Item can not be upgraded

I posted a thread in customer support also, seems nobody worth while is replying to anything regarding some “hot break” they did within last couple hours.

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SAME Illidan horde

Also unable to upgrade US-Stonemaul Horde.

precisely, it was working earlier today but now I can not upgrade any of my toons gear. I have all the reagents in which to do so. Hope they fix it soon.

I’m also having this issue.

From GD:


Same issue

Having the same issue on Draenor-US

Yup, same problem for me.

Same on Thrall here.

Having a similar isssue in Stormrage-US ~ was able to do it on one toon and not any others.

yes i am having the same issue. can not upgrade anything with the season upgrade npc. i wanted to upgrade my toons trinket but im afraid to-do it now in case that also can not be upgraded.

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I can only upgrade my old season gear but not my current tier 480-502 gear?

Coool! Thought I was losing my mind. I’m experiencing the same thing.

There must be a glitch going on, and the game thinks the season is over?.. or something? Can we get crests in compensation for the inconvenience?

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Same here. Game wants to upgrade last season gear instead of my current.

I’m sure it’s just a hacktivist glitch because creepy old men in Blizzard HQ can’t keep their hands to themselves.

Having the same issue on moonguard. Can’t upgrade any of my myth/hero items.

idk how something like this just suddenly gets bugged.

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