable solution is forthcoming (but it is the weekend) and this is a stop-gap measure.
It would be nice if they were less vague in their limited communications, eh?
What should happen:
However the gold could have been spent by the seller by now and Team Blue would need to expend the resources to trace everything out to each tip of the tree and reverse all adjoining transactions. They likely wouldn’t want to risk people getting more than what they had when it started.
I have the feeling you are screwed just like the people who had their guild banks deleted, or more recently, the people who have lost all of their recent paragon chests to the void.
Chiming in. Same issue with a set of BOE plate shoulders from that dropped in heroic raid. My main is a shaman who wears Mail. So the it was meant to be soulbound excuse is complete BS. It’s not even warbound… no shot Bind on pickup plate shoulders are intentionally on the shaman loot table. Lol
Probably gonna lose a couple million due to the bug. Feels bad man.