It was your choice to jump on the meta covenant

Meh. Not being a raider/pvper/dungeoneer, I make my decisions largely for aesthetic reasons. And I really like the Venthyr look. :fox_face:

The thing is, it is not even that, unless you are doing mythic raiding at the first couple of weeks you can easily mythic raid in any kind of sepc you want with anykind of build if you are skilled enough.

Yeah bad players need the fotm to carry them, decent players can play anything in an adequate enough level to do mythic

Outside of mythic raiding for the first few weeks after it launches and highest m+, you dont need anything near fotm.

Let me explain it in simple terms.

Let’s say best simming build does 10k max
Raid requires everyone to do 5k to be beat(Yeah it is that low compared to highest simming build and could be even less)
My DPS is 8k.

Anyone who is above the 5k mark is good enough, if you are doing well above it you are pretty good, the 10k tryhard is not needed to finish raids unless when half your raid is doing 2k dps and you need tryhards to compensated for bad players.
Bad players who fail to perform anywhere near their simdps and people who fail mechanics are the ones dragging down the raid , not the good players that are having fun in an rpg with their build.

In other words the game is not designed to be anywhere near the fotm to succeed, only bad players need fotm to play the game

IO linking exists for a reason, so you check before you try sound like a tryhard and fall flat on your face xD

No one needed an explanation on that

Everyone here knows everyone can suck

I don’t min max and I think this system is dumb, why do I have to suffer?

It’s kinda funny because you keep repeating that example when it’s largely false for some bosses. But I guess someone with no experience of that level can’t really understand it.

So like I answered to you before, what then if we need 10k dps? Then you’re just gonna get benched or forced to optimize by doing what you can.

And that still doesn’t mean that people don’t have the right to have fun by min/maxing at any level and don’t have the right to expect other people to not waste their time.

They will nerf covenants on purpose. It’s already planned to make us regrind the others. :stuck_out_tongue:

Also min maxing isn’t black and white

I’d assume most players do some form of min maxing even if it’s within the builds that aren’t the highest possible damage

Like with this rogue I tried to make it that I could do the most SS damage as humanly possible

Yes, basicly everyone min/max at some point. Some people might care for 1-5% others 10-20% others 30-50%. It depends how much you care, how much is that something fun for you and how much the people you play will ask for it and how much the content you do requires it.

Very true. I chose my Azerite traits to buff my healing, while I could have gone full battle shaman and stacked Igneous Potential to deal a decent amount of damage.

It’s all in how you choose to play.

Ralph has made this exact same thread literally 5+ times now, starting to think he’s getting scared we’re right and Blizzard will cave when they realize it’s a disaster.


I’m expecting for sure a compromise at minimum, something like being able to change once or twice a week for free at minimum. Better would be once a day. But I don’t think they will let us change as freely as I and some would want atleast at the start of the expansion.

I’d rather not get cut off by the knee caps at the start and limit my potential for fun builds that could only be made accessible by abusing abilities

Like what if I want to go a mastery stacking sub rogue at one point and get the ability to do a 7 combo point Evis and see if I can blow someone’s hp pool in half

They might experiment with at least one full patch in live. And if it doesn’t work, next patch may bring changes.

That will be taking a big risk and will be way too late of a fix and probably too little. Now before the launch it is the time to deeply fix it.

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True but it’s like a pattern they follow, which they did in BFA too.

The only way they can nerf venthyr(for me at least) is by nerfing Kill Shot and/or the % chance for the proc.

He makes one of these weekly. Also I think I saw you in an asmongold transmog Comp $$

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Did he win ??

Wasn’t me at all but now I’m curious if the guy won also

Or it is what usually happens when someone tries to balance systems, something will always be on top mathematically, you cannot avoid that in WoW, the best you can hope for is fast balance changes so nothing stays broken for too long.

Sadly blizzard doesnt do that enough.

The only way to truly make a game balanced in a sense is to create a bot that changes certain values every day, that way a meta can never settle because there’s small changes affecting everything all the time.

-Understand covenants won’t be balanced :+1:
-Don’t understand that letting people switch freely or making the abilities mostly cosmetics (like racials are) would fix the problem :man_shrugging: