It was your choice to jump on the meta covenant

If they wait until 9.3 to make Covenants swappable, it will be proof that the system was a success. Again, you’re looking at this wrong. Blizzard’s aim isn’t to please everyone all at the same time. They can’t. We want literally opposite things. What you want is what I do not want and vice versa. The best they can do is appease one of us, then throw a bone to the other of us while still doing the same thing.

Ion can say they “learned lessons” but when they’re going forward with Covenants the way they are, the lesson they actually learned is “you are willing to wait until a year into an expansion to get the system you want”.

Okay, real questions. This kind of reminds me of the min/max discussion…

Why does it matter to anyone what anyone else wants to do…

Like, if people want to track the meta, that sounds hecka stressful, but that’s their enjoyment. That’s their decision, and it’s cool.

Also the reverse is cool. People like me who chose things based off stuff like “They look cool” are also valid.

What is the point of arguing over subjective material…

Well said sir!

I also remember you aren’t going to do those 8.3 stuff, then later on, i found you on your Vulpera and another toon with the Cloak.

I thought the big part of the fun of Star Wars was the story?

Well if theirs no fun in that, then why should you (metaphorical you) find topping the meters be fun?

And good on you for standing by what you’ve said. :+1:

… It is just weird to make a bunch of threads saying you are going to quit to Star Wars months and months ago and yet you are staying.

The problem is not whether people complain about it, but whether it actually happens that people get rejected from groups for having the “wrong” covenant. That’s an issue of player behavior, which is why I’m much more worried about it than the actual balance. Blizzard will make sure that you can complete 99% of content with any covenant on any spec. But they won’t all be optimal and that is not just a buzzword for some people.

Take corruption as an example. EV was OP. EV was nerfed. Now EV is OK (if you don’t mind standing in melee range) but not too good. If that happens with covenants, I’ll be fine with it, but a lot of people complained about the nerf specifically because it made them stop being OP. Is anyone being turned away from groups because they haven’t replaced their EV since it was nerfed? I haven’t personally seen it, but it wouldn’t surprise me.

Never mind that “OP detected, OP nerfed” is literally Blizzard’s job, if being OP is your idea of fun, then it’s the same thing as “fun detected, fun nerfed” (nerfing something that was OP was probably how that meme started in the first place).

Because they also demand the game to be made around their obsessive unhealthy need to min max which means ruining rpg elements so they get to be able to change to bis covenant at every single boss at every single m+

If they stuck to min maxing instead of whining about how blizzard should pander to them and ruin the game for the people who enjoy rpg elements nobody would mind them.

Might want to check the date that vulpera was created, cuz that was the date I returned which was definitely way after the launch of 8.3

I mean. People demand things all the time. You can’t let it get to you.

I’ve never had my enjoyment ruined by a min/maxxer or really anyone. Because the only one who can ruin my enjoyment is me.

Nobody likes you Ralph, go home.

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It’s Ralph man, it’s basically his job to be a loser.


Didn’t you said you wouldn’t touch your Sub until at best Shadowlands too? :point_down:

It also reminds me of the silly threads you made, praising EA, But i digress. i’m just reminiscing the times.

One mystery i never understand is how the forums have your DK self on the responses, even though you responded with a hunter at the time.

Urmmm from a PvP perspective I disagree. If I’m a warrior and I pick a covenant because of because of aesthetics and lore, but someone else picks one for the most optimal ability, I will be annoyed if that person has an upper hand just because of a “free” choice. I will then be inclined to pick the best covenant for PvP in order to compete.

But hold on just a second!!! What if that ability that I need for PvP isn’t that great for M+ or Raids?

I think with the ability system, covenants give us the illusion of free choice based on lore, background, and aesthetic, but nothing is worse than feeling you are less powerful than someone not because they have better gear, but because they chose to hang with the vampires instead of the gigantic owls.

Well clearly I was wrong in that regard as I did not expect the lack of dps meters to be such a turn off.

I still stand by those, swtor is a completely superior game when it comes to alts, pvp, housing.

Imagine being able to gear your alts by farming gear on your main and sending tha gear to your alts.

Honestly the accessibility is simply superior in every way, they have skill based pvp thanks to accessible gear

Well it is a story driven MMORPG.

Though then again, it is an MMORPG and trying to understand how much damage your doing is pretty important to know how good your doing. Though i suspose EA-Bioware’s mindset is pretty simple like “If the enemie’s health is lower then yours, your doing good.”.

Well good for you, i just find it hypocritical to stand by that at the same time, slam people for being “blizzdrones”…

But i’l say to your credit, SWTOR might as well be the only new EA Star Wars game when it comes to superiority. Heck, only new Bioware game. Anthem really have killed the studio, didn’t it? :neutral_face:

Crappy joke under here.

Is it a The Forced Unleashed Remaster/remake?

Then it doesn’t count. :slight_smile:

Surprisingly, i want that for my transmogs.

I don’t care what gets nerfed or buffed. I want to pick my gameplay separate from my aesthetic and questlines. Covenants should not influence gameplay in any way.

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I feel like I’m in the minority since I will go with the covenant that fits with the aesthetics of my character(s). :thinking:

Who is we? There have been players on both sides of practically every issue since forums have existed. Including this one, as this thread amply demonstrates.

“Blizzard ignored player feedback” usually turns out to mean “Blizzard listened to other people who disagreed with ME!”

Both of those are actually good examples of Ralph’s point (even though he’s kind of unnecessarily confrontational, he does have one). You could take any two legendaries the game handed you and get CE in any tier in Legion. AFAIK you can get CE N’zoth with 0 corruption (let alone with ones that are merely suboptimal).

The actual balance issues aren’t big enough to hold anyone back from content. It’s players gatekeeping other players that are the real problem and I’m much less inclined to blame Blizzard for that.

The gate keeping issue is pretty limited to the upper ends of content and by that point the people know exactly what they’re getting into and they know they have to min max to some extent

I haven’t been purity tested in game for years and years and years

Like if someone’s dps sucks the last thing I do is check their talents, I just assume they suck

So the issue that he’s making is barely even relevant for most of the game

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I am absolutely no fan of Ralph’s and shudder at the fact I am about to defend him, but he covered this in the beginning of his post.

And at the time of the post, and of this one, there is no edits made to his OP.


You know it is…lol It’s Ralph after all.

I couldn’t help it w/my initial post, bugs me when ppl post only in reference to the title and their comment makes it clear they didn’t read the opening post. :sob:


Exactly. Its bleeding edge stuff that already happens at a character level. Oh your class you’ve mained the entire expansion got smacked with the nerfbat and now isn’t worth bringing over another that got buffed? Sorry for all the investment you put in this toon, but you’re riding the pine.

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