It was your choice to jump on the meta covenant

And yet he’s responsible for systems like Artifact and Azerite that reward you for playing one spec.

Again, you can’t take what he says in a single instance at face value, and saying they’re going to allow something doesn’t mean they want to allow it. They do not want to allow flying ever, but they get push-back so they work around the problem. Some people want to play multiple specs so they work around the problem.

except it will be very easy to swap to a new covenant. What’s hard will be returning to a covenant you used to be in.

That’s still not proof that’s actively anti-spec-swapping.

There is no work around for this problem. Unless you plan on rolling multiple toons of the same class. Seeing as people did that for legiondaries and Blizzard responded to alleviate that issue almost immediately… No, I don’t think that work around would jive with their vision of the game.

Dude, they’re releasing an expansion with crafted legendaries and you will only have time to craft one legendary before Castle Nathria comes out, and the raid WILL BE TUNED AROUND LEGENDARIES. So yes, they are doubling-down on the whole “you play one spec” identity. You will not be competitive with your off-spec in raids until several weeks after the raid has already come out. This is by choice.

Rolling multiple characters to hit the legiondary you wanted was a different problem. Sephuz was so bad and the grind for legendaries was so long after the first “freebie” legiondary it was “correct” to level up characters to hit a legendary that was at least semi-good. It’s an entirely different problem. You’re confusing yourself. Look at what they’re doing to understand their design intent.

So what you are saying is that reality hurts too much and you can only do mythic if you copy method. People have been downing nzoth without the one most effective combo for months now

Sorry but someone being 3/12 this late into the tier doesnt seem someone affected heavily by world first balance.

But I would understand if you are that bad that you NEED to play the fotm because otherwise nobody would invite you.

You are crying about something that is irrelevant and doesnt affect any of us

I like how op is saying it like it’s news. Not like we have been pointing this out since the moment they were announced at blizzcon and every subsequent bit of information has only confirmed the issues.

It is a problem blizzard doesn’t need to create for themselves. They are choosing to do this with 9 months at least of people saying it’s a bad idea. Everyone remember that when it is a mess.


I think that person is just the type that follows world first and other competitive activities to feel like he knows stuff and is a big deal while not understanding how the game works, I doubt you ll manage to make them understand.

These people are a huge problem in the game because they are the definition of WANNABE ELITISTS.

Noone has said why wanting to min/max your character is bad, so what if its not 100% necessary in content they do. I like to get the best out of my character but not do mythic raid or super high m+ what is wrong with that?
This system just seems annoying if you do multiple types of content.


Oh, will you be limited to one legendary for the entire expansion then? Do you have to choose your one legendary for the expansion and then you’re locked out of all others? You can craft the others, but then you have to go through a week or two grind to be able to use it, losing you the ability to wield your first legendary?

If that’s true, then it’s comparable to covenants.

I have no problem with things taking time to acquire.

No, I’m not confusing myself. Imagine one covenant ability is as bad for raiding as Sephuz was… But is as good for M+ as the pyro bracers were… Imagine a second covenant was the opposite. The only logical method to have the best of both worlds is to roll two toons. One toon for M+ and one toon for raiding. Or just accept that in one piece of content… you’ll have to settle for sephuz levels of bad.

The method is different, but the result is the same.

What needs to be stacked on M N’zoth. Answer that and I’ll start responding to you again. Hint it’s something you commonly stack on other fights that allow it. Think Tomb of Sargeras.

There’s nothing wrong with it. The problem is when you try to suck flavor out of the game to chase a small percentage increase. People are doing the equivalent of asking for classes to be removed because some classes are better than others.

That’s WoW. WoW is a class-based game - some classes will be better at certain things than others, that’s almost literally the game. Some classes do certain types of content better than others. Some classes are great in PvP and some are not, and if you want to excel at the absolute top-of-the-top for PvP, you’ll have to play 1 character in PvP, and then if you want to compete in PvE you’ll play a different character.

Your being annoyed is a small price to pay for the game to be better.

Now you’re getting it. You’re supposed to roll multiple characters in Shadowlands. They’re removing titanforging, they’re removing infinite AP grinding, but ‘strongly encouraging’ you to play multiple characters instead. Instead of putting all your time in one character, the correct way to “poop sock” the expansion is to create a roster of characters. This flattens the curve for all parties, rather than one character having a strict linear power increase over another you will specialize in certain types of content. This is a far better model for the game, healthier for players of all levels of play.

You dont need to stack classes on nzoth to kill it this late into the tier.

But your brain seems completely and utterly unable to understand that and believes that m bosses cannot be beaten without following the method strat, nobody needs the optimal comp 5 months after the launch of any mythic boss.

But like i said, if you are bad and you cant beat it through skill, you need fotm and broken comps to even have a chance so i understand.

But I am sure a 3/12 tryhard knows all about how others should play the game xD

Weird. Why are we then turning it into a class and covenant based game.

I already made that level of choice twice. Don’t add a third.

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I’ll probably end up trying all of them with different alts, but really…same

I love me some spooky stuffs.

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Dunno why ppl complaining about which covenant will be OP or not based on recent SL Alpha YT vids by “streamers” or “WoW news vlog streamers”. I’ve made my covenant decision back in November 2019 when BlizzCon introduced Venthyr and will be sticking to it weather the nerf herders get it nerf’d or not. Don’t care if Venthyr is not BiS for my UDK abilities, I’m choosing for the aesthetics of Ravendreth.

Problem is ppl think too much about “who says what and do as I say, not as I do” type of mentality. If you’ve already made your choice despite any changes good or bad, good on you, you’re not part of the sheeple herd.


You can just say “I don’t know.”

Typical… Check achievements… I raid 4 hours a week 1 night a week. Thus far only 3 guilds in the world are 12/12M raiding on such a schedule. We’re 160 pulls into M N’zoth and have made it to the secret phase.

Rolling one mage for raiding and one mage for M+ is colossal levels of terrible.


Ah yes the wannabe elitist trying to pretend they are cool xD

Sorry doesnt work on me, you repeatedly try to imply that mythic nzoth CANNOT BE DOWNED without a group full of immunities while there have been hundreds of guilds that have downed him. HUNDREDS

But hey, who cares if literally HUNDREDS OF GUILDS HAVE DOWNED MYTHIC NZOTH, they gotta follow your schedule right xD

Again you are nowhere near relevant enough to require bis this late into the tier, you are just bad and want to blame something for your failures.

Why? That was the way Diablo was played. There’s no reason WoW can’t be that way. The idea that you only ever play one character of a given class is completely arbitrary. Back during Vanilla days I had two level 60 Shaman, one was enhancement and one was resto, because constant respecs was too expensive. The idea I can be a “class specialist” and have multiple characters of the same class and be rewarded for it actually sounds amazing to me.

You used to just be able to play a class to the best of your ability and now its all dependent on these semi-permanent choices you make that can flip upside down on a whim. From these posts it seems like you want wow to change into something else.

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Lol, way to shift the goalpost of your personal attack. 'LOL he’s only 3/12M! Oh wait he’s actually 11/12M and almost killed N’zoth… oh LOL you’ve still not killed the last boss LOL"

He gets it! Finally! And in all HUNDREDS OF THOSE GUILDS… they had a minimum of 10 immunities. Except the most recent insane kill by the chinese guild who just flat out burned him. Which is rextroy levels of impressive so my hat is truly off to them.

You know what’s more pathetic than ‘wannabe elitist?’ Someone who’s never even done such content calling people ‘wannabe elitist.’

Yes you do still require immunity stacking to kill M N’zoth. To state otherwise is just… stupid.

Either way, when the argument devolves into just personal attacks, you know that you’ve lost. Stay classy Ralph!

Because this isn’t Diablo? And this also isn’t Vanilla… If you want that, then go play classic (I do… and I love it). But I don’t want retail, to go backwards towards classic.

If they are going to do that, then reduce the difficulty back towards classic levels of play. Do that, and then I won’t care. Maintaining the content at its current difficulty level and then bringing back that style of play is just rife for disaster.

I maintain… calling it now:
9.2 - easier to swap covenants
9.3 - covenants are talents

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