It was your choice to jump on the meta covenant

Nothing to see here people just another Ralph troll thread.

So you had to make another thread about covenants to make people think you’re relevant.

Guess what you’re not.


resto sham are doing good in raiding atleast atm. In pvp/m+ just for being a healer you should be able to find a group at not top of the top level very easily.

No, because that’s a dumb phrase made up by belligerent people.

I do think that you have a choice in general, though. Either play what you enjoy regardless of performance, or play what’s good.

This all boils down to how you want to play the game. If you don’t give a crap about pushing past a certain level or doing the hardest endgame content, then covenant choice is going to be a very easy decision for you to make, as you’ll go with what resonates with you and/or your charavyer the most.

If, however, you want to be the cutting edge, ahead of the curve, best if the best, then yeah, it’s going to matter, just like every other choice in the game matters. Does that talent look fun? Who cares, this one beats it by 1.2%.

The thing that most people tend to forget is that there will always be a best, no matter what. There can never be true balance in this game, because then what’s the point of having different talents, spells, classes, etc? We’d all be the same.

It’s up to each individual to decide how they want to approach the game, and each of those comes with their own set of pros and cons.



I’ve been playing a survival hunter, luckily I have the grace of people assuming everyone is BM so I get invited to lots of groups

I also know if I used one build of survival it would yield more damage than the other but I play the one I prefer unless I’m doing higher end content then I swap over

That’s the way I enjoy playing and the current covenant system doesn’t allow me to play around with different builds

I’ll also be playing venthyr on my hunter because I want those kill shot procs and I don’t care about much else yet I still really don’t want to get holed into one ability if I find that I could make another one work really well for something I want to do

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I’m going to wait till 1 week before launch before i decide… We aren’t even in beta yet.

I’m going Venthyr because I like the idea of the flayed shot but mainly because I like their mail armor the best out of all 4.

Hey good mail mogs hard to find they about as rare as Ralph not making a troll thread.

It was your choice to equip that higher ilvl item. You have only yourself to blame for equipping that higher ilvl item. You wanted your ilvl to be higher. No one else.


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This is why I’m picking solely based on cosmetics, which for dh…just also happens to land on Venthyr(leather set…truly legendary). But if the teleport ability gets nerfed or changed then w/e no big deal.

If I didn’t hate DHs I’d be going a nightfae one so I could go full illidan mode and use the hunt and spam “feel the hatred of 10,000 years”

That would be my rpg choice

And I completely understand the frustration behind this. It seems like a step backwards in their design philosophy of fluidity and flexibility they’ve been utilizing since Cata/MoP.

Honestly? I expect them to change it. They seem to be taking a lot of feedback into consideration during this alpha phase and actually listening to the (vocal) playerbase, like with High Elf customization options and Torghast torments.

While I don’t think they’ll make it a talent row, I do think they’ll eventually ease the pain of covenant swapping. They seem to be favoring the middle-ground compromise with their concessions.


Yeah I don’t get it we stepped away from this design choice

Like I prefer talent trees but my god when they made dual spec that really made the game better

And then being able to swap specs anywhere was a really nice QoL change

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Based on interviews from developers, I feel they are very determined to make this system work. Kinda they are rigid.

Any respectable min-maxer would buy a boost bar.

Both Snickers and Mars bars are for casuals.

There are also a lot of people that really like the idea of covenants being a commitment. Not saying they will change their mind or not, but whatever they do it it won’t be because they didn’t listen to feedback- because they have plenty of feedback supporting both sides.

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I mean
They said they were ready to scrap it if it didn’t work.
I think they quite know the problems.

I don’t know man, I’ll take a twix I’m that kind of min/maxer. Gotta get the best of both world.

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2 x 0 = 0.

Twix Bars are still inferior to boost bars.

If you spent as much time in-game as you do on the forums complaining about meta players you might clear a 15.

They were pretty emphatic on the subject of High Elves for a long time as well.

And I’m one of them. I like the idea of having to analyze your options and make your decision based on a certain set of criteria that you as the player create. Whether it be transmog, the ability, mounts, lore, or something different, or a combination of those, I really do like the idea of having to choose.

But I’m also a realist and understand that the outraged are easier to hear.