It was your choice to jump on the meta covenant

Agreed! Maybe keep it in Torghast?

So Azerite traits and Corruption made PvE and PvP content fun and exciting in BFA? Is that why this expansion is so beloved?

These broken systems that prop up classes and players with borrowed power that then dissapear next expasion aren’t fun or interesting, they are frustrating.

At least those didn’t lock you out of cosmetic and mount options…

EDIT: Also I’d love to add how visual player customization and creativity and freedom is a big selling point of Shadowlands yet transmogs/mounts/cosmetics are being locked behind abilities…

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Whatever covenant you choose might/probably will get nerfed that won’t change what I choose if they nerf my choice for my main I’d regrind it for my alts like this guy I don’t really care.

Not a fan of flayed shot until they don’t trigger the cd on kill shot.

Nothing like screwing up execute because you had kill shot proc. Convoluted.

Granted, I play marks.

I feel like most of these abilities should just be a new talent row, and covenant’s should be kept as a fun aesthetic instead of getting people stressed/worried/argumentative about whether they’re making the right choice when they decide to go on a raid and see that they’re 20k dps behind someone who has a lower ilvl because of a wrong covenant choice.

tl;dr I’m very tired of borrowed power expansions. It’s a gimmick that’s tired and exhausted.


Because performing as good as I can is enjoyable to me.

It wasn’t an attack on you to say you stick to the FOTM / BIS exclusively, you don’t need to defend that.
I was pointing out how you too have also done things to advance your characters strength. Be it because it’s strong or it’s what you enjoy.

The issue with Covenants is you have to go with what is the best for the one aspect of the game you enjoy.

It’s not about needing BiS, it’s about wanting the best.
You’re delusional if you think people care more about transmogs than they do about player power.

You don’t need to gem & enchant yourself, yet you have done so on both your mage and your priest.

You can’t blame streamers when the system goes live and people still dislike it.

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I agree borrowed power external systems are kinda silly because we lose all that power at the end of the xpac.

What I am saying though is that without azerite we would just have talents and gear stats which dont give us much of customization, at least 3x X azerite trait does affect our builds in interesting ways for some classes.

We need more than just talents and gear stats, it isnt early 2000s where this was enough.

I completely disagree with this, you do not deserve to get everything, meaningful choices are part of rpgs, which means you will get something and lose something else, people wanting maximum performance and their prefers cosmetics isnt something that should happen, that is what makes a choice meaningful, that you lose something because you view the other thing as more valuable and choose that.

Agreed 1000% and I think I’ve seen several big streamers with Alpha access and direct lines of Dev Communication saying this too so here’s to hoping it becomes a reality!

It’s honestly the best route to take by far. Way less arguing, way less tears, way more freedom and overall enjoyment.

Then if a certain Cov “talent” is picked too much they can nerf it without making players upset for “Wasting my Covenant choice” bc they can just change talents and not have to change entire Covenants and lose cosmetics.

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Except cosmetics/mounts shouldn’t be tied to balance/PvP/PvE power and viability?

How is that hard to understand?

You SHOULD need to make meaningful choices, yes, but not between having pretty cosmetic angel wings on your back or a moth mount or having the ability to skip entire mobs in Mythic+ by going Venthyr.

That’s not a meaningful choice that’s punishing players who enjoy cosmetics vs players who want to be VIABLE in actual CONTENT. Cosmetics aren’t content and shouldn’t affect it, AT ALL. They can be rewards FROM content, but shouldn’t affect your ability to do content/viability IN content.

Imagine if certain mounts or cosmetics gave in game right now gave you extra stats or abilities. So you HAD to use/wear them to be strong. That’s what covenants are.

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Which doesn’t have to include locked character building. If anything it makes sense that a character would be able to change.

Same I build them with the playstyle that will do better in the situation I need. If I need to fish I’ll equip a fishing rod. It makes sense and there’s nothing wrong with that. You are only trying to denigrate people that use logic over “feelings”.

I did that when I chose my class and my race. But a choice is only meaningful if you let them be. People can dodge that choice by making multiple characters of the same class, it’s only an incovenience. If you really like a covenant stick with it (like how some people stick with their class instead of going fotm), it doesn’t matter if someone else change his unless like many you are just spiteful of other people having their fun a different way and want to punish them for it.

they tried to cancel culture you because you’re right in a way. This WILL happen. However it will be heavily pushed by blizzard as X will be the only viable option by enough of a degree that more then just the 1% will benefit from it

Or some people are bored of his 5+ threads about covenants that are unoriginal and only serve to divide the community on them more.


If only OP saw the hypocrocy in his words.

Flaming people for choosing the covenant they want while saying you should choose what you want. Meta slave is choice, and so is playing an arcane mage with sub optimal talents dropping your dps maybe 5k. Honestly who cares let people play what they want. Tired of your threads that are all jsut you being a hypocrite.

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The one and only meaningful choice covenants should’ve been from the beginning is “which one do you like the best.”

That’s it.

Imagine if you joined a class hall in Legion and you had to select a specific set of followers that will give you additional spells in raids/dungeons. Suddenly it takes away all the fun from class halls because you’re forced into yet another build system.

Now, I’m not sure if you raid, but it doesn’t feel nice knowing that you’re purposefully gimping your teammates because of your personal choice. With how strong mobility is, anyone not picking Venthyr/Ardenweald will feel like they’re joining a raid in a wheelchair. And then to later punish them with a nerf? They have all the right to be pissed off. That’s why people are speaking out about it now in Alpha so that it can be changed to avoid the very problem that you’re outlining in the OP.

Whatever meaningful choice Blizz had in mind should be something else. Be it some passive outdoor boost or like a zone specific spell/buff that helps with farming or professions. I don’t know, but they should not create conflict with group vs individual choices.


That is the issue though, the game does not demand anywhere near maximum dps specs, nor will it require highest mobillity abillity.

The raids are designed to be beaten by even the least mobile specs.

I said this before:
Let’s say best simming build does 10k max
Raid requires everyone to do 5k to be beat(Yeah it is that low compared to highest simming build and could be even less)
My DPS is 8k with my sub optimal fun build.

Anyone who is above the 5k mark is good enough, if you are doing well above it you are pretty good, the 10k tryhard is not needed to finish raids unless when half your raid is doing 2k dps and you need tryhards to compensated for bad players.
Bad players who fail to perform anywhere near their simdps and people who fail mechanics are the ones dragging down the raid , not the good players that are having fun in an rpg with their build.

If we wipe to a boss, the fault isnt me doing 2k less than fotmer, it is the people who fail mechanics and do less than 5k dps even though all specs no matter what build can be above 5k dps.

The game is not designed to require bis/fotm, it is nowhere near hard and that includes mythic(Expect of the first few weeks) raiding.

That is an extremely easy and not very impactful choice in my eyes, what makes it a truly hard choice is the fact that power is connected to it so you have to weight that along with all the other bonuses.

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OP wants Morrowind type factions it seems.

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The same dps argument again and again.
Going in circles. :man_shrugging:

Doesn’t matter people can enjoy min/maxing even if not necessary.
And yes some encounters might require min/maxing.

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Time to Bail off. Op is determined to have the last words…to win the battle

Ralph bro you need some chill games in your life, stop worrying about covenants.

Here’s what I don’t think people understand. It’s not about meta or whats best here.

Some of these abilities flat out are bad, from a casual perspective bad, awful abilities that also aren’t even fun or cool. So you’re stuck with choosing whats good, or choosing the trash bag.

That’s not a meaningful choice.

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I’m legit not sure why you got flagged? Lile, at worst you’re just telling the truth about what has happened in the past with everything involving a player decision that has a power aspect. Disagreeing with someone is not a good reason to flag, and it’s not like his post is just stupid like that pregnant one a few weeks ago.