Item can not be upgraded

Items not related to Season 4 can be upgraded like Season 3 gear. They broke S4 stuff with the hotfixes.

all my gear is season 4 and can’t upgrade it

The raids arent reflecting Awakened notation either.

just to test, I logged a char I’ve had parked since S2, all the S2 gear is showing as upgradeable.
Probably every season except 4 can be upgraded now…

Same for this character. Other characters I play have upgraded more than once today. This is not looking good for TWW launch if these bugs continue to appear at random…

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Same issue for me and my hubby as well. He was able to upgrade a 430ish piece he had in his bag (just to see if it would since it was showing it was able to, but nothing else). He is on laughing skull and I’m on wyrmrest accord.

Hey on Area 52 and I too cannot upgrade anything

Dragonmaw having the same issue.

I’m just here waiting for the blizzard reply that they are working on it while nobody can upgrade gear

Confirmed on Suramar realm by multiples in trade chat as well…

I just turned off all my addons to see if that was a cause and nope still can’t

I can upgrade Season 3 items, but Season 4 items are completely broken

Guess I picked a good week to get suspended.

A guildie and I can both confirm we are having the same issue. I was about to upgrade my final piece and be maxed out too :frowning:

I posted a thread in customer support also, seems nobody worth while is replying to anything regarding some “hot break” they did within last couple hours.

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SAME Illidan horde

Also unable to upgrade US-Stonemaul Horde.

precisely, it was working earlier today but now I can not upgrade any of my toons gear. I have all the reagents in which to do so. Hope they fix it soon.

I’m also having this issue.

From GD: