Item can not be upgraded


Same issue

Having the same issue on Draenor-US

Yup, same problem for me.

Same on Thrall here.

Having a similar isssue in Stormrage-US ~ was able to do it on one toon and not any others.

yes i am having the same issue. can not upgrade anything with the season upgrade npc. i wanted to upgrade my toons trinket but im afraid to-do it now in case that also can not be upgraded.

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I can only upgrade my old season gear but not my current tier 480-502 gear?

Coool! Thought I was losing my mind. I’m experiencing the same thing.

There must be a glitch going on, and the game thinks the season is over?.. or something? Can we get crests in compensation for the inconvenience?

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Same here. Game wants to upgrade last season gear instead of my current.

I’m sure it’s just a hacktivist glitch because creepy old men in Blizzard HQ can’t keep their hands to themselves.

Having the same issue on moonguard. Can’t upgrade any of my myth/hero items.

idk how something like this just suddenly gets bugged.

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I see me and my friend aren’t the only one suffering from this

Same issue. I can’t upgrade anything at all from season 4.

Multiple People in my guild are having this same issue, unable to upgrade gear.

I noticed that on an alt they had some Season 3 Gear and it could be upgraded, but the same character that had season 4 gear couldn’t upgrade those items.

Bump for me as well. On Illidan. Cannot upgrade ANY gear that is able to be upgraded. Tried /reload, relogging, turning off ALL add-ons, etcetera. What’s weird is on a different toon earlier, I was able to upgrade gear just fine (within 1 hour ago) , so this is a very recent bug for me.

Same thing happening to me on Icecrown. It was fine on my warrior, but on my DK it only letting me upgrade season three items and won’t even show the season four loot as upgradable

Same here, I thought it was something to do with Beta. Yeah its all my characters,