Item from mail became soulbound

I too have had this happen with my Heroic Globlin-Fused Greatbelt from the new raid. Please address so I may make some monies :slight_smile:

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Can we get an update on this? The gold from the heroic BOE my guild got would help us significantly this tier with consumes and repairs. Pretty screwed up we were so hype when it dropped.

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Frustrating as it is, I wouldn’t expect a response until after the weekend at the earliest. Still, I’m not sure they’ll do or even can do. Maybe have GMs manually transfer the items to someone else who was eligible for it at the time but, because it’s trash, that likely isn’t stored. My guess is that will make them BoE again after RWF.

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I received a mail BoE from the new raid and tried to sell on AH and it returned to me as a soulbound one. The item was a 642 (from normal raid) head mail piece.

Could you restore it to BoE ?
Thank you in advance.

I think it likely the longer they stay silent, the more likely players like yourselves are screwed. Ask me how I know!

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The longer these items stay soulbound, the farther their value drops if they ever do become BoE again


with items going back up on the AH do we have any confirmation that they will fix this every GM reply i get is to ask in the Forums

I received a Leather Helmet form mail that also became soul bound on my Thursday night raid. Bumping post as it is still an issue.

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so with BoE’s appearing on the AH again, are we to assume those of us who got screwed over by their hotfix are now out what would have covered our in-game expenses?

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would be nice to not have a leather soulbound item on my warrior

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What is the status of returning the BoEs that became Soulbound back into BoEs? The longer we sit on these items, the more they drop in value. TY!

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i think we’re SOL


As a suggestion (since said hotfix seems like it might be difficult or take time): it seems the easiest way would be to simply mail bind-on-equip versions of the now-soulbound items to the affected players.

The affected players have already been inconvenienced by the bug (having the BOEs on characters that might not be able to use them, such as a paladin holding a leather BOE) and lost out on gold by not being able to list them this weekend (as time is of the essence with BOEs in any patch). I understand you all don’t like giving new loot, but it’s heroic/normal/LFR gear here - which will be outdated soon enough - and seems like the only equitable solution.

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