It was your choice to jump on the meta covenant

it’s a ralph thread expecting common sense is far beyond expectactions at this point.


It’s Ralph. Not understanding is his entire gimmick.


No, guess it was just an undead outlaw rogue with a similar name. He said his swords were money that’s why I remember him

No, it wasn’t my decision. My hand is forced.

I would not want a button that if I press it gave me BiS gear, but I’d be one of the only idiots left in the game if I didn’t press it.

Soooo many people have been complaining about Covenants, and then you’re going to say when people don’t like them once live you’re going to blame streamers and it’s everyones fault for not enjoying a system people had issues with in the alpha?

Give me a break.
Sometimes a system is just bad.

You’re a damn hypocrite OP.
Why do you gem and enchant your gear if you don’t think being optimal is important OP?
Why do you have 2 of the BiS azerite traits? It’s almost as if you looked up which ones are best.
Why do you have the BiS neck essence? Same as above I am sure.

Remember a few months ago when Ralph made all those posts about how he was quitting the game? Guess he lied, RIP.

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Ah yes because your life, or more better you ego depends on bis.

You clearly cant perform well without bis, even though the vast majority of players in WoW are pretty bad to the point you often see underperforming specs topping dps meters.

The only people who NEED bis are

  1. People who do mythic raids the first few weeks after launch
  2. People who do highest possible m+
  3. People who are bad at the game and are terrible and dont get invited unless they are playing fotm because a broken spec is what carries them, not their skill

In this game, you can do very well enough with all specs to do all forms of content, if you cant then you are simply bad and need the fotm to carry youê

Wonder why I am using vision which is one of the worst essences for arcane based on sims, why am I using amplification instead of rule of 3s, why I am using 3x arcane pummeling instead of 3x equipoise on an arcane mage that also happens to be doing mythic raiding : )

You see, unlike all the rest of the people who play WoW because they were addicted, its popular and cool, I play it because I enjoy the rpg elements, meaning I will make my own build, my own stats which I have decided is most fun for me.

On the shadow priest you didnt happen to mention the talents, 2 major talents are not bis and are actually a dps loss yet I am using those because I love the gameplay of instant mind blasts and because I cant burden losing sw death for a passive.

The rest? I decided they work because I like the high stack voidform gameplay so chorus is the best for that, just like it is to stack haste, and adding expedient so base haste is even higher and further haste boosts are even bigger, thinking of something like 4 expedient 2 severe but still pretty uncertain

In addition sims suggest conflict and strife rank 3 passive is better than crucible passive but i prefer another dot

So you see, unlike the average meta slave who copies whatever a site tells him, I know very well why I chose each choice.

Mind linking these posts?
Cuz I specifically remember talking about moving to swtor which has so many improvements from gear to systems wise, imagine gear that is account bound so you can grind gear for all your alts on your main.

The game is far more alt friendly and fun in pvp since skill is what decides victory instead of gear.

Sadly it didnt last because it lacks dps meters like wow, and a big part of the fun from the game is dps meters, there is no fun in doing a dungeon if you havent topped the meters, who cares about killing some dumb boss.
And as you see, unlike you lot, I stand by what I said

Yeah, you heard it right, the guy who plays underperforming specs and is against fotm rly likes dps meters : )

Pvpers also need to min max

Also casuals benefit from min maxing because you might need to do some heavy lifting in some groups to carry those other FoTMers who suck

Also that whole post was pretty much just talking about how you min maxed your character - you go to the exact same lengths I do

I almost worry that this is an intentional shift in design, what with the way Azerite armor/traits are ‘locked’ to a particular spec instead of being able to have them be different for each chosen spec - like armor was redesigned to do (switching main stats from Agi to Int, for example).

I’m not sure why they’re moving in this direction, if they are, but I don’t think it’s a mistake. It seems very intentional.

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Possibly because the game is an mmorpg and not an mmofps where you make a loadout and jump into combat shooting things.

Character building is an INTEGRAL part of any rpg and if anything my threads and the whole covenant thing have proved that there’s a large section of the community who does not care about character building, they dont care about making builds, they dont care about finding what build or stats work with their playstyle, they blindly worship whatever a site/streamer/youtuber tells them.

Which of course results in inferior quality players who dont understand the game itself, the same way many have been carried to AotC by their guild because their leader told them what to do but they themselves had no idea what was going on during that fight which is why AoTC means nothing these days.

When a section of the community does not play the game because of its core rpg elements(Which are rly weak and casual due to it being an mmo and needing to having mass appeal compared to real rpgs) then maybe, they shouldnt be playing this game.

I have more fun building my character when a single mistake doesn’t take hours to backtrack, personally.

Guild Wars 2, another MMO fairly similar to WoW in a lot of respects, offers a lot more freedom than WoW could ever hope to. It’s got a lot of other problems which I’m not going to get into - let’s just say there’s a reason I still play WoW - but it manages to do all of this without ever restricting a character to a given path.

Being able to reset and try something new helps people craft their own build and figure things out. If they’re locked in, it’s only going to mean they’re more likely to look it up, and get some help - after all, if this choice has that much gravitas, you’re going to want to make sure you made a safe bet, right?

I do agree that making builds could be far, far more interesting in WoW, to the point where I’d like to see them revisit the old Talent system and redesign it for the modern day, but I don’t think locking people into a choice that they’ll only see the consequences of hours later is the way to do it.

This is so stupid… You do realize that the polls were hidden for 24hrs? When I chose Ven’thyr I chose them because looks wise they are awesome, If I wanted the best racials I would’ve probably went for Ardenwald but I didn’t and I had NO clue that the convenant I chose would be the most popular BECAUSE THE RESULTS WERE HIDDEN WHEN I CHOSE MY CONVENANT.

Wouldn’t be a problem if Blizzard could design character progression that wasn’t based on external power and temporary systems that punish players for wanting to do what they enjoy.


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Yeah, I don’t really care, I just like Vampires, if Venthyr gets nerfed, so be it.

My point exactly, people who chose a covenant based on things unrelated to performance wont mind and will stick to the covenant.

What is a mistake?

Choosing your build is about finding what fits you, what you enjoy gameplay wise, what kindof playstyle works for you.

None of this involves “does highest simdps”, if you forsake everything else in order to maximize dps then you deserve to have to backtrack and reroll and regrind and suffer, you CHOOSE to ignore everything for the sake of maximum performance.
People who reroll fotm classes cry when they get nerfed but not only they deserve to get nerfed, they deserve to reroll and suffer throughout the gearing journey all over again because they only cared about max dps.

When I build a character I dont build to reach a theoretical max dps, I build them with a specific playstyle in mind, for example with spriest I ll go full on high haste build so dots hit and crit rly fast by going into rly high void forms, that means using corruptions that might not be that great and it will definitely not reach the same performance as a build that focuses SOLELY on reaching a highest simmed dps.

On my arcane mage I use the missiles talent because the spec gameplay becomes so much better and it also looks so much visually cooler than just spamming arcane blasts which is boring which is the meta for arcane mages rn.

In neither of these cases did I care about ignoring everything for the sake of damage, that is my playstyle, I will stick with it and will try to make it work

I said it in another thread and I’ll say it again:

I think the point is that Aesthetic/cosmetic rewards like mounts, transmogs, cool back pieces (wings, blades, moths) shouldn’t be tied to super powerful abilities too at that creates a situation where you have to choose the strongest thing that gets you invited to raids or the covenant/zone/cosmetics that you fall in love with but isn’t the top for your class #'s wise.

Just make it so you pick a covenant for all the cosmetics stuff and soulbinds but you can choose any of the 4 class abilities. I mean, they make you quest through/help every zone/covenant before you pick one anyways, it’d make sense lore wise that you “learned” an ability from each one and can choose to use one in combat.

Like rlly, what if I want wings for my Holy Priest from the Kyrian covenant? But I’m probably going to have to choose Night Fae for the covenant ability that gives my group members back resources and faster cooldowns since it’s the “strongest”. And yeah I don’t “have” to choose it, but if I don’t it will make my life a lot harder, both performance wise and even getting invited to do content with people and my guild.

Funnnn. /s

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… Yes.

Which takes experimentation, which means I want to be able to choose the ‘wrong’ option and see what it does, how it feels, if it jives with me as a player. If it even works for me, at all.

I take off-meta talents if I find them more fun, or they fit my particular playstyle - however, I’m going to try the ‘meta’ as well, for the sake of experimentation. This has almost literally nothing to do with your FotM crusade, or “going for highest sim DPS” as you describe it.

I want to be able to make my own build and go ham. However, that quite literally requires experimentation.

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The whole point is to make a meaningful choice that has weight.

You have to weight:
soulbinds and conduits
Other rewards.
I have not made my choice yet because both necrolord and venthyr for spriest have fun abilities, interesting soulbinds, great themes, cool mounts and rly cool mogs though I feel necrolord is edging out ahead in the mog area.
I still have not decided because I judge all those instead of the ability.

There’s another solution.

Let people who only care about max performance to choose covenants like talents, but their account becomes ineligible for any covenant mogs, mounts and other rewards.

If they are willing to forsake everything in the name of performance then they DESERVE TO LOSE ALL THE COSMETIC REWARDS.

Firstly we are allowed to test each ability before choosing.

Secondly even though I agree a degree full experimentation in an mmorpg is impossible because you dont know how well your build will interact with top gear, some builds might be great but become meh when we have full raid gear, others might feel meh but be great when we have raid gear.

Unless we are given full free gear/external power vendors, full experimentation is not possible, so we have to experiment with what we have.

Or just make covenants about cosmetics, lore, soulbinds (which will probs be mostly identical stat trees from cov to cov but just with different names/NPCs), and that type of progression, and let people choose whatever cov ability they want seperately. Make people need a certain rep with that Cov to use their ability or something.

You can defend it all you want but it’s an inherently broken system that is going to be changed eventually. The only question is whether Blizz will do it before launch or 3 patches in and after everyone has been pissed off already.


At this rate just disable Covenant abilities in M+/Dungeons/Raids/BGs/Arenas and call it a day. I’m sick of this nonsense.


They rly cant, disabling the main systems on the expansion on the content that matters would make for a rly boring expansion.

Like honestly if we didnt have that extra form of external customization it would just be gear stats and that is quite boring, it worked for vanilla and earlier xpacs but not anymore.